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Status Replies posted by Watty_Banker

  1. I recall seeing a thread where the render distance issue was discussed, it was in noted feedback. How noted was it?

  2. I honestly have trouble believing people think this is a Rollplay server instead of a Roleplay server.

    1. Watty_Banker


      I hate the /roll thing. Its just as bad as the Halfling v Orc thing in pvp. Why can't people rp like in the good ol' days?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  3. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.

  4. Anyone down for playing a family member in a rising human house?

    1. Watty_Banker


      Depends on when your active. But I'd be in for an alt character.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. I'm looking for a new GPU and I think i'm getting the GTX 970 but idk, is there anything better around that price?

  6. i have actually built a cult following of dragoaboos, dragon age will rule supreme

    1. Watty_Banker


      Playing dragon age: Origins. Pretty good game

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. so who was onit last night

  8. Sorry freinds and foes and others, it was meant as a joke.

  9. Why is Iblees called the "Arch-Daemon"? The title of Arch implies a leadership role, much like Aerial or Gazardiael were Archaenguls (I may be mistaken for Aerial), as they had other Aenguls beneath them with similar goals and ideals. Iblees, however, has no one but himself and maybe Ikuras, and a single seperate Daemon does not register him as a valid Arch-entity. He would be the opposite, in fact. He's a fallen immortal.

    1. Watty_Banker


      Your mom calls herself your mom even though she ain't that good at it!!!!

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  10. I have officially lost my mind. I have played lotc all afternoon from 4 to 10 and i have multiple tests tomorrow, along with a couple dozen pages of reading due, an essay i havent really done anything on due after tomorrow, a project after that, and 3 bi tests on friday. I have just brought down my gpa by, like, a full point. Learn from this lesson kids; homework over fun.

    1. Watty_Banker


      I was in the same situation last week, 60% of my final mark needed to be in. About 30% of that was done. I was awake until 4am that day, I had to wake up at 7am. May the procrastination gods have mercy on your soul

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  11. Just a question to satisfy my curiosity: are the Undead still OP in your eyes?

    1. Watty_Banker


      Are they OP? Yes. Being able to smite five people at once and kill them all is OP. But when used to taste I can take it. They are supposed to be a threat after all.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. I'm gonna be honest here and say that I'm going to miss Halo now that I am a PC gamer.

  13. So whats the deal with mpm? Is it that nobody uses it or just that without the plug-in it doesn't work?

  14. So whats the deal with mpm? Is it that nobody uses it or just that without the plug-in it doesn't work?

  15. So whats the deal with mpm? Is it that nobody uses it or just that without the plug-in it doesn't work?

  16. So whats the deal with mpm? Is it that nobody uses it or just that without the plug-in it doesn't work?

    1. Watty_Banker


      I know that, but does that mean that it doesn't work for the people with the mod installed? I don't see any people with it on

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. Are we going to update to 1.8 any time soon, I don't want to install a tonne of mods and have to update them is all

  18. The 'blessings' for the elves and humans are rather... Well, ineffective. Every other race (orcs, dwarves - excluding kharajyr) can live for centuries, even thousands of years - making the long lifespan of elves ineffective cos, well, that's pretty much just limiting the elves to live for [x] hundred years while these orcs and dwarves can be 2000. The ability to breed like rabbits also are shared with all the other Descendant Races. So, err... Yeah.

    1. Watty_Banker


      Yeh Dwarves shouldn't really live past 600 thats only if they are lucky. As for the blessings and curses I think they are balanced. Dwarves shouldn't be able to resist temptations such as gems, Humans age faster, Elves can't breed so well(If I am honest this is the one that needs changing, who RPs infertility?) and the Orcs are green and bloodthirsty. What can you do? Its fine.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  19. Any fishers on here willing to help me do a project by filling out a questionnaire?

  20. give me ur best memes, who ever sends best meme will get a dead rat and bazookah bubble gum, good luck!

    1. Watty_Banker


      Go on the facebook page Maurice. You will not be disappoint.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  21. Are there any cool underground races which are playable other than pigmen

  22. man im craving some mountain dew and doritos, perhaps tomorrow i will buy some weed so i can become mlg pro

  23. Petrus is empty... where are all the human rp hubs at?

  24. Who likes in-game bug reports? Cuz they're coming next patch

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