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Everything posted by Lvke

  1. Oh my god. I can't stop laughing.
  2. Hey, hugothechamp, my internet bummed out, and I can't connect to any MC servers. Could you please hold on to that piece of netherrack until I get back.

  3. ESO Betaaa!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. gam


      Eh, I've gotten like 5 beta invites and only played one of them. It's not worth the 15-20 dollars a month that the game will cost upon release.

    3. Heff


      Aldmeri Dominion (if I get it)

    4. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      PVP is awesome, but the world is empty. I wouldn't pay for what they offer

  4. Movie recommendations?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ThatCanadian


      @Nalatac I enjoyed Now You See Me as well, its a good mind movie. Then there is also inception :P

    3. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      I thought Lone Survivor was really good.

    4. Anawkin


      Ride Aloooong.

  5. The Green Mile is such a tear-jerker...

  6. I want the White Rose to be a thing again.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Haribo


      stop putting on the nostalgia goggles, it doesn't do good

    3. MediocreGamer


      >Green texting on LoTC

      >Implying implicatory implications

    4. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      I'm fine with White Roses coming back, so long as everyone can be mature about things. Both from the White roses, and from other players. Neither side is an exception to the previous immaturities that occurred while they were around.

  7. Inception hurts my brain >.>

  8. Dokahn, sorry mang. My internet completely buggered itself. It was fun, interesting RP too.

  9. I'll be away for a week.

  10. Goldy wasted my 1,500th post :(

    1. argonian


      Where's the test?

    2. Samoblivion


      I honestly wouldn't value that as highly as a psychiatric evaluation. If you're noticing adverse symptoms, or others are, contact your doctor so they can set your mind at rest.

  11. ((Chroma Hills or something similar I believe)) Rokar cannot read, and frowns slightly as he simply gives the street urchin a kick up the arse and tells him to keep out of his pockets, before trudging to find Sabel and complain about the fact the urchin couldn't read the note to him.
  12. stop ur tralin ur scarn teh cildrn

  13. Go I hate school computers. Or well, they more hate the forums. Posts going missing when I try to post D:

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