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Everything posted by Kitten

  1. Anyone want to help out in a build for an event?

    1. Elad™
    2. monkeypoacher
    3. Heff


      Depends... what needs to be built?

    1. Terafir


      I just spent 2 minutes watching that... GIVE ME MY 2 MINUTES BACK

    2. Kitten
  2. Edited, Swgr that was added in ^.^.
  3. Basic Concept Essentially, the bonding of souls through magic runes, and the use of wolf hide collected IN RP (From E.T). Therefore, the bonding of people can be done, but you can't do the following. - Telepathy shiz, you need mental magic for that, and that doesn't cover long term stuff, so this prevents meta. - You can't know where they are practically, you can't 'sense' it in any way. - You can't, and shan't bond someone against their will or willpower. - No loopholes, you PG this, then screw you, you'll get shot with the ban-arrow or hit with Thor's ban hammer of lightening. Mwhahahah.
  4. Creators: Teerz (concept idea, most of the lore). PiercingDarkness (Ehh, helped it) Jistuma (Helped with final touches!). OKAR MAGIC IS A TYPE OF CONTRACT The Lore. A mage by the name of Tulatha once discovered an ancient tome, mentioning how many mages ended up doing a contract with their lovers, best friends, and sometimes, even enemies that need to be controlled. This tome was called Okar Contracts. An Okar Contract is one that allows a mage to 'connect' to a person without magic, a singular person mind you. A mage was never able to have more than one Okar at a time, in fact even having one tended to be trouble. How the magic fully works its unknown, but from the description left by Tulatha this magic was originally written about in several books. Once it was discovered by her hundreds of years later, she decided to try it on her husband. A ritual was needed for one to turn her husband into her own Okar . Once this ritual was performed a odd feeling could be felt both in Tulatha and her lover, they could sense each other in a way they never had been able to before, just the general feeling of their well being, and their emotional state. However the next few pages described the lament of Tulatha, as she realized how much this changed her husband, instead of being care free, and getting them both in danger, he tended to tip toe around her, sneaking off to dispatch anything that endangered her, and leaving her behind. He never sought out her help for those situations he would usually have loved to ask her to join him in. Tulatha realized this after she felt him be stabbed at one point, sending her into frantic fits as she tried to find him, only to fail, at that point she nearly burned down the house with her fire magic. When her husband returned she chewed him out, only to realize that oddly his wound was taking longer to heal, still dribbling blood where it should have been scabbed already. This was when Tulatha learned the consequence of what she had done. She later tested him to realize, he had lost any potential to connect to the void as well. Some other things that had been noticed is that his hearing, eyesight, and sense of smell had been heightened, however other senses had been lost. He was a few miliseconds faster than others in battles, however this ended up with him loosing the ability to heal as fast as normal being. The healing process takes much longer. Her husband also was more cautious, never wanting to put her in danger, and eventually realizing that putting himself into danger did the same thing, backed off, becoming reserved and not lashing out at people. Eventually Tulatha began to sulk into a depression for ruining her lover, a depression that took hold of her husband as they both could feel each others emotional state. This however ended up with Tulatha's husband taking poison drink, to try and end his lovers sorrow. However that ended up as Tulatha wrote the worst experience, she lost part of her heart and her mind that day. she curled into a bed, and cried for hours, begging the monks to revive him as they did when he died in battle, however there was no response, he never returned to her. Tultatha's words became a mess the best to be described as broken, stating she couldn't live without him, and finally there was a letter of her final words to those who chose this contract. As it states she wasn't the only one who had tried this, some had tried to bond more than one, and failed, some had bonded just friends to the same result. The final words of the letter stated "Creating an Okar is one idea not to take lightly, save yourself, and dare not trifle with what no one understands" And with that all entries end." What is an Okar contract: Upsides when you gain the magic. You can sense your mage's well being, and emotional state. You gain heightened senses of hearing, smell, and sight, however you lose your main taste buds, and your touch sensation is minimal. Downsides. If your mage is depressed so are you in a lesser sense, you become overly cautious, breaking your bond or betraying your mage is out of the option. You heal slower than a normal person, which is best if you bond to a mage who can heal, or be transferred to someone like a Cleric. You can not bond to a mage, without one of you losing your magic. WHAT IS A OKAR A Okar Contract is a form of contract magic. It is meant to provide a mage with a body guard that will do better to defend them in battle. This usually ends up with the Okar tanking any attacks to allow his mage time to cast their spells. An Okar is meant to be near the mage they are bound to at almost all times during battle to prevent any damage to the mage that would stop them from fighting. Which is why a bond of Loyalties is rather often used for battle mages. However it was decided that the bond of Loyalties wasn’t enough thus the mages ended up devising other symbols to make different effects. A Okar or a Mage might feel eachothers pain, but it will never be as strong as the feelings from the source, this keeps a Okar from falling in combat if his mage is struck. He feels the dulled sensation, allowing him to try to turn to save his mage instead of falling dead. A mage would do the same thing if they used something such as a bond of criminals, being able to feel the dull sensation of their Okar being stabbed our wounded. TRANSFERING YOUR OKAR It is possible for a mage to transfer their Okar, by reperforming the contract with the same skin, however it must use the blood of another mage mixed in with the blood of the current mage and the blood fo the Okar. This however usually leaves a mage with an empty spot in their soul and mind, yet this heals over time. If you are to transfer your Okar, the mage you wish to transfer to may not have a current Okar, nore may you rebond one within the next RL week. WHAT YOU NEED TO MAKE A OKAR Whoever the mage is they must already have atleast one type of magic to allow them to have a mana pool. You need 1 skin of a wolf, the wolf has to have been skinned alive. A bowl of blood from the Okar A bowl of blood from yourself A third bowl with part of your blood, and part of your Okars blood A tool to carve the symbols into the tanned hide RITUAL TO BECOME A OKAR One must skin a wolf, alive. Once the skin has been taken it must be quickly tanned before being used in the ritual. An Okar must write his name in his own blood, as well as his Mage. They then must seal it with a symbol from the blood of the two mixed. You must also carve beforehand a symbol into the skin that looks like this Inside of the center is where the names and symbol must be written. Each symbol means something different A bond of loyalties: The okar can sense the mage but the mage can not sense the okar, this is the best way it the mage wishes to keep their mind clear at all times from the emotions of their bonded. A bond of friends: You can sense eachother, but a dulled version of the lovers bond, there is more privacy, you can keep those deep feelings hidden and just let the stronger ones be felt. A bond of lovers: You both sense each other, your physical, mental, and emotional state. This is the most invasive version as you really get no privacy from the other, they always know what you feeling. A bond of Criminals: The mage can sense the criminal, emotional, mental and physical, this means they can tell if their Okar is lying to them. Its really the only way to keep someone under control that you don't want to trust period. And of course, a bond transfer CAN YOU STOP BEING A OKAR Once someone becomes an Okar it is impossible to stop, the best you can do is be changed to a different mage, unless your mage is perma killed. There is no other way out, no way to nullify the contract that is known. You are stuck, thus you should only take on the magic with knowing this. CAN A OKAR LEARN MAGIC? NO! Why people may ask, they give up any ability to do magic by becoming an Okar, their bind to magic, the void, nature, or even higher beings is severed and replaced by a bind with whoever their current mage is. Even if your mage dies and you are left without one, and you manage to survive the depression, you will never be able to learn magic on that character. There are very hard to achieve exceptions to this rule however. A rp example would be. Taleh, exhaled, as she began to channel energy. Her eyes would give out a dull blue light, as she looks down at the components of the ritual, she’d begin to conduct the energy, and the mana would strike into the symbols, beginning to have it give off a multi-colored glow, Taleh falls back unconscious, as her husband would catch her, their souls are now bound. CLARIFICATIONS You may not mind speak with another. You will not know their location. You must have a mages ooc consent to remove their magic, for it will be permanent. You can not bond someone against their will.
  5. House going to be bought, check, roommates check, well 4 months to go till move.

