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Posts posted by AndrewTech

  1. 22 minutes ago, bee said:

    To offer some Balianian history, the people of Balian were once Orenian. Before the civil war of the Orenian Empire in 1868, people of Balian were ruled by Emperors who chose to make the people of Haense and Urguan enemies. The nations have been enemies since before many of us were born. However, with the civil war, the people of Balian were able to separate themselves from a tyrannical Kingdom. 

    With this split, the people of Balian are able to make their own decisions and have turned once enemies into friends. A feat that the Orenian Empire has failed to accomplish for years upon years. It would seem that they really just are not trying very hard to make amends with Haense and Urguan. Perhaps they do not care to do so.

    "I dedicated decades of my life to forging a lasting peace between the Holy Orenian Empire and the Kingdom of Haense," Elizabeth Brae-Wittenbach calmly remarks to her secretary as she reads the contents of the paper from the comfort of one of her offices, sipping gingerly from a cup of tea.

    "When I was Foreign Secretary, we made peace with Haense and peace with Urguan both. Though that peace did not last, to say that the Empire and its leaders did not strive to do so is flawed, at best. And revisionist, at worst. A lovely paper, but this claim is simply wrong. For those I fought for to claim that we didn't try, that I didn't try, breaks my heart more than words can say."

  2. I've been around for almost every map, save for Aegis and Atlas. And if there's one irrefutable truth about them that I've observed, it's that FREEBUILD DOES NOT WORK.


    I have always staunchly believed that roleplay is best promoted through establishing larger nation-states and limiting the number of smaller settlements on the map to the "real deal" groups who can actually make them work. Realistically speaking, the more people who congregate together, the more roleplay there will be and the higher its quality will be.

    Unlimited freebuild would be a terrible mistake. Noobs aren't helped by offering freebuild to them, they're actually harmed. Very rarely is there decent RP out in the freebuild areas. Newer players are more reluctant to seek out mentors in established nations or settlements if they think they can go it alone. Worse yet, it dilutes building quality and weakens the ongoing narrative of the server.


    As for veteran players, if they can join an existing nation or get a settlement application affirmed, they'll almost always go for it. Very rarely, if ever, will they try to build something in a freebuild zone because of the lack of raid protections and the high likelihood of a decent quality build being torn down, griefed, or taken over by someone else.

    If anything, I think the answer is to condense further. Removing inactive settlements and nations to bolster existing ones will make way for newer, potentially more successful ideas that the player base will come up with. Enforce nation and settlement activity standards far more stringently. If you can't make 3%, you lose a tile. Keep it up and you lose nation status. If you can't make 1%, you lose your settlement. For groups that don't fit within any, liberalize lair applications to allow for greater RP diversity in the world.


    Or better yet, establish a high monetary upkeep requirement and remove activity checks all together. They're honestly an antiquated relic of Arcas's failed land management system. Doing so would reduce the stress on player bases and still keep tabs on what settlements are still successful or not.


  3. I greatly dislike the obsession that some people have with replicating one particular era of history, and I honestly think that this has been one of the problems that has dragged sections of the server down before.


    Aligning with any one era from IRL history is very short sighted. Some of the most popular and widely acclaimed fantasy universes such as the Elder Scrolls, the Witcher, and even Lord of the Rings (to a lesser extent) draw upon different elements from varying eras to diversify the storytelling opportunities presented within them.


    Modeling RP after any one era limits the potential for the roleplay available to a community. Some people like to argue court cases and enjoy slice-of-life tea parties. Others prefer grittier vibes filled with inter-family intrigue and the constant danger of loss. Yet others prefer the sort of mystical roleplay that wouldn't be present in the lowest fantasy universes, or the scholasticism / intellectual roleplay that would have been absent during most of these eras.


    Different parts of the server may prefer different vibes, but I don't think that promoting different niches of roleplay outside of typical historical norms should be something to be shamed. I think it's more useful to decouple communities from that sort of thinking and instead just focus on weaving a series of compelling narratives based off of the passions of a player base and its different groups therein. Dynamic individual agency will always trump artificial collectivism. 





    Art by @Toffee



    It was a day like any other for Celestine Herbert. Although in truth, no day had ever been the same throughout her exceptionally long and arduous life…


    The borderline ancient woman stared outward at the coast through the lenses of her spyglass. It was a fine morning, so far as she had observed from the vantage point provided by the cliffside. The high tide was in, and the weather was as clear as a bell. An ideal day for setting sail, she thought to herself as the weathered explorer lowered the instrument.


    Indeed, there was a ship waiting for her at the docks of Eastfleet. It was due to set sail in a couple of hours.


    “Going somewhere?” A voice inquired from behind.


    Slowly, the wrinkled old figure turned to behold a youthful looking sorceress. She had stunning red hair and eyes which were as blue as the sea, and a look of intelligence about her. The mage had always kept it long and free, for as long as she had remembered.


    “Perhaps,” Celestine replied simply as she turned to face her daughter. “It is curious, though, that you have only chosen to answer my letters now.”

    “I’m sorry, mother,” Elizabeth replied gently.



    “Elizabeth, please stay…” Celestine begged, standing in the frame of her doorway.


    “Mamej, I can’t!” She bellowed, slamming the lid of her suitcase down with articles sticking out of its seams. “Didn’t you see what they did to her?!”

    ‘...I’ve spoken to the Palatine. The government is going to release an edict, promising the state’s protection to mages and a commitment to upholding the rule of law.”

    “And has Henrik ever kept his word before?” The sorceress snapped, glaring at her mother. 


    “Tanith is coming with me, mother… I don’t understand why you still insist upon staying! He’ll hurt you and papej too. It’s only a matter of time! I’m heading for the south, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”

    The middle aged anthropologist’s features had turned pale. At that moment she knew that her daughter was really going to leave. In truth, she could hardly blame her. There were times when Celestine wondered what her destiny might have been like, had she chosen Oren instead of Haense after independence.


    But she had made her choice, and she would choose to own it. Though a child of two worlds, she would not abandon that which she had built in Haense.

