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Status Updates posted by Detective

  1. Give me back my roleplay..

  2. Have you seen my son?! His name is NEMO!

  3. How 2 get c00l r@d profile foto?11!!1

  4. how 2 rewrite lore?

  5. How does one: 'Eat their own A**'. Someone told me to. But how?

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      With a knife and fork? 


      I do not know 

  6. I don't know, do people have stuff on their minds? Like cancer?

    1. StellarDweller


      *shakes head "No" XD

  7. I don't like the word Fantastic, please some FM change it to Fabulous! <3

    1. mitto


      cannot change it but i could get dreek to delete half your rep and put you on good again

    2. Detective


      Mhmm, if you can doc my total rep, can you gemme a little more? >:D

  8. I want my roleplay again.

  9. I'm an Old Fart now. . 18 is old?

    1. Sythan


      Forums give you that rank if you have a relatively old account, and don't have a VIP rank.

  10. I'm not fat, I'm just raw-boned.

  11. Lurd uf teh rungs...

  12. Meaning of life? What's your meaning?

  13. Men and breast cancer? 

    1. LPT


      They might get that, but they still cant get jobs.

    2. Detective
  14. Need a mod to teleport me out of the water underneath Welf town, when I spawned back at the gates, I was drowing

    1. Detective


      Like now, I'm wanting to get back to rp but at the same time, not lose my stuff. <3

  15. Need temp Elf character skin, 300 minas. Message if your up fer' it. @.@

  16. Oh.. hello status.

  17. Paladins..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Merkaken


      fam you're not alone

    3. ski_king3


      Don't trust em!

    4. Detective


      I mean the game.. xD


      But yeah Paledins in LOTC man..

  18. please ser, i want some more.

  19. Quietest event ever.

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