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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by excited

  1. How long ago ic was the exodus? 2 years?
  2. ((Everyone hates darkies.... just.... why? We're cute a fuzzy, and we don't bite.... one of us screwed over a rose, and now everyone hates us *Cries, tears are seen* Just.... whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!?)) Ps: Jus' kiddin'
  3. MC User Name: PiercingDarkness In Game Name: Mythras Ardere. Character Bio:((Optional, Would good too post though) Mythras as born in Ravenhold, he was one of the many forced out from Iblee's Wrath, and moved to the Verge, and then to Asulon, and now Anthos. He's currently learning the Arcane Art of Fire-Evocation, and is a journeyman in his art. ((Tier 2)) Your Specialty: (Such as some everyday skills or combat skills) Fire-Evocation, I'm pretty good with this Arcane Art. What is your character Alignment? So far, neutral, but he will do things for the greater good if he feels the need. Do you have a VA? if so what, for what evils?: I'm willing to write many kinds of V.A's. But currently, I have a mini-v.a for minor thievery.
  4. The Form: Your Name: Mythras Ardere Your Age: Around 230 Your Race: Elf, Mali'ker Are you wishing to join the college as a Mage, or a Pilgrim?: Mage, or more of a, not powerful mage. If joining as a mage, clarify on if you are currently skilled in the magical arts, or being taught by someone who is: My master, Richard Tarus is teaching me, but I also teach myself some things, and make theories, and etc... I currently work on perfecting my evocation. What affinity of magic are you skilled in? Fire-Evocation (( OOC: MC Name: PiercingDarkness When did you join the server?: Just after Asulon was removed, when the temp maps began. If applying as a mage, link any currently approved MAs unless grandfathered: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/91807-myths-updated-ma-new-teacher/ If applying as a mage, list your magic type and tier: Fire-Evocation, tier 2. ))
  5. I'd not mind that! If so, could you also attack the necromancer? Trolls are mindless beings so it seems, and wouldn't serve a necromancer, nor help the delvers. They'd attack both sides perhaps? Thanks for the offer!
  6. I wouldn't mind at all, I won't be able to be in the event though, unless it's today, I leave the server tommorow for some family things in another state. If it could be later today sure, it not, can it be tommorow? Or the next day? The delvers need a event. Ps: I wrote it from the delver perspective, it's understood it's NOT a derva ruin.
  7. Event Planners, MC Names: PiercingDarkness (that's all). Event Type: Magic/fighting Event Date: 7/9/2013, 3:00 mountain time. Factions/Nations effected by the event: Arcane Delvers will most likely be affected, perhaps the halflings if the battle spreads. Event Location: The Witches Woods, Ac'telerah Summary: The woods - a deadly place. Many things lurk there, trolls, witches, necromancers.....and even a guild of magic users. This guild though, will have to fight for their home - an ancient ruin of the Derva. (Derva's a southeron word to describe the dwarves that once lived on Anthos). Even Harpies have been seen, as well as many magical creatures of all sorts. But a battle will shake Ac'telerah's already aged foundations, as the Delvers fight to keep their ruin, and if they wish to continue to live in the woods, they'll have to fight two necromancers, two very skilled dark-arts users. Because of this, they may be destroyed, and if not, the cost dear to keep the forest. The Delvers will have to call on their allies, to fight the storm of Undead Creatures, and to hold back the Necromancers, or even kill them. As the time nears, more people seem to notice....some trees in the woods seem to have had their live sucked out of them. The fate of the battle is unseen, yet, it seems that these evil, crazed maniacs want the ruin...or the people's mana to feed on. Concept Images/Screenshots Other Information: Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: Yes, I do. If so, do you require actors and/or builders I'd just require two actors, maybe three, I need two to play necromancers, and the third for a crazed man living in the forest who'd warn the people of Ac'telerah, but the thirds optional. Extra: This is not a grinding event, we're going to be rply fighting the necromancers and their rp zombies they summon. We will fight /a few/ zombies for grinding, 4-5 at first, but that's it. The event is meant for rp, not anything else. Anyone may join, for the Delvers would call on allies for help, people not allied can't fight, it's entirely a rp fight, and should be treated as such. This should be a 2-2 and a half hour event. It'll be great, and I hope people enjoy it.
