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Everything posted by Warwick

  1. Accepted. You will be contacted with further information.
  2. OOC: MCNAME: Joker_Knight SKYPENAME: jokerknight922 How Active are you?: Fairly. Peaks on the weekends. Do you have teamspeak?: Yep. IC: Name: Blue Race: Human Age: 28 Experience: Some. Short Bio: Farmer until present.
  3. It's up!

    1. Esterlen


      please stop cybering aureas

    2. Demotheus


      aaand it's down

  4. Name: Gray ((Mc name)): Joker_Knight Experience (Brief): Lots. ((Skype name)): none atm. Do you have loyalties to any other groups or orders: no. Rank (Ex: Unoathed, builder, cook): Armorer/Smith
  5. Saw Childish Gambino live last night. I think he raps faster live than on his recordings.

  6. I need a skinner. If you have some free time, pm me please!

  7. Not impressed by that. At all.

    1. V0idsoldier


      Gee golly I sure do agree.

      Wait what is this "that" you speak of?

    2. danic


      Uhg, THAT just sucks. Worst thing ever.

    3. Warwick


      Metagaming. You know.

    1. Temp


      -Does a triple backflip, throwing 6 katanas while in the air. He then lands perfectly atop a building with his right foot, dual katanas in hand-

      That's how Aureas, that's how..

      ... Just thinking about people like that make me look forward to PVP default chances.

  8. Because the hosts do not age, would they then have an increased healing ability or recovery rate?
  9. I miss Chaqery.. ;.;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nobody


      It isn't completely inaccurate. I would say, all in all, it is an informative and good attempt at it. Most of what he said is right@

    3. Tom_Whiteman
    4. Skippy
  10. TITLE GAINED! YOU ARE NOW KNOWN AS: Property of Raptor®

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      Raptor, that is a slave, do not be so light on them! Call them by what they are!

    3. Raptorious


      SHHH! They must never know!

    4. Warwick


      A wonderful decision, Master Raptor!

  11. It's always a good time on LotC.

  12. Every zoo is a petting zoo if you're man enough.

  13. Aureas laughs, staring at the prisoner as he clicks a flint and steel together, sparks flying.
  14. That moment when you realize a misunderstanding. (facepalm)

  15. [Questions] MC Name: Joker_Knight Why do you want to join? To expand RP opportunities and allow for greater TP freedom. How will you provide the guild and the LOTC community with a great RP experience? I will provide fair roleplay and not be afraid to lose. What do you think are vital in RP? (I.e Emotes, RP fights over MC fights etc) Clear, concise emotes that show intentions, but leave room for multiple reactions. To break the Guild laws, or the Server laws is instant banishment unless in a specific circumstance where you are offered an appeal form by the Guild, do you understand this? Yes. [Character Questions] RP name: Aureas Draconis Biography: (copied from VA): Aureas was found and adopted by a wandering mercenary group, more specifically the band’s spellsword and medic. The mercenaries were fairly successful in the local area, known well for an outstanding record of successful missions, no matter the objective. The band collectively raised Aureas, teaching him the ways that would allow him to be as successful. All the members of the band cooperated in raising him, and teaching him tricks of their violent and bloody trade. Some things he took to more easily than others, archery and assassination being his specialties. His ease of learning these skills came at a cost to him. While being very light on his feet, able to blend easily with the shadows, and throw knives with decent accuracy, his swordsmanship suffered greatly. He would never be a frontline soldier, being too lean for full plate armor and not physically strong enough to wield a large blade. He does, if forced, resort to using a using a short sword/dirk-type weapon. Personality: Efficient, always prepared, merciless. Motives: He is driven by survival, but also by the want to live well. He is unafraid to kill those perceived to stand in his way, or take what he needs. Aspirations: To live well, have power and influence, and to be notorious, yet unrecognizeable. [Open Response. Answer all questions] You notice a rich foreign merchant in the markets browsing wares such as jewellery, weaponry and armor. You notice a stall owner has just walked away from his stall for a few moments, several guards are patrolling the area, the merchant walks towards the stall to browse its wares. To the North is a sewer grate you could escape through, though the guards seem to be patrolling it more than usual. How will you pull of this thievery? Aureas frowns under his facemask, intently studying the situation. He then smiles, noticing a pattern in the guards patrol past the sewer grate, a short amount of time in which there are no guards looking at it. He begins counting silently, numbering the seconds in the pattern, and then counts again to reaffirm his assessment. He chuckles quietly, pulling his hood and facemask down, slipping behind the stall’s stand, smiling at the approaching merchant. Aureas continues counting in his head, noting he was nearing the middle of his count cycle. He hurriedly greets the merchant, mentioning he was going on a break, and that he would have to return later. The merchant nods, departing with a promise to return to the stall. Aureas quickly scoops as much loot as he can into a small back, and replaces his mask and hood, loping towards the gate, count nearing its end. He breaks into a sprint, diving through the sewer grate, easily on count. The Upright Man has asked of you to steal a scroll from a house that is just outside the city limits of Alras, the house seems to be alive with laughter and drunken men, you look through a window to see the chest is in the room, while 5 drunken men sit around the fire telling war stories, they seem armed but drunk, you see in the corner of your eye a small hole in the roof into the room. The door hinges are old and rusty, it can be easily kicked down. How will you pull of this thievery? Aureas studies the house as the sun sets slowly, the dusk slowly turning to night. He turns silently to his compatriot, gesturing hand signals, indicating his instructions with clarity. The man nods, much larger than he, and hefts a large bag of flour onto his shoulder. Aureas nods, then leaps silently to the roof, padding over to the hole in the roof. He stand momentarily, raising his fist in the air, then crouches again. His cohort shoulders loudly through the door, and hurls the open bag of flour into the room, creating a smoke screen for Aureas. His cohort then begins punching the men, wanting to anger but not kill. The man then sprints from the room, laughing as the 5 men chase him angrily. Aureas drops silently from the roof, into the room, and snatches the scroll. He tucks it away safely into his satchel, and sprints from the building, disappearing into the night. An old man has taken rest from his travels under a tree, his bag is to the left of him, he appears to have a dagger on him. In the far distance you see some travellers coming, though they are still a far while off. How will you pull of this thievery? The man sprawls under the tree, obviously road-weary. His only visible means of defense lay in the crude dagger sheathed at his waist. Aureas studies the man, noting his bodily positions, posture, and the slowly approaching travelers in the distance. Aureas nod to himself, affirming his plan, and grips a throwing knife in his left hand. He flicks his wrist, sending the knife flickering into the woods on the roadside. The man bolts to his feet, wandering after it, dagger drawn. Aureas smiles, scooping up the sack he had forgotten, and pads quickly down the road.
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