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Status Replies posted by Hanrahan

  1. I'm twenty five now... time does sure fly.

  2. I dont like double statusing, but I feel like this deserves it: http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/2xgl2h/building_a_new_terrain_generator_february_update/ This made me cream so hard.

  3. what is the best shader

  4. Humans, countrymen. Lend me your ears. What Human subcultures are there nowadays?

  5. Humans, countrymen. Lend me your ears. What Human subcultures are there nowadays?

  6. Am I the only person who misses Eyad?

  7. keep hanrahan brae behind bars he is a war criminal

  8. Knowing Dwarves will route instantly :), #JustHighElvenThings

  9. http://i.imgur.com/IhY02oh.png probably the best messy mudieval build on the server
  10. Back after 3 months of loosing his account details. What's changed scince October?

  11. How are all ya this evening?

  12. Any good movies to watch in French? I have a project.

  13. Are there any Adunians left these days?

  14. I wish I had a better microwave to run LotC on.

  15. I'm pretty, right?

  16. No one sodomizes the German language as well as whoever's doing the Aesterwald translations. Teuton Prison Island in Asulon is laughable compared to that :D

  17. Does anyone know the anadune dubstep version?

  18. Fourth day? Or third..? No, Third. Definitely.

  19. Sometimes, to feel like a vampire, I eat the caramel top of twix bars. Just the tip.

  20. Sometimes, to feel like a vampire, I eat the caramel top of twix bars. Just the tip.

  21. http://gyazo.com/7ced1e133b6c633a9f6844c97ed50a40 That's an awful attitude to have on this server. You have to question the moderating decisions to have a successful server, no?
  22. So, I use D20 to fast travel. Today I learnt where all my Minas was dissapearing too. x.x

  23. need new rp group, send help pls

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