    “I would have perished had I not persisted, Elizabeth. But your destiny is your own,” She replied quietly with that, before stepping out of the room.


    “No matter,” Celestine’s gaze returned to the horizon. “You know what I have to do then, yes? And you know why I have to do it, child?”


    “Yes, I do…” The sorceress replied with a sigh. “And you are certain that you don’t want me to come with you?”

    “Nay,” The old explorer slowly shook her head. “You’ve a destiny to explore for yourself here, Elizabeth. I know how much you miss Tanith, but I cannot allow you to accompany me.”

    “But…- Mother, my magic! I could be of the utmost use on your journey!”

    “I don’t deny that you wouldn’t be,” The old woman smiled faintly. 


    “But I need you to stay here and help your father. You need to look out for the NGS. And for him, for that matter. Besides, you’ve ever so many who have come to love and rely on you.”


    “And… W-Will you be coming back? Will you be bringing her back?” The sorceress faintly inquired, moving to take her mother’s hand as tears streamed down her face.



    Celestine had always been a scientist, believing first and foremost in empirics rather than superstition. Logic and reason were powerful forces indeed, able to dispel many fogs of ignorance. 


    However, some of the things she had seen as of late had caused her to rethink her beliefs. Certain abnormalities in the world simply could not be explained through the process of logical reasoning.


    Her two nieces, Alexandria and Viktoria, had been kind enough to allow her to accompany them to the Scyfling camp that day. It was an ideal opportunity to learn more about a unique and isolated culture, she had thought to herself, even if nothing came of the fortune she was to be told.


    The shaman himself had a thick, wild, gray beard which covered the entirety of his face. They found themselves at the northern edge of Lake Milena, just beyond the limits of the Scyfling refugee camp. Upon their arrival, the three women had been instructed to remove their boots and stockings as he drew markings upon their faces.


    Alexandria was first to be submerged, followed by Viktoria. The shaman opened the innards of a fish for each of them as they did so, looking within as he predicted their fortunes.


    And then, it came to be Celestine’s turn. Submerging beneath the waves, she found herself skeptical that anything would come of it. But, it was an interesting cultural experience regardless.


    To this, Celestine did not reply for a good, long moment. For she knew the answer that she had to give. And she equally knew how much it would hurt Elizabeth.


    “When I was a young woman, a Scyfling shaman gazed into the future to predict my fortune,” The anthropologist began. 


    “He said that I, before the end of my life, would venture into a frozen wasteland. One covered with ice. An inhospitable realm, one where I would find a great treasure…”


    “...And you believe that great treasure is Tanith?” Elizabeth blinked.


    “It’s hard to say,” The anthropologist grunted, frowning a bit as she moved to cross her arms. 


    “But I know that Tanith’s ship was heading in that general direction, when she left. It’s the best lead I’ve got, and I have to pursue it. I owe it to her, Eliza.”



    The fires of the Nether were hotter than even the most blazing furnaces of the mundane realm, Celestine thought to herself as she let fly a bolt from her crossbow.


    She and her two dark elven friends were engaged in a vicious fight. Chirr stood a ways to her left with Tanith positioned on a mound of rock over to her right. For a moment, the anthropologist contemplated why dark elves always seemed to gravitate toward her and the NGS…

    …But this moment of contemplation didn’t last for long. As the creature propelled its fiery magma at her, she was forced to abandon her crossbow and roll out of the way. Unfortunately, she was too late, for the ravaging substance had just scathed her leg as it splashed beside her.


    “Agh!” She had cried out, falling to the ground as she clutched at her scorched leg.


    “Celestine, look out!” Chirr had bellowed, her twin swords at the ready as her bodyguard, a trained assassin in her own right, had sprinted to intercept the creature.

    “I’ve got it!” Tanith interjected, extending her hands as her eyes glowed with a brilliant pink aura. Conjuring an ice spike, she aimed carefully, and let it fly.

    The creature exploded just short of Celestine, the fluidic entity dispersing into a thousand pieces with no further harm to her.

    “T-Thanks Tanith…” She offered to her, gazing upward with a smile as the two moved to help her onto her one good leg.


    Continuing to blink rapidly, the sorceress was quiet for a good, long moment. Though her silver tongue had helped her to bring peace between even the most bitter of rivals, Elizabeth had no words.


    “Before I go,” Celestine said quietly, finally placing her hands on her daughter’s shoulders. “I want you to know something, Elizabeth.”

    “W-What?” She asked quietly.

    “That I’m proud of you,” The old anthropologist smirked.



    “God dammit Eliza! Do you want to be a sorceress, or do you want to be waiting tables and scrubbing counters for the rest of your life?!”


    “I’m s-sorry mother… But I am getting better! I’ve already learned so much! Would not a life as a governess, equipped with the arcane, be a sufficient existence?”

    “But you can learn more!” Celestine slammed her fist repeatedly against the flat of her desk, the rage she had inherited from the father she had never known making a rare manifestation in this moment. 


    “You can’t give up on your dream of learning alteration! You can’t just settle on becoming a traveling governess! You have to aspire to be MORE than what you are! Don’t you understand how hard it is to be what you are in this world?”

    Tears began to stream down Elizabeth’s eyes. Often, she felt that nothing could please her mother, no matter how hard she tried. She pushed her and pushed her, unlike she had pushed any of her other siblings. At times, it had become almost unbearable.

    “Look…” Celestine’s voice softened as she offered her a handkerchief, biting at her lip. Upon accepting it, she moved to take her daughter’s hands. 


    “...You are the future of our family, kid. And I know that you can achieve your full potential, if only you aspire to something higher than yourself. Try taking a risk, Eliza, and it’ll be worth it in the end. The worst you can do is fail”


    The sorceress was speechless, for this was the first time that her mother had said these words.

    “I’ve always been proud. And I will always be, forever and ever,” Celestine added, the ancient scholar looking into her daughter’s eyes. 


    “Look at you, little one… Look how far you’ve flown! What a powerful magi you’ve become. And to have made peace between Oren and Haense, when none seemed plausible?”

