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Everything posted by iris1612

  1. A note is pinned "If you wish a house of your own you can get one for free, tax-free, in Visigia. Or, you can have a small plot of land upon which to build your house, if you so desire. Send a bird to Brandon Amuel Sano ((MaxGemini)) or Charles Philip Horen ((kralek)) if you seek further information."
  2. Why are you so absurdly salty?

    1. Gangrel1230


      tfw salty is a lifestyle and no one understands you

  3. A note is pinned "Will compensation be provided to the buyer if the girl runs away? There is no use for a slave if she is not properly broken."
  4. Gone away on a trip for the weekend, will be back monday 5/9

  5. s down? Forgot about that bug

    1. Space


      Nope! Try direct connecting to mc.lotc.co if it appears to be

  6. If you feel like it, you can check out the old lore for Easterners here. All of it's mostly dead now, but if you feel like it you could put some of this lore into your current. Also, if you have any questions about old Easterners, you can PM me or Taufirewarrior or Yopplwasupxxx. I like your new lore a lot, good luck!
  7. I love you Norland guys,

  8. When the authentication servers go down I feel like a herion addict without a fix. Like right now. Anybody got heroin, to distract me?

    1. mmat


      might wanna get outside for a bit chum

    2. Eggles the Beagles

      Eggles the Beagles

      *lowers raspy voice* "Wanna buy some Puuuure?"

  9. If I ever decide to do an AMA, please shoot me in the head, unless I'm at a point where anybody would have anything interesting to ask me.

    1. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      So basically shoot you in the head, right? 

    2. Drunken Mutt

      Drunken Mutt

      Pfft joooooin uuuus. I heard lead is good for the brain.

    3. Moochael


      The bandwagon beckons you, Max... Come join...

  10. We need to figure out a way to get the emperors to live longer. Every three weeks we have a new one.

  11. Sounds absolutely fantastic. I dig it.
  12. Basically, yeah. They were fun and surprisingly not as edgy as you'd think I Hit me up with a pm and we'll talk.
  13. There is actual canonical lore for easterners (Japanese/ generally asian people) that can be found here: Obviously you don't have to confirm to or care about any of it, as it's long outdated, but if you feel like it, I'd encourage giving it a read. Also, I'm currently in the process of writing new and improved Easterner lore. I like your bio, and it's always refreshing see new players making new characters.
  14. I'm working on new lore for Easterners, but I'd like to throw this out first: Is anybody actually interested in making an Easterner character? Bc I don't want to write all this lore and have no kinsmen.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. FreeHongKong
    3. Pureimp10


      mitto calling out weaboos what a joke

    4. iris1612


      To clarify, the lore I'm writing is all based off of Mongolian/Korean and the religion practiced in the Okinawan Islands, with as little Japanese influence as possible. I'm also writing this as a person who played an Easterner with Kais back in 3.0 and wants to make them less edgy. So, there will be no Kanji, no Sushi, no Katanas, or anything else directly ripped from any real world culture.

  15. MC name: MaxGemini Skype: (don’t have to fill.) U know it Do you wish to be provided with housing?: Yes Previous occupations: I used to be an enforcer for a tavern, I'd kick people out when they got too drunk, or misbehaved.
  16. Lvl 100 rep. Worship me.


  18. I swear I'm addicted to this website... I can't stay away from you people <3

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