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Rayna Star

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Rayna Star

  1. What do you listen to while RPing? Michael Ghelfi's ambiences and music for me, themed to where I am in Aevos.


    1. Rayna Star

      Rayna Star

      I like Ambient Pirates' music for repetitive zen stuff, specifically their second-oldest video. Sometimes I listen to Adrian von Ziegler or The Guild of Ambience too tho.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Who do I talk to about making an older elf character? (450+)

    I also just wanna ask some general questions on the idea too c: 
    (Disc: Jaimedabest#8534)

    1. Rayna Star

      Rayna Star

      My elf is somewhere in her late 400s through genuinely being around that long (started her at ~16-18yo ic). Idk if I can help much with elf networking and whatnot, but if you've got general history/old-elf questions, I can try my best to help. :)

  3. I have school again on Monday 😧

    1. Rayna Star

      Rayna Star

      I have to teach again in two weeks 😧

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. entry 54 – tanith is a jellybean



    1. Rayna Star

      Rayna Star

      >.> The DRAMA. I’m so here for it, lol.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. now taking suggestions for what to do on tanith’s 500th birthday 

    1. Rayna Star

      Rayna Star

      Either a massive international pub crawl or telling scary stories around a campfire. Or both!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. in today’s entry, tanith realizes the white rose order was, in fact, right about everything


    1. Rayna Star

      Rayna Star

      Thank you for posting that song link!!! I’ve been trying to remember the name of it for forever, but I couldn’t find it. Gonna go jam now. ;)

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  7. Thanks everyone who partook in the auction! I certainly had fun watching the final 30 second cat fight.


    Winners are as follows (I will contact you)


    GENERIC NOBLE: Blanch – 6100

    BABY BLUE: Language – 2200

    PURPLE GOWN: Rayna – 1600

    RUSSIAN RED: Tarren – 4000

    ROYAL BLUE: Tarren – 3500

    RED FUR: Flawy – 2200

    GOLD, BLACK & RED: Benelux – 1900

    FEATHERED HAT: Hyperion – 3200

    ALEX STYLE ARMOUR: Flamb – 2000

    PLATE ARMOUR: Kanadensare – 1300

    1. Rayna Star

      Rayna Star

      Ngl, that was equal to if not more stressful than my Uni finals, lol.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. Anyone want a skin

    making for them?

    1. Rayna Star

      Rayna Star

      I would like a skin, please and thank you. :) (I can pay.)

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  9. Im on skin making rampage tell me if you need one made

  10. Went to a Legend of "Zelda- Symphony of the Goddess", getting to hear the song of healing in theater played live is an experience worth the lives of the innocent I had to harm in the getting of those tickets. 

    1. Rayna Star

      Rayna Star

      Listened to the Symphony version of song of healing on YouTube. Gave me chills. I'm hoping to go to one of their concerts in a couple of weeks. :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. I made a vow that all new characters that fail to progress into something meaningful within a month gets killed off.

    1. Rayna Star

      Rayna Star

      I prefer to let myself believe that my new characters are meaningful while wandering around aimlessly on them. ;P

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. One thing LOTC's taught me? How to BS a bunch of fancy terms in writing to make essays or stories seem longer. Bless you server. :')

    1. Rayna Star

      Rayna Star

      I'm skipping English 4 because of LOTC. Thank you, server. Thank you. :')

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. My reaction after seeing the new flash trailer: http://i.imgur.com/o7DgMpC.gif

    1. Rayna Star

      Rayna Star

      DUDE! That trailer was so amazing that my eyes started watering. So excited!!!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. I wonder if there will be a lot more dwarf applications since the new hobbit movie came out a few days ago.

  15. Frivolity is not stupidity.

  16. I think the timeout time is too short. Thoughts?

  17. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What were the first three Halfling festivals ending in 'fest'?

    1. Rayna Star

      Rayna Star

      Don't worry, it doesn't take as long as they say. I had one for three hours and it only took a few minutes : P

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. The server is down for me. Oh noes.

    1. Rayna Star

      Rayna Star

      *Walks off to get some torches and pitchforks*

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  19. What I SHOULD be doing: Working on a research paper

  20. Just got my ass handed to me by a blind man

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