    “That peace didn’t last for long,” She muttered, looking away for a moment. “I failed, mother. My peace failed to stop the war. And now the Empire-”

    “-You have failed in nothing,” She gripped Eliza’s shoulders tightly. Despite her age, she still had a fair bit of strength left in her.

    “On the contrary, you have been so successful throughout your life. You are so much like me. Your iron will, your spirit… And that is why I asked you here to see me off, for I trust nobody more than you to take care of this.”



    A young girl gazed upon her mother, a sorceress clad in flowing robes. No more than four or five she wondered what was going to transpire as she was left at the structure’s doors.


    Her red hair and golden eyes were very much unlike her own, but the child shared her same freckled features. The gaze which they exchanged made the sharing of words unnecessary.


    “W-Where are you going?” Celestine finally asked, tears welling up in her eyes.

    “Away,” Her mother had said. “But I’ll always be with you, Celestine.”

    From her own head, she had taken her hat. It outsized Celestine’s own head by far, a goofy and awkward fit. Clumsily moving to lift the brim off of her eyes, her mother was gone by the time she had finished.


    As Celestine crowned her daughter’s head with the battered hat, the one which she never took off as though bound by creed, tears streamed even further down her eyes. The sorceress was speechless.

    “B-But mother, won’t you be needing-”

    “-I won’t be needing it, where I’m going,” Celestine replied simply, the sunrise shimmering off of her gray hair. 


    “I expect you to take good care of it now, as well as… Everything, that I am leaving behind.”


    Slowly, Elizabeth began to nod. “I will…” She promised her mother, before moving to embrace her.

    “...I love you.”

    “I love you too, my dearest child.”


    They embraced for a good, long moment. It seemed as though it would last for all of eternity. Yet, it did end. And as it did so, Celestine turned away from her daughter and descended from the cliffside.



    Having scrimped and saved for so long, Celestine knew that this was the moment of truth.


    Though she had made a pitch to the Archchancellor regarding her project, he had believed that which she hoped to accomplish simply could not be done. The Duke of Helena had been kinder, yet the resources that he proposed for her to utilize were still quite limited.


    If this didn’t work, she’d probably take him up on his offer. But she required urban real estate in a strategic location. And if she couldn’t get it in Helena, then New Reza would be the key.


    Fidgeting with her gloves, she knew that she was a newcomer to these lands. Haense, a province in the northernmost reaches of the Empire, was a prosperous realm. And the revelation of her heritage, she had hoped, would make it easier to establish her first prototype museum out on the frontier. She would not give up her aspirations to establish a Helena museum so easily, but she knew now that this would be the first step. The first of many seeds in what would hopefully blossom into an orchard of knowledge.


    As she entered the Palatine’s office, she offered him a warm smile. This pitch to gain control of that old tower in perpetuity would make or break her dream. But she had a good feeling about it all, for destiny was on her side. 


    As the ship departed and sailors bustled about, Celestine stared out at Almaris from her vantage point at the stern of the ship. She thought about all the friends that she had made, over the course of her very long life. All of the adventures that she had undertaken.


    The Lost Continent of Athera. The Nether. The Attenlund. She had gone to so many places, where nobody had ventured before. And yet, those were not the most exciting journeys which she undertook.

    She thought of Otto, Tanith, Chirr, Stephen, Juan, James, Dilvyn, Ferek, and the many other NGS members who had followed her over the years. She thought of her children, Alejandro, Dannika, and Elizabeth… And she thought of her other friends, including Fiil’Yar and others.


    Though few still recognized her name, her legacy was a vast one. The Northern Geographical Society had fulfilled even her wildest dreams, unwavering in purpose and determined in its mission. 


    But had she made the world a better place, despite it all? Had what she had done with her life truly made a difference? Could a few meager museums have really changed the world? Did anyone truly understand the mission that she and her followers had sought to undertake?


    Suddenly, she beheld a fiery spectacle atop the cliff sides of Eastfleet. It was relatively small, and far from threatening, but… The meaning was clear.


    Grinning as her weary eyes beheld the fiery compass rose of many colors, which quickly dissipated into nothingness in the orange sky, Celestine had received her daughter’s message. This was not her journey’s end, but rather the beginning of a new one. Regardless of whether her legacy would stand without her or not, the Final Frontier awaited her. 


    And, the old explorer thought to herself, it was hers for the taking.



    Anthropologist, Historian, & Explorer

    Founder of the Northern Geographical Society





    And so ends the story of what’s probably been my favorite and most impactful character on the server in nearly 10 years.


    It’s not often that I get attached to a character as much as I’ve grown attached to Celestine, and it was excruciatingly hard to write this post. I’ve been putting it off for weeks now due to graduate school and other obligations, but in the aftermath of the NGS’s 100th anniversary a few weeks ago, writing and posting to tie up her story seemed appropriate. I decided to write it in the form of a series of flashbacks and a conversation between her and daughter Eliza, something unseen ever before by those I've roleplayed around..


    I’m really grateful for the experiences that I’ve had on this character over the last 2.5 years. Having played her from 16 onward, it’s really been great to have led the charge to do something novel and different on the server through this persona.


    With that being said, I’ll still be around on the server, though this post’s intention is to permanently retire the character so that she might properly fade away with due closure. Thank you guys so much for helping to weave such a compelling narrative during this amazing journey.

  5. Enchanter for Hire! 





    Greetings and salutations! To whomever may be reading this flier, I am the Pathfinder Wizard. Having been working with magic for decades, I take great pride in shaping the arcane into custom artesian pieces for protective, utilitarian, and aesthetic use.


    My now defunct business, Wands & Wonders, previously serviced countless customers across the eastern seaboard before I elected to retire from the market. However, I am now in need of money, and thus I have decided to set up a new correspondence business allowing for my expertise to be utilized by the public.