  6. Is it bad to feel like the black sheep of LOTC?

    1. Eleatic


      Yes. From experience, I know your position. I really would reccomend stepping back, and taking an objective view of this context. I did the exact same things you were doing now on my esapades back in Asulon and late Aegis. It did nothing but cause others grief, and myself the self-dellusion I could do no wrong.

      I mean no offense, but I would really reccomend taking an unbias look at your actions, and trying to learn from them.

    2. Hiebe


      Shaiebe is here for you

  7. *looks at friends list, looks for people who will actually rp with her.....turns off mc*

    1. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      I would...If I was able to get on ;-;

    2. monkeypoacher


      I'll RP with you :(

  8. I feel content, I did several pieces of art today!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kitten
    3. Eldritch Lagomoprha

      Eldritch Lagomoprha

      You are not the Catgirl who was trying to steal my husband are you?

    4. Kitten
  9. Ok doing two more requests, links here http://www.twitch.tv/fallenteerz

  10. No rp, no art requests, guess back to Dragons Prophet.

    1. monkeypoacher




    2. Hanrahan


      Get your ass back here

    1. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Those are creator clerics for ya' ALWAYS BEING EVIL.

  11. http://www.twitch.tv/fallenteerz lets see what I come up with today!
  12. T.T my status wasn't bad.

  13. Where is Zarsies when you need him T^T

    1. monkeypoacher


      skinning and eating cats, why?

  14. That moment someone won't stop looking at you profile, and you see them there every day.

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