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Dr. Eggnog

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Everything posted by Dr. Eggnog

  1. you ever do think they do what happen because the night got dark?

  2. I hear a knock at door. I thank jesus, as potato man come today to bring every man one potato. I go to open door while crying tear of joy. I open door. Is not potato man. Just secret police.

    1. Pureimp10


      top kek m8y, good yoke


  4. The greatest threat to Haelun'or, as of today.
  5. Looking to speak with someone knowlegeable about dwarf culture for a small-ish project I'm working on, if anyone is interested, send me a PM.

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      I've got a fair bit of help now, so please ignore this status!

  6. Andras sits on the ground, muttering about how the guild seems to do nothing anymore.. Why is that?
  7. "Oh great! More stuff to kill!" Says Gwindor, as he hears of a new cult popping up. ((I wish you luck with this!))
  8. Let us all PRAISE THE SUN! Except when it's too damn hot outside. Like now.

    1. Crayfishchris


      You can praise Baa instead.

    2. Heff


      well up here in the north its pouring rain and freezing :/

  9. Anyone else having trouble connecting to the server?

  10. "Fine! I'll fill one out then! STOP HOUNDING ME! I'M WORKING ON IT!" OOC: Ok Username: Runehunter1212 Timezone: UTC -07:00 Activity: one to two hours on weekdays, more on weekends Skype ((If you have one)): runehunter1212 IC: Ok yeah. Name: Gwindor Twiele Age: 147 Combat ability: I can build... things. And plan. Really, just put me somewhere away from the front lines, where I can use my mind to my advantage. And blow stuff up I guess. Magical ability, if any?: Electromancy! OR: Zapping the everliving **** outta things and people.
  11. A note is sent back, to those who were part of the delvers, it's near instantly recognizable as Gwindor Twiele's handwriting. "I'd rather not."
  12. [Alarm noises and Random Arm Flailing intensifies]

  13. Vannak-e egyéb magyarok ide?

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      Also, for anyone else that understands this.. Sorry if the grammar is off, had to use an online translator. My other keyboard is broken.

  14. Dwarven society revolves around several key concepts. Greed, Weath, Honor, Glory, and Vengance. This has been a possibly false infobit. Have a nice day.

    1. Rassidic
    2. gam


      more like pvp, whores, iron and secret trolling

    3. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      Deckolo, please see 'Greed'. I do believe that all falls under that.

  15. [Alarm noises and Random Arm Flailing intensifies]

  16. *bashes his head against his keyboard in frustration.

  17. Anyone have any ideas for what I should do in Dwarf Fortress(Vanilla)?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      Feed goblins through a dwarven atom smasher (weaponized drawbridge)

    3. Abeam


      Atom smasher, build path to hell, demon invasion, see how long you can last, the end.

    4. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      Already did these.

      I guess I could try to utilize minecarts.

  18. Burning babies thrown from a building into a PETA rally, to water.

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      Dafuq did I just post?

    2. Merkaken


      I don't know but I am concerned...

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