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Status Replies posted by Dizzy771

  1. sorry I haven't been around much lately. newbloods have been snapping those modreqs up and I don't really feel much point to logging in and not having anything to do :P

  2. Remaining Flays for real antag.

  3. We've broken into the top 100 on Minestatus! Don't forget to keep voting and claim all that free money.

  4. ok seriously? you lot are doing the whole bible and god thing over pvp? you do realise how disrespectful that is and how much that could upset someone. I'm all for pvp but this whole douchy attitude going around the pro pvp players is really not helping nor is it helping to disprove the stereotype that pvpers are jerks... knock it off guys.

  5. #StopRacismTowardsPVPDefaulters

  6. I was wondering what I should do if I want perms for uninhabited land, that my character just wants to add plants and etc. to?

  7. I was wondering what I should do if I want perms for uninhabited land, that my character just wants to add plants and etc. to?

  8. So, after leveling to 80 a while ago and losing interest I am finally gonna re-download and play some Guild Wars 2. Cant wait for Elder Scrolls Online!

  9. The text based life simulator ends here, and the rain of the flays begins

  10. Bat's still alive. ET wins the battle of the fourth wall

  11. Bat's still alive. ET wins the battle of the fourth wall

  12. Really wondering who the new ET's are after the Q&A thread mentioned new ones this week. *Spam refreshes page*

  13. Really wondering who the new ET's are after the Q&A thread mentioned new ones this week. *Spam refreshes page*

  14. ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`▭´)ノ︵ ┻━┻ Noobs only flipping one...

  15. Is anyone else having trouble logging into the server?

  16. PAYDAY 2 worth it, or no?

  17. Time to visit the dwarves! I like migit slaves :).

  18. ....That confusing and awkward feeling you get when you join a guild, but then no one tells you anything to help you. You stand around for literal IC days confused as heck, not even sure what to really do. You weren't even explained anything and you can't find your way around. You even don't know where to sleep. And then so much happens around you that you can't even work up the courage to ask for help in character. SO MUCH CONFUSION AND AWKWARDNESS X_X GG lotc. GG.

  19. the human grand marshal is an elf what

  20. Okay so, a few months ago I was accepted for my Adunian Female character, Now I'm not going to be rping as her anymore, so, Do I need to make a new Application for my new character?

  21. Cant remember, do raid rules apply to rescue missions? I think they do, and if they don't they should.......

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