    I offer a wide variety of goods and services to those patrons whom choose to commission my services, including the following:




    (Made to Order; Specialies in Water & Fire Evocation / Translocation)

    Lesser Enchantments: 150 – 300 minas

    Potent Enchantments:  300 – 600 minas 

    Grand Enchantments: 600+ minas


    Custom Wands & Implements

    (Crafted with Care; Enhances Focus and Doubles Spell Range)

    Arcane Implements: 75 - 150 minas


    Atronach Limb Prosthetics

    (20% Discount for all Military Veterans; Specialty in Water & Fire)

    Elemental Limbs: 500 minas*


    *Standard issue limb price. Additional enchantments & features may incur additional charges. I do NOT sell telekinetic limbs to the general public.



    If interested, please address your letter to 'The Pathfinder Wizard' and leave it tacked to the base of the signpost at Eastfleet. Be sure to include a name and return address so that I can reach out to you in turn. We thank you for your patronage in advance!



    To commission my character's services, all you need do is send me an IRP letter over the forums. If they decide to take the job, we'll correspond in roleplay from there!


  6. A Young Artist’s Auction, Part IV


    Roadside Gems I



    Having spent a lengthy period of three long years in the Cragenmarch, HIH The Duchess of Westmarch has found herself imbued with new inspiration. Thus, she has found it within herself to once again sell paintings to her patrons once more.


    However, she has chosen to release these in the form of a series of new collections entitled “Roadside Gems” with the intent of showcasing the most beautiful of scenes as she sets out to circumnavigate Almaris! The first of these collections shall cover scenes from the Haeseni-Orenian borderlands as well as Lower and Upper Petrus.

    These new landscape portraits will showcase a wide variety of scenes from across the continent, ones which illustrate the beauty and diversity of those locales not widely known to the general public.


    In the same tradition as her previous auctions, 10% of the proceeds will be donated to charitable endeavors, with the rest going to support Princess Catherine’s creative endeavors and travels across the continent.


    (NOTE: All bids must be cast in person at the auction, or via a proxy. Example pieces are watermarked to prevent unauthorized replication. Replication for commercial use is impermissible without the artist’s approval.)


    PAINTING #1: “The Fortress”





    “Known to both sides of the Orenian Civil War as ‘Fort TOS’, this bastion of the ISA was the site of several major engagements between the Peterists and the Frederickists. It stands as a bulwark upon the hill. The sun sets majestically in the background, beautifully illuminating the lake to the south.”


    • Receipt of Purchase ((Signed Painting Item))
    • Painting ((Digital File, .jpg))


    STARTING BID: 100 Minas


    PAINTING #2: “The Open Road”





    “This scene depicts a typical road in middle Almaris, a gorgeous sunrise rising above a rock outcropping to the northwest. Nobody knows what lies ahead in this scene, as it is meant to symbolize a journey yet to be taken by the traveler viewing it.”


    • Receipt of Purchase ((Signed Painting Item))
    • Painting ((Digital File, .jpg))


    STARTING BID: 100 Minas


    PAINTING #3: “A Lonely Tree, Looking Behind”





    “The Lonely Tree’ is a little known oak at the crossroads of Redenford and the Orenian capital. Permanently soaked in blood, it stands as a testament to time itself, having weathered countless battles and wars over the decades. A ruined Lower Petrus monastery lies in the background, harkening to a bloodstained past as the sun sets in the background.”


    • Receipt of Purchase ((Signed Painting Item))
    • Painting ((Digital File, .jpg))


    STARTING BID: 100 Minas


    PAINTING #4: “A Lonely Tree, Looking Ahead”





    “The Lonely Tree’ is a little known oak at the crossroads of Redenford and the Orenian capital. Permanently soaked in blood, it stands as a testament to time itself, having weathered countless battles and wars over the decades. Free of the carnage of war in this landscape portrait, this scene harkens to a new future, looking forward as the sun rises in the background.”


    • Receipt of Purchase ((Signed Painting Item))
    • Painting ((Digital File, .jpg))


    STARTING BID: 100 Minas


    PAINTING #5: “The Harbor”





    “This scene depicts a harbor in the village of Reinmar on the Haeseni borderlands. Though I did not intend to venture this far into the north during this journey, I encountered this breathtaking scene while roaming the northern roads. It is a piece that any maritime enthusiast would yearn to own.”

    • Receipt of Purchase ((Signed Painting Item))
    • Painting ((Digital File, .jpg))


    STARTING BID: 100 Minas


    PAINTING #6: “The Ship”





    “This scene depicts a small sailing ship in the Reinmaran harbor, ready to venture out into the ocean at a moment’s notice. The family keep of the House of Barclay stands in the background, with the local docks off to the side. The setting sun glimmers off of the waves, giving the scene a sense of maritime vibrancy.”


    • Receipt of Purchase ((Signed Painting Item))
    • Painting ((Digital File, .jpg))


    STARTING BID: 100 Minas


    PAINTING #7: “The Village”





    “This landscape portrait depicts the Champaginon region of Oren, the village of Mardon sitting beneath the morning sun. A cow grazes in these green pastures, and smoke rises from the chimneys of peasants endeavoring to warm their homes in the chilly morning weather.”

    • Receipt of Purchase ((Signed Painting Item))
    • Painting ((Digital File, .jpg))


    STARTING BID: 100 Minas






    This auction will be held on Saturday, May 14th at 3:30 PM EST in the Theater of Vienne! Future ones will be held in the various theaters or in other public venues of the places that Catherine visits IRP.


    The items being bidded upon will include the .jpg files for the unwatermarked images as well as a signed painting item with a link that symbolizes IRP proof of purchase. These paintings should be easily converted into in-game map art through the available application process on the forums after being acquired, with a little extra surcharge from staff. I’ll even walk you through doing it OOCly if requested!


    Also, no trolling on this thread or OOC vitriol please. My character paints these scenes and travels everywhere she goes through natural RP, and will be traveling all around Almaris doing these things. So if you see somewhere / something / someone in these paintings you don’t like, please be nice and don’t spam this post with toxic or rude comments. Thanks in advance.



    2 hours ago, chained man said:

    As for this part, I'm genuinely confused why people keep bringing it up. An enchant is INERT until its activated, otherwise it's a mundane tool or weapon. An Atronach Limb is ALWAYS ACTIVE as the wielder is using it to operate.


