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Status Replies posted by Dizzy771

  1. I saw this contest a while ago but thought it would not be right to post to the forums, but hey! Here everyone is doing it so..... http://splur.gy/r/Nl8sh/r/2CpFKtgFzZD

  2. I got a warning point for saying "no negative comments on the forums"... Smh LoTC, you grindin' my gears

  3. By the way Gronkkston is open to all races so Dizzy lied when he said not to expect a warm welcome at Gronkkston because he is dirty Delver King and wants to destroy Orcs with OOC lie very bad -1

  4. fight me irl

  5. What a great welcome back present, LotC. My character's house has been demolished and replaced with a forest, and my character's entire life savings has been completely repossessed. Oh, and don't forget that the same applies to my character's entire family, too!

  6. who is dizzy and why is he king of dwarves

  7. Government cover-ups.

  8. Oh god the new MPM

  9. If you buy a tome? What's the procedure to become self-taught?

  10. Who would be up for organizing a sort of ooc battle to test nexus combat on a large scale?

  11. So er... How rare is a Creeper Skull?

  12. Sooo...... Can I make dragon scale armor if I have dragon scales? I don't care if its any good, I want it cause its cool

  13. Sooo...... Can I make dragon scale armor if I have dragon scales? I don't care if its any good, I want it cause its cool

  14. Wow Adunians sorry for trying to help.

  15. -Something something about how Urasept's a horrible person-

  16. Whoever owns Telemar, own up please it's killing me!!11!

  17. Follow me because I copied Ever and Axl. http://lotcsnowshovel.tumblr.com/

  18. Want to record something for my channel...... but I don't know what :/

  19. *feels useless*

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