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Everything posted by spqrSancus

  1. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/113324-the-court-of-souls/#entry1076879 Spectral RPers! Come join the mighty not-ET thingy for ghosts! :D More advertisements!
  2. ((I'll grab a couple of left-over skins from a planned generic ghost character that I never used that has the haunt, spectre, and poltergeist skins. Give me a couple minutes and I'll grab you the linky to the req. A revenant, which is the stage after haunt but before spectre/poltergeist just has pupils. As for Graven, first gens can look like basically anything, barring a living person. So shadows, energy, blue cold fire, or even just like a normal ghost. Second gens require an app accepted by yours truly in order to be roleplayed, but they either look like haunts or like they're made of smoke and hot fire. As for RPing day-to-day, keep a distance from mortals. Interact with them, but if you want to talk to them, don't do so directly, if possible. Using the black language resource in the roleplay section is all well and good, as well as ancient elvish if it makes sense for your character to know it. Also acceptable is using telepathy while invisible to spell out messages on the floors and walls. Basically, don't be Casper and start making friends with mortals. Be a classic ghost story-like ghost. No guide, though I might get on that shortly. And no, not necessarily just for events or they'd be ET creatures, albeit I'd beg for one to keep them as an alt at most. I.e. check all the lores. Go into Jistuma's handily compiled lore list and take a good long look and some nice time to read anything to do with spectral occurences, (and maybe get a hot cup of coffee while you're at it) and you'll have a good nice idea.))
  3. ((It's completely superficial and there's really no actual effect to RP other than something for a ghost to call themselves. Which reminds me... Forgot an app! XD)) ((EDIT: The app is now implemented. Don't be shy, join us. Quavinir and I are "taking charge," for the time being, as it starts, but as we gain more members, this "power" will quickly diminish. I promise we'll all have an equal say for all this.)) ((EDIT #2: The rank years have been changed at Lago's behest!))
  4. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/113324-the-court-of-souls/#entry1076879 Spectral RPers! Come join the mighty not-ET thingy for ghosts! :D
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peLEorA41tY "... And so it was that the two spirits of duty, the Golden Soul and the Silver Sentinel pushed together in desperation and fate, entered the circle and discussed their plans. For Spectral-kind was to be found lacking in it's mannerisms and was failing in the light. Thus was how their survival was ensured. So in the dead of night, moonless and dark, the two came up with five Unholy Laws and five Greate Grievances to ensure the continuance of their Darkeste Unrest... ...To never harm their Unholy Brothers... ...To hold vigilance against the Descendant's promise... ...To fear and shun the hated lights... ...To leave the Faith of Cleric and Shaman away and behind... ...And to protect their brothers and sisters of Darke unholy Fate... ...and in doing so bound them to the fate of spirit-kind. And then they pursued the power of undeath, and in it, found great reward in the shameful display of the arcane. Such was the start of the Spectral Court, whom stole away the children and hung them by their necks, whom broke adult breath and instilled great terrors in the hearts of all the Descendants' kind, and named Death their Father and Darke their Son, and all the Dead their Brothers. Beware the shadows, for they hide darker things still." -Excerpt from Ten Great Legends of Anthos' Time [!] Here before you lies an old book, penned by a Mr. James Lawrence the Second. The Court of Souls It's Purpose The Spectral Court has not long existed, at least not by name. It has been known for some time that Spectralkind were somehow related to each other in some unfathomable way. Spectralkind were constantly in contact with one another, often appearing to work together suddenly and without warning. The reason? The Court. This Court does not function like a mortal court. There are no kings and queens, no princes, princess, lords, or ladies. There are only souls. The Court is a loose amalgamation of Spectralkind, a sort of "reigning democracy" if you will. Each ghost has it's say. Each ghost has it's individual goal. And each must follow the rules which have been decided upon by all, or risk being eternally shunned by their own kind. Altogether the pinnacle of Spectral Beings, it's composites are neither good nor evil, but rather somewhere in between. The Court has no official ranking system. There are no lords greater than counts, no single all-powerful king, no dukes, no duchesses. While ghosts respect age and power, each is largely independent, ad don't expect other ghosts to follow their lead - each abides by their own standards and expectations, and they follow no other, except by will. That being said, the Court of Souls respects age - how long you have been manifested. How long it has been since you first died. Even how long it has been since your birth. All contributes to power, and with life no longer an issue, nor political standing, nor even wealth, a ghost has only the