    I apologize for not reading up on the previous comments regarding such before posting. The thing is that even an inert enchantment passively draws upon the user's mana to recharge though. The lore explicitly states that this is harmless enough, as it basically just uses aura exhaust to power its functions. Passive mana isn't sapped, it's collected.


    2 hours ago, chained man said:

    While the lore is rather vague, it talks about the absence of a core. The Limbs recharge from the Mana of the wielder, and they are operated like that. Like I've said before, this makes sense IRPly as the Void saps strength from the user -- etc, see Voidal Hollows. They ruin and plague life. 


    Atronach limbs should ideally require a core of some sort, though these are usually far smaller than the sizable ones which power a full atronach. The lore does say that they function differently, but they still need to be present to work as an interface between the user and the. The exact wording is:

    "While a typical atronach requires conjuration in order to grant them sentience from their core, atronach limbs are not so. As the wearer of an atronach limb already has sentience and animation, only the evocation of choice and transfiguration are required to make a limb in a freeform process. This process cannot be done in combat, even with the necessary materials on hand. "


    I think what Pun was getting at here when we wrote this was that cores within atronach limbs should require less of an imbuement than standard atronach ones. Every single atronach forger I've ever witnessed, at least in my circles, utilizes these in the creation of theirs. Regardless, I suppose that I could see this line of thinking, though I think this should be clarified as this is indeed very vague and should still be core oriented as that's what the entirety of atronach forging revolves around.


    2 hours ago, chained man said:

    I didn't full-on grant the complete voidal weakness onto a user, but rather a weaker variant of it; barring them from using two-handed weaponry such as Polearms, or Greatswords, and from wearing Full-Plate. They can still wear Half-Plate and Gambeson.


    This is basically still just standard voidal poisoning though in all honesty, minus the allowance for Half-Plate. The effects of full voidal poisoning are honestly greatly overexaggerated by most. Even a fully poisoned mage can wield a one-handed weapon and wear gambeson, as specified in the voidal connection lore.




    "Mages who practice magic for one or more OOC months cannot wear full plate effectively, and at best are limited to half-plate or some light gambeson. Anything more than this would render the mage unable to cast and incredibly exhausted after just a short time of wearing it. Though a mage could wear full plate prior to this point, their ability to do so would slowly degrade, exhausting more over time. Once a mage has reached about three OOC months of casting would find themselves unable to cast in anything heavier than gambeson, struggling to connect and maintain their breath in heavy plate."


    Thus, I honestly don't see how your suggestion wouldn't be the equivalent of full voidal poisoning. Wearing more quickly while using two-handed weaponry at the intermediate category might be fairer than total exclusion, which is more or less a T4-T5 thing.


    2 hours ago, chained man said:

    If people seek out [x] just because they want to be stronger in combat, then that's the fault of the playerbase rather than the lore -- something that needs to be addressed. People shouldn't be participating in lore just because they want to be more powerful, but rather to add to the overarching RP environment as everyone else. Most instances of Atronach Limbs that I've seen are Telekinetic Limbs; people wanting to gain Orc-Like Strength, or Limbs laden with enchantments just to win CRP which is a gross mindset.


    I fully agree with this, and I think it's ridiculous that the lore is being abused in this manner. In my experience though, a lot of the people I've interacted with out of high magic circles only utilize elemental ones without enchantments. I really think it's unfair to them to suddenly turn things upside down on the average joe that's using these limbs correctly.


    I think the root of the problem here is the existence of telekinetic limbs, which I think were a grave mistake to reintroduce to the server. These limbs had been eliminated but recently returned with the reintroduction of a rudimentary variant of it to transfiguration.


    They are the only variety of atronach limb that allow for this sort of thing, and I honestly think that they are also heavily overpowered. I think it would be more constructive to add voidal poisoning drawbacks to telekenetic limbs only, which makes more sense due to their particularly voidal focus and could be done in exchange for the extra temporary strength that comes along with them.


    Better yet, I would support the total elimination of telekinetic limbs, which are sadly game breaking and have been abused by many bad actors. Either that or making telekinetic limbs exclusive to voidal poisoning drawbacks while allowing elemental limbs to retain normal descendant strength might be ideal.



    I'd also like to add that I appreciate that you're trying to fix the problem at hand, and that I totally get it. I'm just trying to offer some constructive criticism here as this is an area of lore I'm very passionate about and have worked a lot around. Hope my tone doesn't sound otherwise.




    The Wilds of the Cragenmarch

    c. 1870


    It had been nearly three years since the Princess Imperial had disappeared to almost all that had known her. Doubtless, many by now likely thought that she was dead. Perhaps, she thought to herself, it was for the best.


    “Whoa, Eden!” She cried out to her stallion, an white warhorse which she had adopted several years prior. As a private in the Imperial Legion, she had adopted the finely bred creature after the passing of her own spotted horse in the midst of battle, also incidentally named Eden. It was a name which she used for all of her horses, to honor those which had come before and which were yet to come.


    Dismounting as they emerged from the forest, the lost princess hardly looked like a princess at all. She wore unassuming garments that not a soul would bat an eye at. A plain blouse, a pair of sturdy traveling boots, a hooded cape, and trousers. In lieu of a tiara she wore her trusty adventurer’s beret, an odd headpiece which she had found in the attic of the Augustine Palace decades prior.


    Catherine had always enjoyed the wilderness. During the war, she would seek to slip out of the city during rare moments of peace to see the beauty of nature. As a naturalist and an artist, she enjoyed sketching the animals of the wild and collecting specimens for her own personal collection.


    Not a week before, she had visited this very peak to sketch a live condor. For nearly a month prior, she had dedicated herself to speaking to, and earning the trust of, the local tribes in the Cragenmarch to locate the nest in question. It was a sacred bird to the people of the mountains. The trained physician had to spend ages healing the sick and the wounded through botanical and alchemical means before they would tell her of this place.


    Of course, the condors were gone now. Summer had come, and they had likely set out for the rigid hills of the Haeseni Lowlands until the next migration season. But the ruins she had previously explored still stood proudly nearby, a monument to a civilization long since extinct.


