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Status Replies posted by Hanrahan

  1. Is it me, or are all the races going hyper-exclusive? Oren hates Orcs and Dwarves, and vice Versa, and Elves now hate everyone else.. Same with Orcs.. It must suck for new players.

  2. Is it me, or are all the races going hyper-exclusive? Oren hates Orcs and Dwarves, and vice Versa, and Elves now hate everyone else.. Same with Orcs.. It must suck for new players.

  3. Sometimes when I look outside at work, I think about how exciting it will be if a zombie invasion started.. ^_^

  4. http://gyazo.com/1697066475a790134c685361852af31f Suddenly whilst looking through the window of a random house in my town
  5. "You have taken - Iraq's original Capital! You have recieved a MAJOUR warmonger bonus" - ISIS in Civ V

  6. When people try to get their character involved with yours just so you might draw them..................... !____!

  7. Can we have a 4 hour temp map of all the race's boats next to eachother in the ocean?

  8. What's the current King of Oren's forum name?

  9. What's the current King of Oren's forum name?

  10. Name a game that I can play offline that has 40+ hours of gameplay in it

  11. Anyone got a character you need playing until 4.0, or possibly in 4.0? Or any good character ideas?

  12. RPly my character, Mathis Barondil, has an addiction for Mint, funny thing is, IRL I have an addiction for Spearmint.

  13. Posting the last 4.0 update tonight [[includes release date!]]

  14. Are PK's irrevocable under ANY circumstances?

  15. I'm starting to notice similarities in the way Nexus works to Asulon's Vaq skill plugin.. namely, it intereferes with Vanilla crafting, which it promised not to do. :l

  16. How do you level Enchantment if you need to have a higher level enchantment level than beginner to use an enchantment table?

  17. It ain't zero, fools. It's .5 (I messed it up. I messed it all up.)

  18. Cray, where is my apology?

  19. Cray, where is my apology?

  20. Look! Look what I did! With my hands! http://i.imgur.com/HGQhwbh.png

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