ideal of power left to adhere to. As such, the oldest ghosts are given the utmost respect by those around them, and while their word is not law, nor do ghosts see it as such, their opinions are often considered more heavily than those whom are younger. The Court of Souls operates on this sole ideal - power. Absolute, complete, and total power. And it is this pursuit of power for which the Court exists. As they say, strength in numbers. A thousand ghosts are more powerful than one, and the more spirits which stand or float at one's side, the easier it is to survive, to fight, to escape, and to complete various tasks. Popularity and favour giving is very much a thing in this Court - it is well-known that the more allies one has at it's side, the more powerful it becomes. In short, the Court functionally treats every ghost as though they were equal, and exists for the continued gathering of power and survival of all spectral-kind. It is a dangerous and mysterious force, and it's true inner workings are unknown even to me, however, it undoubtedly exists. Be wary - you may face one ghost now. But in the future, will it call upon it's allies to give it aid? I wish you luck in the hunt, be you man, Mali, Uruk, or dwarf. I am James Lawrence the Second. Beware the shadows, for they hide darker things still. ((OOC Info)) As stated in James Lawrence's so called study on the Court, there is no true ranking system. Officially, the Court holds no prejudice. There is no true imbalance of power. However, ghosts do respect age, with which comes power. And thus, ghosts will naturally respect those whom have it. These ranks are very superficial, and serve no real purpose, however, ghosts will most like respect or envy your ghost more depending on their ages, albeit those who hold such "titles" would not expect any one ghost to follow it simply for such, nor take it's word over any other. Essentially, this is just flavour text, something to add some colour to the Court. You can use them or not, and you can RP them having an effect or not. It doesn't matter. This "guild" will essentially be a player-led event team-like entity, mainly OOC with RP elements, that focuses on a very specific roleplay style that is often overlooked but can be very fun should one RP it properly - spectral occurences. Created in mind to allow large scale ghost events with multiple ghost RPers taking part, this OOC/RP creation will focus on teamwork, collaboration, and competition. Each event will cater to a different playerbase. Each event will attempt to inspire either dread or awe. Whether it is exploring an ancient sprawling catacomb, attempting to appease the spirits of the dead, or fending off waves of attacking preternatural creatures, or even the good old fashioned witch hunt, the event will be crafted in mind to create a classic spooky (and possibly humorous) atmosphere. While this organization will take longer than the Event Team to pull together and arrange events, and one will likely find it more difficult to roleplay effectively without the aid of the mechanics/looseness of the rules available to the Event Team and will not have such great rewards as the Event Team, it's roleplay will be no less enjoyable, and of no lesser quality. We hope to see you around. Sincerely, The ghosts of LoTC. The "Ranks" (If meaningless titles make you feel good. ;) ) Use these in RP to signify age and/or refer to another spirit by an honorific. 500+ yrs = Abberation 400-499 yrs = Banshee 300-399 yrs = Phantom 200-299 yrs = Spectre/Poltergeist (Not just used amongst the two respective kinds of ghosts, Graven have been known to be classified as one or the other as well according to their alignments) 100-199 yrs = Spirit 0-99 yrs = Soul The OOC Rules -Be friendly to other players! Even if they aren't to you, try your best to be polite. -Avoid BRs! Try not to make them over the tiniest little thing. That doesn't mean DON'T do it - just try and avoid it. Try to solve it with them first. And no, trying to solve it does not count as "BR!!!1!!1!" -Take a chill pill and be courteous. Ask the other players for feedback, for permission to continue RPing as though night, etc. As a Graven, if you want PvP, don't force it on people who don't want it. Ask them. If they don't want it, don't call PvP default, unless it is absolutely necessary, like, say, "Oh ****, I gtg for so and so reason." And don't just be a jerk and say that just because you want PvP. -Follow server rules! This should be obvious. -I would say have fun here, but obviously, that's not exactly something you can make a rule about... Albeit if you're not having fun, why the hell you here, man? :P Go out there and RP as you like! -Follow lore! Follow it, can't stress this enough! Act spooky! Use spectral magic to it's full extent and scare the **** out of someone's character! Do it! It's fun and if you do it properly, it'll be so for other players too! Don't be another one of those silly Caspers! ((End of OOC Info)) The Commandments of the Court -Do not aggress a fellow Soul without reason. Those whom aggress their fellow Souls will be SHUNNED. -There is a fine line between alliance/protection of mortals and friendship! Those whom dally with the living will be SHUNNED and PURGED, lest they bring down upon us the might of the living. -Fear the light, for light weakens and burns. Those who walk the light will be SHUNNED. -Leave the Clerics