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  1. >Sutica

    >City is in the middle of a lake, not connected to the coast of their region

    >"We are a nation based on SEAFARING TRADE and have a POWERFUL NAVY"


    Can someone please give me an explanation for this? Please? It's painful. 

    How do you have a navy when you're based in a lake? Why is there a ship in the lake? How did it get there? How does it get out? How does your not-so-deep lake support a giant sea monster? I'm very confused.

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    2. _Jandy_


      The boat can't go anywhere. I bought it and asked to have it moved but it's trapped in the lake so it has to stay there.

    3. WuHanXianShi14
    4. SpodoKaiba


      nations own land outside of capitals

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