  8. I support, as a braduk and a orc. I believe we need this lore, it'd create interesting rp.
  9. People won't read the lore, more wanabe ninjas will throw it and get away like a Ninja. And then kill people while seeing through it was Ezio. Sorry, I just feel this'll be heavily power-gamed. -1
  10. Art, if only you were happy :/ ah, then us meat shields would get lunch breaks :/
  11. Mithras Alfakyn Basic Information Preferred Name: Age: Date of Birth: ??? Race: Dark Elf Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Titles: The Red Paladin, The Unyielding Affiliations: Knights of Aeriel, Order of Sacred Light, The Ascended Prior Affiliations: Eventide Dominion Occupation: Mage Appearance: A rather tall man with white hair and orange eyes tinged with yellow. Height: 6'10 Weight: 195 lb Build: Rather normal looking, though he doesn't appear very strong. Skin Color: Dark grey Eye Color: Orange Hair Style: Wild, messy. Hair Color: White Fashion: N/A Tattoos: A mongoose is etched into the flesh of his left arm. Personality: Cheerful, happy. Base Alignment: Chaotic Good Brief Biography: Friends: Family: Enemies:
  12. ((How do his eyes glow? That's not possible..and cries blood? That's relatively impossible, do you have a lore for this?))
  13. ((I thought we already had trolls? Oh wait, those are category 1 :P))
  14. Talis looks, and snorts, annoyed, he leaves a note; "Didn't see none of yeh fight in Aegis, good luck nowadays again' Oren." Pleased, he leaves.
  15. Cool! Sounds better than the Undead did xD
  16. Altalis Marv Aliases: Talis, Alexander Age: 677 Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Race: Mali'aheral Relations: [son] Mithras Ardere-Sylvari, Lafthi Sylvari [Distant cousin], distantly related to the Aephes Dominion. Profession: Blacksmith, Bard Story: 'Yonder over the beckoning mountains they fled, beneath the withered stars a spread, 'till he find his lovely home, in murky caves of harking bone.' Altalis, also nicknamed Talis and given the alias 'Alexander' while in the Aegean Orenian Military was born in the town named Draelick. The town was well known for its purist residents, most notably a supremacist clan of high-elves called the Morkari.
  17. Revamping this, expect changes soon!
  18. **Talis kicks a baby.*** **The Blackmont laughs than realizes it's his son. "Nooooooooo!" he yells, but it is to late, the baby's dead. ((Joke, so not respond.))
  19. *****A note is pinned to the tree or house you're near.********* Aegian Knights; the warriors of Aegis. We're shrouded in secrets.....those who do good in this world are shunned, many do not know their place in this world....they think we can be stomped out, the honest men and women, the ones who fight for Light against those of Darkness.We're called heretics, crazy, goody goodies, but no longer, we shall pave the path of Light in blood, for to remove one life may save a thousand, we're no longer worthless, crazy, wandering people, we're now a true force, stopping Darkness in our wake, we shall smoothen the the rough edges of this land, we will rid people of what is not now Iblee's taint, but that of greedy, powerful men, who can never get enough, we won't be stomped out! It's our time! Our goal! To rid this world of greedy worthless men! We shall stomp out the heart of evil! We take any who join! Whether they be Elf or Dwarf, or even a Orc! We shall have our victory! We shall never be called heretics again! We shall prove ourselves to be noble! To all the descendants of Aegian people, and even those outside it! We shall serve justice to thieving power hungry governments! Join our fight, more info is bellow! Whether it be a huge castle, or the White Roses who are committing major genocides we'll never give in, we will remain strong! we're not going to base ourselves to helping one race or town or city, we shall spread it, we will help those in need, we will prove ourselves victorious in our glorious struggle for the good of the land! Join us in our fight, we don't turn corrupt, we're truly good, and the base of the good that can be caused to help our lands of Anthos! Today we fight! Send a application to our base! ((Reply to this thread)) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Application-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OOC: Role-play name: Mc username: Alignment: ((Chaotic good, things like that)) Favorite weapon: Skills: Why should we let you join? Will you follow our laws when you are initiated?
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