and Shamans in peace, lest they hunt us down and rend our souls with faithful light! Those who provoke their wrath will be SHUNNED, PURGED, and DELIVERED UNTO THE LIGHT. -Protect and aid your fellow Souls, that we may each attain Godhood in death! Those who refuse will be SHUNNED. ((Further OOC Details)) We'll be RPing the actual group as though it were something akin to a council/moot, with meetings held every other week or whenever any one member calls for such a meeting, either in order to call into question some of the "laws," propose new "legislations," or call for favours (event part of the "guild.") Laws will be very largely subjective, with different interpretations by different ghosts. A ghost, if found to have apparently broken such a law, would be called to task and trial, with each ghost voting on whether to dole out punishments or not. Just the same, a ghost can possibly appeal said verdict after a time IF they were simply shunned. We will be making for ourselves a larger "Courthouse," or home, sometime in 4.0. Quavinir will be in charge of helping arrange whatever building must be done, and will be arranging for temporary shelter in the lands of Thales. Anyhow, that's all for now. Hope to see you guys soon! Current Roster (Would be unknown to all but ghosts) -The Silver Sentinel (Abberation, spqrSancus, Event Branch) -The Golden Soul, Hyra (Soul, Quavinir_Signus/Divine_Porpotion/goldensaint2, Event Branch) -The Engraved, Albinec Mountainwalker (Spirit, cman64, Event Branch) -The Captain Condemned (Phantom, TheNorwegianGuy/jonhan2, Event Branch) -The Eternal Librarian (Spirit, Eenhoornheid, N/A) OOC Application (Event Branch) Minecraft name: Skype ID (Required): Time zone: Have you been banned sometime in the past 6 months? What are your characters? Is one of them a ghost? If not, would you be willing to make one and possibly PK a character to do it? What sort of allegiances have any of your characters held in the past? What sort of roleplay do you specialize in? (e.g. Peaceful, Conflict, Exploration, Spontaneous, etc.) What do you believe are key factors for a successful spooky event? What strengths could you contribute to the Court OOCly? Are you knowledgeable in lore, great at organizing, good at building, a good writer, what? Don't have to get into detail, and doesn't have to be super amazing stuff, list it off. Why do you want to be part of the Court? Create a distinct event you might do as part of the Court. Doesn't have to be long or detailed now, just decent! Tell us what you expect personally from the Court. This doesn't particularly matter and is optional, however, your saying something will help us develop the group into what it needs to be. Finally... Do you agree to adhere to Supremacy's lore pertaining to the estrangement of mortals, among all other lore pertaining to proper Spectral ettiquette? OOC: Casual Branch The casual branch is meant for those ghost RPers who do not want to have to create/participate in events set forth by the event branch, but want to be able to roleplay alongside fellow ghosts. They get a say in the meetings, are able to roleplay alongside other ghosts easily, and are held to the same roleplay and most of the relevant, common sense OOC rules. They're a little freer, but can't call for event-type favours or meetings (such as a Graven calling for aid in fulfilling it's duties, ghostly mass attacks, etc)) but may participate in those set out by the Event Branch, and may call for minor favours, such as for materials for building, props, and otherwise. Casual branch members, may, if they wish and have shown a decent amount of prowess in events, be voted into the Event Branch at any time. Minecraft name: Skype ID (Optional): Time Zone: Have you been banned sometime in the last 3 months? What are your characters? Is one of them a ghost? If not, would you be willing to make one and possibly PK a character to do it? What sort of allegiances have any of your characters held in the past? What sort of roleplay do you specialize in? (e.g. Peaceful, Conflict, Exploration, Spontaneous, etc) Why do you want to be part of the Court? Do you agree to adhere to Supremacy's estrangement to mortals lore, as well as any other lore pertaining to proper Spectral etiquette? ((RP Application)) [!] The boom and rumble of hooves trampling the ground sound through the night air, seeking spirits of old and new alike. Taking the form of a ghostly rider, burning with fire and smoke, and sitting upon a vile horse, it hurls a dark, old, and crumpled scroll at your ghostly character's feet. Within the scroll is first written the Commandments of the Court and following that, it's purpose as a legislative entity bent on pursuing the survival and empowerment of all spectral-kind. Finally, there comes the actual letter itself. You have been summoned to take up a role at the Spectral Court. Join us now, brother or sister in Death, and we shall attain Godhood together. Write the letter and call for the spirit of the Cavalier, and his protégé will soon ride to take you home. Welcome back, friend of Darkness. Your name and/or title. Your allegiances in life. Do you agree to adhere by the Commandments of the Court, and to actively pursue and follow any future verdicts that the Court as an entity chooses to establish or abolish? Your age.
  6. In what year did Aegis get destroyed? Just need to know for a post I'm making.

