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Moderation Manager
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Status Replies posted by itdontmatta

  1. How do you feel about players who try to make themselves the baddest kid on the block?

  2. new map tomorrow!!!

  3. Make your ET apps if you wanna join! It's getting close to pickin' phase.

  4. "The Appendices From Book to Vision Storyboards and Pre-Viz"

  5. So hey lotc what's new?

  6. So hey lotc what's new?

  7. So hey lotc what's new?

  8. So hey lotc what's new?

  9. [insert dank meme]

  10. Leave him alone, or i will boom your face off

  11. Starbreakers = Dwarven Hightowers

  12. What have I done?

  13. Watching a friend get banned for saying something another nation says all the time, no wonder we stomp everyone out

  14. What happens when LoTC catches up to the modern era? Will halflings be running drug rings? Will the orcs be working the railway?

  15. Anybody need any characters played? Looking for a new one to stick with.

  16. I've noticed increasingly that people don't understand the term "pugsy". They BR over "pugsying" for a dubious kill and accuse others of pugsying them. You can't pugsy one person any more than you can serial kill one person. A pugsy is a /mass/ noRP killing spree.

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