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Gold VIP
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Everything posted by iris1612

  1. KoalaKoalaKoalaKoala.

    1. Pinsir99



    2. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo.

    3. Kitten



  2. ​9/10 I don't even know any more...
  3. A letter arrives back, in flowing Eastern words. The letter states as following: "Your application proves that you are skilled, but your own description makes you seem untrustworthy. Visit Amuel Sano for an intuition."
  4. ((You are already accepted, as per the letter sent by Kais on the first page. Unless you're talking about something else?))
  5. ((This makes me happy, I want to join now. Maybe when I have less characters. Sorry for sounding troll-ish, though, I only meant it as a joke, but I can see how it would seem rude. ))
  6. Hey, look! Somebody put my VIP on my forum account! YAAAY! Now I can change my Member Title!

    1. argonian


      uh...no. u need 500 posts

    2. iris1612



  7. Accepted. Visit Me or Obayun Ishikawa for your initiation test, training, and weapons. Welcome in, Cousin. - Amuel Sano
  8. OOOH! I REMEMBER YOU NOW! 10/10, that was great RP until it turned into a huge ooc scream fest
  9. If I get an account VA on one account, and want to make a VA on my other account, do I need to make another account VA?

  10. You were there? I didn't remember you being there O.o Oh yeah, and 1/10, never seen you before :P
  11. ((So, um, where's the response for stabbing the guy, knocking him out, bringing him back to your base and torturing him for information about his base, and then invading that and completely destroying it? That should be an option :P))
  12. Didja hear about the one where the Lawyer, the Scotsman, the Gamer, Morgan Freeman, Bill Cosby, and a Red Beet all walk into a bar? ...Yeah, neither did I.

    1. Ford


      did you hear about the one where holocaust?

    2. NomadGaia


      What about me?

    3. iris1612
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