    1. danic
    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      1352, at the beginning of that very year.

    3. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      I remember being very excited when the year 1337 rolled around.

  7. What I had thought to be my internet has been spazzing out for days. Turns out 32x Chrome has since the last update become incompatible with 64x Windows. XD

    1. Z3r05t4r


      Use Firefox. Or Foxfire Ahri.

    2. Lark
  8. Woot Canada FTW! XD Dun even know if yous Canadian or just know your ****, I'm just proud to be a maple leaf right now. XD
  9. *shrugs* I liked the war front system honestly, but if the staff won't use that, this would be a very nice second. +1 sir.
  10. Formatting fixed up a bit, changed certain details within the whole profile as pertaining to attitudes, reactions, etc, after roleplaying with him a bit to see how he would in practice react to certain things. Will be adding music and pictures sometime in the future.
  11. So adjectives in Elvish are like french adjectives with an apostrophe? :P
  12. Good fight dwarves! :) :P

  13. Is it down AGAIN?!

  14. Essentially every single post on the thread, OP. Sorry, thanks, but no thanks.
  15. I'll admit it: something which really annoys me is when someone a) votes on a post or b) posts on a post without ever reading the original post. It's... Frustrating.

    1. Cyndikate


      I hate it when people vote without posting.

    2. spqrSancus


      Same here, Ahri. Same here. :(

  16. The Silver Sentinel / Elokarir'mahnihan'thilln Name in Life: Ker'ento'eth (Next sunset to end) Age: N/A - One could guess from the times of Aegis Gender: Male? Or is it just an it? Born: As a mali'aheral of the Silver cihi Race: Graven of the Second Generation Status: Bound into Graven-dom. Description Height: N/A Weight: N/A Body Type: Amorphous, lean but more "muscular" than other aheral. Eyes: Glow with a low, hellish red which intensifies with anger, irritation, or during communication. Hair: N/A Skin: Smoke. As in it is literally smoke. Markings/Tattoos: None. Health: How can a Graven be healthy? Personality: A distant being, even to those once his own kind. Aggressive to those not mali'thilln. Careful around holy beings, albeit heedless of the dangers of the average mortal. Respectful towards the Elven authorities, whom he is bound to serve under even still. Around other Spectral Beings, he retains the superiority and arrogance of his lifetime, albeit, given that they are now found to be one and the same, he affords his undead brothers, even those not originally of mali'thill birth, some greater respect than he had in his life before. Rarely speaks to mortals out loud, and when he does, it is most often elvish or an insult. There are, of course, exceptions, but it prefers not to directly associate with mortals. Inventory: Light armour and a rapier, perfect for quick movement and precise blows. Further Details: Favourite mode of communication: His Graven Stare, and ancient elvish. Life Style Alignment*: Lawful Neutral. He doesn't give two shits if one is the good guy or not - someone breaks the Silver Laws, they die. Deity*: None Religion Philosophy: Elmaehr'sae hiylun'ehya Alliance/Nation/Home: The Silver City, wherever that may be found. Job/Class: To guard the Silver City against all threats, big or small. Title(s): The First, The Eldest Graven of the Second Coming, The Silver Sentinel, or