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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Aengoth

  1. Brace yourselves, Zezibuse is coming.

  2. Can I have a GM or whomever applicable confirm my measly donations on both accounts? Would be much appreciated.

    1. shiftnative


      Sure just PM me the minecraft names and a rough estimate of when you donated pal

  3. Can my forum rank be changed to Gold VIP. I've been gold for quite awhile now

    1. mitto


      here bud
    2. mitto


      They don't set it automatically for some reason but follow the steps on the thread and it should be good as 'gold'en. get it heheh

    3. Aengoth
  4. Credit to all the amazing thief RP, "You Notice a few items missing from the chest" is amazing RP :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BrandNewKitten
    3. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      I always leave a way for them to track me down. Much funner that way.

    4. Telanir


      *puts down tea*

      Ah yes, that is the pinnacle of RP if I might say so myself. *rubs chin thoughtfully*

      The part where you received much enjoyment from the thief RP was the one I liked best.

  5. dwarves banned from waging wars lmao

    1. Shadeleaf


      Without a warclaim. 

  6. Eh, I feel so "Bleh"

    1. Lark


      Pull some pranks for lulz

  7. Event was rather fun all things considered.

    1. Cyndikate


      I still want to know the reasons behind the global teleport to spawn.

    2. Aengoth


      It wasn't intended from what I gathered. Just one of those human mistakes.

    3. monkeypoacher


      I made the mistake of bringing items

  8. Ever's at 3999 posts

  9. Ever's at 3999 posts

  10. Feels good to be king baby.

  11. Forum's ain't letting me change my profile picture.

    1. Aagaron


      Try an imgur link

  12. Gah, not sure if things gonna turn out how I wish em to be

  13. Getting rocked tonight like none other.

  14. Good to see so many applications to the server.

  15. got my laptop back now

  16. Graduating today, then gone for a week of camping. Have fun folks

  17. have to downscale aengoths age, can't keep pulling a spuller

  18. Hey Raglin could you PM the skin you sent Arbrek/Kazraden on the 26Th?

  19. Hope everyone's having a good day.

    1. CommunistSpy


      I am now that you said that. :)

  20. House Hiebenthal er something like that.

  21. How traumatized would the dwarf nation be if they lost a dwarf woman to birthing a male child.

    1. Chikachu


      Extremely I would imagine

    2. gam


      Considering most dwarves (all 7 of my children included) state in their backstory that their are born to an unnamed bar wench, not very traumatized at all.

    3. gam
  22. I agree with Skippy *shudders*

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