    It was here, in this most majestic of places, where the Princess Imperial had decided to seek solace. For having witnessed so much death and destruction, she found herself without the will to go on.






    In less than five years, she had lost almost everyone she had ever cared about. Her husband. Both of her parents. Arthur and Darya of Caermad. Laurentina…




    News of her suicide had been the breaking point. With her best friend’s departure from the world, everyone she had relied upon for support in her life had now since passed.


    The collapse of the Penton Ministry and her failure to save the Empire as Vice Chancellor had driven her into a shameful exile, but these successive deaths had also pummeled her once proud spirit into the depths of depression and hopelessness. Once an optimistic and cheerful woman, the Princess Imperial was now oftentimes a gloomy and dreary individual.


    To survive on the frontier, she had taken to trapping furs and playing ballands on her guitar for money. Occasionally, she would dispatch a monster or a restless spirit through means taught to her by Arthur of Caermad. And, of course, she continued to practice medicine, alchemy, and botany in her self-imposed exile.


    Many straps and pouches adorned Catherine’s person, most of which she took a good deal of time removing as she ascended the ruined cliffside tower. However, she did take a moment to retrieve her pipe and a parcel of herbs after securing Eden’s reins to a nearby tree.


    Ascending to the top, she sat with her legs crossed, staring out at the sunset. Night would fall soon but she felt no urgency to light a fire. Lighting her pipe, she began to partake of the herb. It was a relaxant which many of the natives used, one which she intended to try this night.

    Hours passed as she stared at the sunset quietly. When she had finished with her smoke, she rose to her feet, taking a deep breath as she extended her arms outward.


    For a moment, the lost princess considered jumping. The pain which she bore was too great. Her people, having splintered. Her closest friends, having perished. Perhaps Laury had the right idea…


    …Perhaps ending it all would just be for the best. A short tumble down the cliff, and the nightmare that was her life would be over.


    But Catherine never had the chance. Now thoroughly overcome by the herb’s effects, she simply fell onto her back, passing out in a blissful sleep which had eluded her for weeks.






    In her vision, Catherine found herself lying beneath an oak tree. Acorns were scattered about on the ground around herself, but the wood was bloodstained. 


    It was the Lonely Tree, situated at the crossroads between Providence and Redenford. The site of a great battle where she had fought when she was naught but eighteen. 


    “Rest well?” A figure next to her asked. He was a well toned man, a bearded fellow clad in armor characterized by dark steel with golden undertones. 


    “I- Arthur?” She asked all of a sudden, her eyes widening with shock. “H-How…”


    “Don’t fool yourself, kid,” The Hexer, who had fallen over a decade prior, replied to Catherine in a simple yet stoic manner. “I’m still dead, so don’t get too excited.”

    “...Yes, I know that,” The princess, renown for her dedication to the empirical sciences, knew that this must be a dream. There was no other way to explain it. “Doubtless, you are a manifestation of some sort, a subconscious echo dwelling inside of my mind.”

    “Always the egghead,” Arthur chuckled, crossing her arms as he looked over to her. “I must say though, princess. I am disappointed that you would even consider ending it all. I thought you were stronger than that.”

    “I simply see no alternative,” Catherine replied with a sigh of defeat, staring out at the horizon. It was a familiar scene to her, the crossroads being a place she had traveled past many times prior. “They are all dead, Arthur. The country I once knew, the Empire, is gone. I am without a purpose or direction, caught in the duality of my own existence.”


    “So you wanna join us to get out of it, huh?” The slayer of monsters frowned a bit, his gaze unwavering.

    “It’s a shame that I didn’t have the option to run from my problems as you have from yours,” A female voice came from before her. “I died, in pursuit of my duty. For my obligations to my family. I did my best to bring them honor.”


    Snapping her head to the side, Catherine saw Laurentina standing before her. Her eyes widened, but the scientist knew that she was only a manifestation of her innermost thoughts.


    “We crossed an ocean in the pursuit of fulfilling ours,” The voice of the late Emperor, her father, came from another direction. She saw her mother standing nearby, who offered her daughter a stoic nod.


    “And I dedicated mine to the Hexer Creed, that you might aspire to a higher purpose,” Darya added, now found sitting beside Arthur on the grass.


    “I died a soldier’s death to protect the ones I loved,” Joseph, her late husband, stood dutifully near the deceased monarchs.


    Catherine’s eyes fluttered about the orchard. Everyone was there… For a moment, she forgot her rationality, tears filling her eyes. “I just d-don’t know if I can carry on…” She murmured. “...I- I have to run. You must understand, I have to! I might as well die otherwise!”


    “Then at least run in the right direction,” The Hexer spoke firmly, yet stoically. “Do you not remember the Gauntlet, princess?”


    Slowly, Catherine nodded.


    “You cannot simply give in every time you have been knocked prone,” Arthur grunted, continuing to stare at her. 


    “I recall that you didn’t give up so easily then. You got straight up, and continued trying to cross it until you succeeded. I know that you have it in you to go on.”


    At this, she was silent.


    “And you must go on,” The manifestation of her swordsmanship instructor continued. 


    “You still have a purpose in this world, Catherine. Ours have been realized, but your destiny is not yet at its end.”

    “We’ll be with you until it is,” Darya said quietly.

    “We promise, Cat. Forever and always…” Laurentina smiled in affirmation, extending her pinky finger forth in a manner characteristic of what her personality had been like in life.






    At that moment, Catherine awoke. Now lying beneath the starry sky of the Cragenmarch, her eyes fluttered open as she contemplated her existence.


    She considered the words that had come from within. It was true that all of her family, all of her friends, that had perished had died in the line of duty. Their ends had come prematurely, yet hers had not. She had chosen to run away instead.


    Finally, she sat upward. Catherine thought of her children, and as the faces of her son and daughters came to mind, the princess realized that she missed them. She wondered if Franz had become a promising young soldier yet, or if Anastasia had continued to finely hone her gift of artistry. Catherine wondered if her daughter Laurentina was still so energetic, or if Irene had grown any whittier and smarter.