otherwise Elokarir'mahnihan'thilln, The Master of the Silver Walls Profession(s): A guard in life, and a guard in death. Special Skill(s): The ability to use the Graven Stare, in both it's weaponized form and communicative form. Also the ability to wield both magic and weapons and armour at the same time, as well as vanish into the shadows. Flaw(s): Can be killed by a great many things, extreme aggression may provoke others into attack, rarely communicates with mortals. Magic* Current Status: Able to draw on his own essence to cast low level (T3) magic. Arch-type: Arcane Sub-Type: Fire Evocation, Telekinesis Rank: T3 by old standards Weakness(es): Sunlight causes him to demanifest. Can die from extensive use of magic. Fears and is hideously weakened by holy magic. Strength(s): Magic is stronger with heat. Current Spell(s): Usual stuff, you know. Weaponry Fighting Style: Fencing (quick, precise, usually stabbing blows) combined with a degree of magic and hand to hand. Trained Weapon: A sword, typically the rapier. Favored Weapon: The rapier, again. Archery: Well-enough. Biography Parents: N/A - Mali'aheral'thilln Siblings: N/A Children: N/A Extended Family: N/A Pet(s): N/A History As an elf of the silver cihi, his parents, parent's parents, and their parents before them, lived and died serving with the Sillumiran. Ker'ento'eth too entered the Sillumiran, and served diligently and with pride in protecting Elhaelun'or, if not for the act of taking life. However, though at first he also pursued other pursuits, including familial and romantic, his life was soon turned around when one day, a fellow soldier appeared at his doorstep. This soldier was dressed in that of the armour and uniform of Sillumiran, and, unbeknownst to Ker'ento'eth, by then a soldier of the rank of Sillumir, was a Graven in disguise. Once a venerable soldier of the rank of Tilruir'tir, this Graven led Ker'ento'eth into believing that his home was perpetually in danger, and had to be guarded, day and night, at any cost. One day, during an attack by unknown raiders, Ker'ento'eth was suddenly murdered when the Graven soldier suddenly reached out for his heart, ripping it out and killing him instantly. About 50 years later, Ker'ento'eth has risen again to fulfill his creator's duty - to guard the silver walls, wherever they may be. He rose as Elokarir'mahnihan'thilln, the Silver Sentinel and Master of the Silver Walls. Artwork His second duty?: To aid in the unification of ghosts under a single equal banner - that of the Court. To what does he most respond?: Traitors, impure mali, wars. Sympathetic to other souls, even if they would have been enemies in life. How does he currently interpret it's allocated duty?: To stand guard before the gate, rejecting all impurities and all unworthy outsiders. What are some typical signs of your Graven manifesting?: Quick and quiet, smoke unfurls from the shadows, swiftly swirling and condensing into a being of smoke and fire. How does his Stare work?: His weaponized stare transmits a feeling of intense, crushing betrayal, as well as the image of the one closest to them betraying them. The distrustful will find themselves immune, unless personally insecure.
  17. Does anyone know the coords of the Cloud Temple? Need to get there without having to use /dmg 20. :/

    1. Ford


      14, 65, -27

    2. spqrSancus


      Thanks, be making my way there shortly.

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