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Everything posted by spqrSancus

  1. ((No, second gen = the Graven revival. They are a separate type of creature that is closely linked to the originals. Don't concern yourself over that - Your character has been PK'd already and couldn't become one if you wanted him to. All other kinds of ghost, including the Graven set forth by the original creator, is open game.))
  2. ((So long as you don't plan on making him a second gen graven (no pk's allowed)) and just either a first gen or a generic ghost, you most certainly could!))
  3. And Graven? Might as well leave it, or help us all. :/ Unless, of course, you want me writing up yet another lore post explaining why we're able to walk in full sunlight, not demanifest from gold, etc, etc again.
  4. Me and him made this lore together, so lemme clarify. This is merely an RP explanation for why ghosts a) have chilly auras, and b) why they eat MC food. Trying to use it as an attack would be ridiculously slow. As in, you'd have to be latched onto a mortal for a LONG time (a month IRL?) so really, it's red-lined already. So basically plant matter and dead organic matter ONLY.
  5. ((Would like to speak to you to arrange some possible events with the CoS. Please PM if interested.))
  6. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/112788-the-graven-of-the-second-generation-rp-intro-ooc-applications/#entry1068689 Hey all, we're still looking for 4 more people to fill the remaining 4 spots for Graven applications. Do try your luck!
  7. ((We accepted you officially yesterday, as you know, friend. Welcome to the team!)) **+*+** And in the darkness of an old, old attic, a creature of Shadow and Smoke and a creature of Silver and Fire stand before a new-coming soul. The walls gleam a hellish red, and the shadows hover menacingly. "Here is the Darke, Soul! That which harboured death and destruction and the creation of our kind. We are born of it, the sons and daughters of an entity which existed before the Creator himself." "Some of us are lost to the darkness which bore us. They hide away from the living and the dead, fearful of the stranger and fearful of the self! But this is not to be our fate! Where some may hide, others shall seek, and this Soul who, here before us, has come to seek us! The Darke has claimed you, Brother of Shadows, and now you stand as one of us!" "Our numbers are few, but our powers grow!" "We are weak alone, but united, together, we stand stronger and higher than man, than elf, than man, than orc!" "So it is that from this day forward, Samuel King, the Forgotten, the Soul, is brought into our eternal fold, which has stood before Father Time himself!" Though the Silver of my ancestors stand eternal, the Darke is more eternal still!" "We will exist from now, to the end, and then beyond the end. You are one of us, now, Soul. Forgotten you may be, but Remembered is what shall thee be!" "Arise!" "We attain Godhood together!" "It is done, brother. Welcome to the Court of Souls." ((In the coming days, look out for a post by cman (the Engraved, and our Court Scribe) about things such as details about the first meeting, and a lore post trying to explain why ghosts need to eat. Yup, time to explain why the air is cold and why the ghost is eating our bread! Woot!))
  8. I like cman's idea better, honestly. Also, mind if you take my name off the credits and all? I appreciate it, but people tend to get the wrong idea around here and I don't want the hate mail or death threats that usually accompany these things. Particularly as I took no part in making this. Anyhow, for the generic ghost, sounds like an interesting concept. Obviously shouldn't apply to Graven, for various obvious reasons, but it sounds like it might be good, given work. EDIT: I forgot to mention, ghosts can wield special abilities and powers and you can do this according to lore, so long as you don't make it OP. Lemme get a linky. SECOND EDIT!!! : Here. Ghost magic. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/98363-spectral-spiritual-connections-ghost-magic/?hl=spectral
  9. Whose steam is joshuachaput, just checking before I accept a random guy.

    1. Jonificus


      I told you in PM.

    2. spqrSancus


      Oh okay lol, didn't see that one. XD Thanks man. :P

  10. ((I noticed that you haven't done the OOC app, either on the thread or via PM. Please do so as soon as possible and I will respond as fast as I can. If you don't want to take part in the ET-like activities, that is also fine, just say so in the OOC app and fill out any other things pertaining to bans, lore, etc. I will be making a separate app for such people shortly. Expect an edit on the OP))
  11. Back, be RPin' again soon! See you all in Haelun'or (And, of course, if you're a ghosty of any proper sort, the Court. :))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    3. BrandNewKitten
    4. spqrSancus


      :P Of course my good friends, albeit I have a feeling I will be traveling back and forth between the two rather often... :P

  12. ((OOCly accepted. Get a character planned up then post the RP application. You may also want to think up a character title. I'll be shooting you a forum PM soon (or adding you to one) or if it turns out that we have reached the limit of participant, skype/steam.))
  13. ((Alright, so as fate has decreed that fate should not reply... Denied, for the sole reason it seems he decided these characters were not what he was looking for. Furthermore, people should watch out for us in the coming weeks... We are preparing to start our "guild" in earnest, and may or may not attempt the takeover of a certain marshy, evil area with particular benefits for ghosties... In any case, ta-ta! I'm hoping those of you who have ghostly powers of any sort will join us there!))
  14. I'll be back sometime in the next 3 days, but may have to leave again after that. See you then.

