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Stephensj Of House Lym

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Status Updates posted by Stephensj Of House Lym

  1. You dun see us whitewashes cuz we are hiding in our whitewash hidey hole :3

    1. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      I think this whole whitewash situation is just idiotic. Let people RP they way they want to RP.

  2. How do I make a battle axe >:O

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stephensj Of House Lym
    3. DrakeHaze.


      OOC cannot be brought into IC though xD

    4. Sargeblub


      That's like saying you can't look up a sword recipe on the internet then use it in game, even if you're a blacksmith.

  3. The whitewash topic is giving me a head ache

    1. Braxis


      SHouldnt let it get to ya its a game, And Please refrain from being hostile in posts like that if you havent seen my comment to your post already. And They are trying to get Server lore across to others and people who have not really read the orc section and are orcs.

    2. Austin
    3. ΚΨΙΞ
  4. Totally naming my char Liri

    1. Guest


      I love you, Stephen.

  5. What should I name my new Dark Elf char...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Areon
    3. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      pm Lego_Xbox we need some more Klarens...

    4. Kaiser


      name him wahtever you want, if your born in Oren your dead within 12 seconds

  6. *blocks the cookies with his shield*

    Buz I iz bac wid da Flormai D:

    ( I think )

  7. When I reach 4,000 profile view Im throwing a party on tinychat

  8. I go on some random server. Ask how my Dark Elf skin looks like, Instead this is what people say to me '' WOt r drk elvs r dey da blck versn of Legls ur sumtn '' I have now lost faith in the Minecraft Community

    1. Shadeleaf


      /facepalm *places hand on orc's shoulder*

      I know how you feel mate... I know...

    2. Shuness


      Lym's an orc now? Well, that's entertaining.

  9. guize join meh, liek noaw, Noaw, NOAW, NOOOOOAAAAAWWWWWWW http://tinychat.com/a9v2m

  10. Joe, get on tinychat liek NOAW NOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW http://tinychat.com/a9v2m

  11. Two people joined den left :-(

  12. At this point im guessing DDos

  13. ETA on when the server will be up? Was lookin forward to guardin Slic3man all 'round Asulon

  14. boots from the '' Mountain People '' AWESOME

  15. Lirir prob will win. Then again she didn;t include golden booties :3

  16. So tempted to outbid evryone on the holy guts but then I remembered I gave all mai gold to Slic3man :/

  17. If your in Arethor and manage to get on for a few seconds, JUST RUN AWAY FROM EVERYONE ELSE

    1. Dyn


      Do it or I'll get Dyn to stab each and every one of the people on the server~

    2. Agent Miller
    3. Aiden


      that's what's lagging the server, sloan

  18. Was up for 10 sec before going down

    1. Dyn


      I RP'd the heck out of those ten seconds.

  19. Whitewashes. Break ALL the lore!

    1. Slic3man


      Makes more RP for Orcs to hunt them, be thankful. ;3

    2. Stephensj Of House Lym
  20. WHAT IS DIAMOND. Is it DIamond, Mithril or Steel, I see a ton of people RPing it as Diamond, wich makes NO sense AT ALL. Is it Mithril or Steel? I prefer RPing that its Mithril

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. argonian


      Call it whatever you want, as long as others understand you.

    3. ek_knight


      i believe the accepted lore is that it is diamonds, but diamonds in Asulon have a different property to them that makes them strong and useful.

    4. legoman144


      We are people with square bodies that can carry thousands of tons of stone in our back pockets.

      Think about this then look at diamond armor.

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