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Status Updates posted by YFKTF

  1. I did a fun serial killer 'event' today. Thanks to everyone who participated!

  2. I didn't get my new VIP IG or on the Forums. Why does the donation system hate me so TwT

    1. gam


      IIRC it's not automatic and Tythus has to do it himself. Give it time for in game, and I believe there is a forum post for getting it on the forums.

  3. I donated another 100 dollars for Bedrock VIP... But I haven't gotten the forum bonus. I can't check IG yet.. Fix for this?

  4. I donated for iron vip.. but I am still in the Member group?!

  5. I fail to remember, are Kharajyr a playable race still?

  6. I have come to the realization I have nothing better to do than play on LOTC.. Not even homework,,,

  7. I have recruited a army of new LOTCers! Muahahah.....

  8. I hear you asking, "Why does america use Fahrenheit instead of Celsius?" Well I have a quick answer. BECAUSE F FOR FREEDOM NOT C FOR COMMUNISM.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. _Deutschland_
    3. Rusty7x


      Doesn't america have more people in prison than any other country? I bet they're enjoying that freedom

    4. Space


      What do you guys do for Kelvin?

  9. I love helping out the new players, it's so funny sometimes XD

  10. I love it when I get 2 shotted in PVP.

    1. excited


      you're persistent, i can respect that

    2. mitto


      that's one shot better than me

  11. I refuse to make my persona again. I shall not lose an inven full of wheat.

    1. Lubbie


      When I logged in, I still had my stuff

    2. YFKTF


      I did too, but it asked me to remake my persona, which would clear my inven.

  12. I think I'm going to mark Acadia as inactive, I'm getting tired of being a criminal.

  13. I think I'm going to mark Acadia as inactive, I'm getting tired of being a criminal.

  14. I think the GM/Admins should have kept the server closed until every issue was solved. People are losing items from /ss, and a bunch of other stuff is broken. Is it worth playing on a broken server? :3

    1. ski_king3


      It's unreasonable to believe that they could find all the problems without launching the server for everyone to go on.

    2. Volutional


      You could always stay away for a little bit until you know it's safer.

  15. I wish I was put into the Gold VIP group... I mean, I donated again, of course.

  16. I'll be going inactive for a bit... Started getting obsessed with another game ;3



      What's the other game?

    2. YFKTF


      Starbound... Found an RP server for it

  17. I'm 'gonna come back, just in time for exams! What a coincidence.

    1. Space


      Do you think "gonna" requires the apostrophe? I mean, it's not really short form for anything, is it? Grrrrrrrrrrr

    2. YFKTF


      It's the short form for "Going to". :/

  18. I'm back! :D

  19. I'm back. I'll be more active forum wise than IG, message me if you need anything.

  20. I'm going to inspire the children of today! *Proceeds to do nothing but eat chips* Don't do this kids!

  21. I'm happy to say all three versions of the Modpack are working well and are complete! Check them out!

  22. I'm in the process of updating "Lord of the Craft Starving". All of the mods in that pack are supported, so fear not lazy modders! :D

  23. I'm just gonna sit here and wait out the, "Welcome [blank] to the lord of the craft!" messages o.o

  24. I'm most likely going to be leaving LoTC, I'll come on maybe in a few months.

    1. Guest


      Pfft. I see how it is. #4.0

  25. I'm mostly likely going to be leaving LoTC for a while. I've suddenly had some insults delivered OOC, and I'm not going to talk about it to avoid being hated more. Thanks, Techy

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