  15. Alright, actually going to continue being inactive for another 8 days, be back soon though.

  16. ((Currently unable to get on the computer atm, so I'll deal with any apps later, at best in a few days and at worst two weeks. Would like to point out to Fate that not all ghosts are malevolent, and that all bar Graven are physically incapable of doing such damage so as to kill directly. As such, one such expectation is unlikely to be met. The most likely occurence in such a happening as stumbling upon a haunting place would be the spooking of the mortal, possibly with serious injury at most. Provided you still want to join, post again. I would also encourage one to, if planning to join as a Graven, to apply for a second generation Graven in the roster thread in the Roleplay forum. Making this clear. You are not accepted, but you are not denied either. Think about this for a moment, as I am not certain this is what you are looking for. I believe you would be a welcome addition to the team, but something else may suit you better. Pending. Typed painstakingly on a tablet))
  17. Hey all. Just wanted to let all of you know that I will be away for a week or two due to some IRL business. Thanks.

    1. Parkins


      I will miss you forever.

  18. ((cman64 as well as TheNorwegianGuy have both sent me the app privately. He has been accepted. cman's spirit is a poltergeist, and will be acting as one of (currently the only of) the Court's scribe. For those whom are worried about some of the grammatical errors in his post, I believe that is simply habit done in casual conversation. In the RP topics and posts I have seen, the grammar is well-done and the talent in writing exemplary. I believe and dearly hope he will keep this quality up, both in-game and in the forums. TheNorwegianGuy is a second-gen Graven who's jobs are to a) bring peace to other spirits (giving them a sense of purpose in the allocation of duty in a taskmaster-like manner), and to keep the living in line so as not to befall a spirit's fate. Welcome to the team. I'll add your characters to the rosters shortly. If you haven't already, PM Quavinir IG or on the forums for coordinates to the next temporary "ghost shelters/spirit shrines," as it seems those in Norithel have been rather hastily removed...)) ------------------------------------------------------------- Deep within the darkest of woods, smoke coils, and torches cast more shadow than light. The hateful, angry red aura of a Poltergeist tears at the world around the spirit of Silver and the spirit of Gold. A joyfully chaotic and vile clash of colours that make up the consuming black. "The Darke is great and infinite, and it hides many of our number. Whereas some are lost, others we begin to find, and they too will fall in with the Sons of Shadow and Fate." "Our numbers are few." "Our powers only grow." "And so it is that this day forth we welcome the Shadowed Scribe, Albinec Mountainwalker to our eternal circle. May he never fall into the Light of the Clerics nor into the Plane of the Uruks." "As Silver stands eternal, the Darke reigns longer still. It existed before Time and it will exist even after it's end." "As it was in the beginning, shall now, and ever after, be a world without end." "Brother Scribe, welcome. May you find what you seek." But even as the induction ends, another begins. A spirit of black with empty, grey eyes steps forwards, cloaked and hooded in the strange smoke and heat of those of the Second Coming. "Welcome, brother. I do not know your name, but you are one of mine. Come stand with us and there shall be none to bar our Darke ways." And so the spirit did, for this was the Captain Condemned, the messenger of the Black itself, peace-bringer of the Spirit-kind, and punisher of the vilified mortal. "And so it begins, lliran."
  19. ((Fixed up the app, as it was giving players way too much responsibility for an ET-like entity. Sorry guys, was rushed and just copy pasted the ET app. :((( ))
  20. How long do the nets take to catch fish?

    1. paulie


      about a benz

  21. The server just die or was that just me?

  22. Thanks God the server didn't kill that armour. O.o 30 friggin' minutes. I get the fact we don't want armour everywhere all over again, but honestly

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Except that it is everywhere all over again.

    2. Idiot14yearoldminecraftplayer


      leather armour + mobility > iron armour and slowness

    3. Redbaron™


      Expect for the fact how much more valuable armor is now.

  23. Holy **** if the server just crashed... O.o I was crafting iron leggings and was ALMOST done GODDAMMIT. O.o

  24. Done. Also forgot to point out that every race bar humans have a lifespan longer than 100. If you're a human, sorry, but you aren't getting higher on the superficial rank system. And it really shouldn't matter to you anyways, because it's SUPERFICIAL.
  25. ((Again, superficial, and honestly... Seniority... Like I said, ghosts are based very largely off age. I chose to use the age system because of Supremacy's lore. I thought all this out and thought that is what would fit the current lore best. Get the age thing scrapped and we might talk, but as it is, more age = more power. Not necessarily in this, but in general.
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