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Status Replies posted by Hanrahan

  1. Goldrim's report.. and we wonder why Oren's such a 'dank' place

  2. If you'r ever bored on LoTC go RP in Leuvarden. You have no reason not to.

  3. Ok so. New character: He's a chef who also invents stuff and serves the world with good treats. Yh?

  4. Memes are outlawed. RIP. Rustled to hard.

  5. Seriously people on the server are the most messed up and mentally unstable human beings, when it comes to RP.

  6. What was the rebellious Island off the coast of Arethor called?

  7. The amount of male, human characters that are applied for is way too high.

  8. riproke 1truroche asulon-athera

  9. What's your favorite Civ 5 civ? Mine is Russia... Dem resource bonuses.

  10. The Huns will fall to the Geats...

  11. Well I'm considering leaving because of how many people OOCly hate me.

  12. we are all oppressed

  13. #readingoldstatusupdates Man... i joined this server when i was 14 and im almost 18 now ),:

  14. wehrmacht was pretty based

  15. wehrmacht was pretty based

  16. wehrmacht was pretty based

  17. wehrmacht was pretty based

  18. I recently made a comment about Michigan that was false. http://i.imgur.com/D1Q9lew.jpg

  19. High Elves are like white adders. Beautiful to look at, but have a nasty bite.

  20. Over the Garden wall - my god

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