    And then she thought of her siblings. The very thought of her brothers quarreling over the throne, and of Peter dying at Frederick’s hand, still continued to haunt her. She had raised each and every one of them, she loved them, and it was a pain which continuously tortured her very soul. Doubtless, the civil war had shattered her surviving family, and she was nowhere to be found to mend it back together. Catherine could only pray that Victoria had been able to pick up the pieces. 


    Her disparate family would need her. Catherine knew now that this was her duty, her purpose. To be a light unto them, and unto her people. She was the last Princess Imperial of a fallen empire, and she stood for something.


    Rising once more, Catherine felt the grief and pain that she had been overcome by in recent weeks slowly fading away. She knew now that she wanted to go on. That although today was dreary, tomorrow would be better.


    At the coming of the morning sun, she would ride for civilization. If she was to die, she would do so with pride and dignity at God’s chosen time, preserving the tattered Tapestry of Mankind. And she would do it in the same spirit as those she held most dear.




    I felt inspired to write this narrative from my character's POV to explain my OOC absence for finishing up my final projects over the last eventful few weeks. I'm soon to be done though and am excited to start RPing on the server again. Hope y'all enjoyed reading! Special credit to everyone's deceased characters mentioned in the vision section.

  9. Breaking my typical radio silence to say... Please don't do this.


    Speaking as a former LT who handled a lot of atronach and voidal lore for over an IRL year, this would basically render atronach limbs all but obsolete in practicality. Most of the people who seek them out are martial combatants who wouldn't use them under any circumstances if they incurred some form of voidal poisoning. I legitimately don't think that anyone, outside of the occasional mage, would use one in game if these redlines were adopted.


    Additionally, there is absolutely no reason that an atronach limb should poison an individual lore wise. The core which powers it is basically just an enchanted battery, operating off of the same principles as any other enchanted device would external to a person's biology.


    Keeping an enchantment on your person for an extended amount of time doesn't incur voidal poisoning, so why should an atronach limb? And even if you don't subscribe to the idea that atronach forging is an offshoot of alteration, atronach limbs operate entirely outside of the body, merely with proximity connection. They are indeed separate constructs, standing apart from a person's internal biology. So why should they afflict an individual with voidal poisoning?


    I'm sorry, but this proposed amendment just doesn't make any sense in my own humble opinion. If you're going to give atronach limbs a weakness, I think it should be something else that won't basically relegate the most useful and used aspect of atronach forging into IG obscurity.

  10. Deep in the vast wilderness of the west, the Wanderer of Westmarch had entered a lonely inn at a frontier outpost in the Cragenmarch.


    For nearly three years, she had been living outside of civilization, sketching scenes of nature and collecting rare specimens as she wandered the frontiers of humanity. But today was a special day, she thought to herself as she made herself comfortable at the bar.


    "Has the mail come in yet from the north?" Catherine asked of the inkeeper, her eyes wide with hope as she leaned forth over the counter. The tavernkeep had been deputized as a postal official, and thus had such on hand.


    Raising an eyebrow, he replied, "Ya still expectin' somethin' from Westfall?"

    Quickly, Catherine nodded. "From my best friend, actually..." She replied quietly, patiently awaiting his response.

    Grunting, the obese man with the bushy sideburns waddled over to the storeroom.


    "Speaking of," A Rhenyari bard turned to face a traveling Adunian merchant. "Did you hear about what happened to the Duchess?"

    The merchant nodded. "Aye, I did," He replied with a frown. "Threw herself from a clocktower, she did. Nobody really knows why."

    Almost immediately, Catherine froze up. Slowly, her gaze turned to face the travelers as they conversed. But nothing more that they said mattered to her.


    == == == == ==


    The lost princess had immediately rushed out of the tavern, her eyes filling with tears almost immediately thereafter. She rushed out of the outpost, out of sight from anyone who might see her as she left the wooden stockades which separated it from the wilds.


    Beyond it, she collapsed to her knees. For hours more, a group of camping fur trappers could hear the strawberry haired woman crying inconsolably.


    She would sob until nightfall. For now, she was truly alone. She had truly lost everyone.

  11. The Tapestry is Never Unwoven



    An Ode to Humanity’s Spirit

    By the Wanderer of Westmarch

    c. 1869


    Through the sweat of weavers many,

    Is knitted together a rich litany.

    Sometimes together and sometimes cloven,

    A Tapestry regardless is slowly woven.




    Adversity is never an easy plight,

    But it is an enemy mankind can fight

    By Sigismund’s wisdom, Godfrey’s might,

    Owyn’s sword and Horen’s light.




    Courage is found in the hearts of men,

    The quantity of which is without end. 

    Be our hearts merry or be they frozen

    A Tapestry continues to be woven. 




    Owyn’s kindred have hearts of flame,

    And Godwin’s daughters our arts maintain. 

    Humanity’s spirit can never be rendered

    For the sons of Joren refuse to surrender. 




    Of universal truths, there is but one,

    That all mankind is of Horen’s blood.

    No matter our destiny the fates have chosen,

    The Tapestry is never unwoven.

  12. Why had life been so cruel to her?

    That very day, her best friend's town had been attacked. Being newly drafted into the Imperial Legion as a medic, she had rode out alongside her husband to Archisdorf's aid. Though they had won the day, her husband had been wounded. But, they had said that he would recover.

    Catherine had lingered with the Imperial
    Legion in Archisdorf for some time longer, before riding back to Providence that evening... Only to learn that her father had been mutilated by marauders.


    She spent the entire evening attending to her father's wounds by his bedside, unaware that her husband had been morally wounded. He was fine. She had seen to it that he was fine. Her colleagues had agreed that he would be fine.

    It was very late that evening when Catherine returned to Providence, her uniform bloodstained and her long, strawberry hair unkempt. Doubtless, the children had already been put to bed. She would not tell them of the horrors she had seen.

    And so, she entered her bedroom.
    "Joseph, I'm home..." She quietly said, her tired gaze training upon her husband. The Vice Chancellor was a busy woman, and it seemed that she had less and less time these days to spend with her family.

    Yet there was no response.

    "...Joseph?" She tried to get his attention again, her face turning pale as she started over to his bedside.

    But the blood... All that blood...

    She already knew what had befallen the brave warrior that had been her husband, whom had also been her loyal friend, companion, and one of her closest confidantes for so long. And she wept throughout the night, not leaving the bedside of her childhood friend on what had been the worst day of her life.


  13. "I'm going to kill this 'Madame Verite' for spreading such blatant lies about you!" The Duchess of Westmarch remarks to her sister, tossing the flier away before continuing to practice the swordsmanship that Arthur of Caermad had so carefully taught her on a dummy in the courtyard of her family's keep. @Azie

  14. While hot on the trail of the elusive Time Pig and attending to other matters in the far south, Elizabeth Brae would read the missive with a jealous frown.

    "Dammit to hell, I'll see the Nether freeze over before my OWN HUSBAND bestows the title of Miss Almaris upon another woman!" She growls, furiously scribbling something down on the back of a drumstick wrapper which she hands off to the infamous automaton owl which carries her mail.




    Name: Elizabeth Brae

    Race: Adunian

    Age: For the love of God don't make me write it...

    Gender: Female. At least, I hope for your sake.

    Does the Applicant waive any and all liability on behalf of the Eternal Lordship of Du Loc should they end up maimed, disfigured, disgraced, and/or murdered [Y/N]?: I think I did that when I agreed to marry you.

  15. A Game of Hassocks


    A Traditional Orenian Hassock, c. 1534



    HIH Catherine Anastasia, Princess Imperial and Duchess of Westmarch, has designed a new game in order to provide for a new Orenian pastime!

    This activity, known as ‘A Game of Hassocks’, is meant to be a simple and engaging exercise that anyone of any age or walk of life can partake in. Inspired by games played by the ancient heartlanders, it requires keen reflexes and an understanding of musical rhythms to play.


    The rules of the game shall include the following:



    • A ring of hassocks, or traditional cushioned seats, shall be arranged in a full circle at the start of the game. About 8-12 are recommended, though as few as 6 may be utilized at the start ideally.

    • Those intending to partake shall number exactly one more than the available number of hassocks at any given time.

    • In the background, a musician or group of musicians shall play an upbeat tune, to which those partaking shall walk and, should they so wish, dance. This may be a lone bard, a pianist, a violinist, a flutist, a guitarist, or a full band or orchestra depending on the occasion.

    • The bard or conductor shall stop the music at sudden intervals of their choosing. When this happens, all must locate a hassock and sit upon it.

    • The individual who fails to procure a seat shall be eliminated from the game. One seat shall then be removed, and the procession shall start once again.

    • Whomever becomes the last one standing by the game’s end, wins!



    In order to test out this new game, HIH The Duchess of Westmarch shall be hosting an event to showcase it to the Imperial Courts! A special prize in the form of 50 minas and a commemorative trophy shall be offered to the victor of this occasion, forever to be remembered as the first victor of ‘A Game of Hassocks’.


    We look forward to seeing you then!



    HIH Catherine Anastasia
    Princess Imperial, Duchess of Westmarch




    This event will be held in the gardens at the Imperial Palace of Aster Hall at 6:00 PM EST on Monday the 14th!


    An Event to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the NGS




    The Great Crest of the Northern Geographical Society

     Est. 1762



    ✵ A Century of Adventure! ✵




    For over a century, the Northern Geographical Society has served the continent by safeguarding and showcasing the collective heritage of the descendant races. Founded in 1762, last year officially marked the 100th anniversary of our organization’s formation. With the 100th anniversary of the opening of our first museum quickly approaching, we intend to mark the occasion through the opening of a new rotating exhibit!

    We shall be showcasing a display on the History of the NGS and it’s unique institutions and adventures, to share our story with the public as we take a place in history of our own. Our mission on this century is one which we hope to share with others, and which we hope will be treasured by those to come as future generations carry on the torch.


    The first appearance of this exhibit shall transpire in Karosgrad, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the opening of our first museum in New Reza. That following year, an identical exhibit shall open in Providence, commemorating the 100th anniversary of our second museum in Helena. The exhibit shall also be available in our Elysium museum once it formally opens as well.


    We look forward to welcoming you into our halls, to explore the story of our journey into New Frontiers!





    Otto Wittenbach

    President of the Northern Geographical Society


    Dilvyn Deveral

    Vice President of the Northern Geographical Society

    Dame Celestine Herbert HKML

    Founder of the Northern Geographical Society





    The first 100th Anniversary event for Haense will be on Sunday, March 20th at 4 EST in Karosgrad, Haense!
    Thereafter, the second 100th Anniversary event for Oren will be on Sunday, March 27th at 4 EST in Providence, Oren!

    Also, I'd like to say a few words OOCly, a bit unusual for me in this case...

    These last two IRL years have been an absolute blast for our group. When I started it up, I never thought that the NGS would be as successful as it's been. Yet, the people within this organization have really given their all toward doing something really unique on the server. I'm very proud of all of them. In 9 years of being on the server, I've never been taken as much pride in a project of mine as I have in this one, nor have I ever been as proud of a group as I've been of the many, many people who've followed me into this project.

    Huge shout out OOC to our current President, @Etow, for keeping this project going so strong and successful long beyond my involvement as it's IRP leader.

    Also big shout outs to 
    @Urahra, @Endovelicus, @Rayna Star, @greygre, @NLThomas, @Wholesome_Thomas, @King of Cartography, @milksota, @Doctor_Jones, and all of the others who've given so much to the leadership and design of this organization for months, years even at a time. Thank you for following me into this "30 minute adventure", friends. And thank you for keeping it going for so long. <3

    Looking forward to seeing what the future holds!


  17. Handing her infant off to a servant, the Duchess of Westmarch would pen a response to her closest childhood friend.


    Dearest Laury,

    I will, of course, be in attendance. I am certain that Joseph shall be there with me as well! He had better be, at least. I wish you nothing but happiness on your special day, and look forward to introducing you to my new son during the reception.

    With Best Regards,


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