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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Wendigo

  1. http://gyazo.com/c01da1c3b7cce0b49fb8369748978924 I make a point of doing this when I log off every night.
  2. The Tavern is still up for sale in Johannesburg! Check the link below: 

  3. CSGO Tournament this Saturday! Check the link below:

    1. Nekkore


      Better get practicing on silvers

  4. Tell me your thoughts! Also please vote..

    1. Slayy


      Cool, you're cool

  5. The Tavern is still up for sale in Johannesburg! Check the link below: 

    1. flameslinger2002


      No one has 10,000 Minas!

      If I did I would buy it.

  6. @FMTeam, what happened to chaning the Guilds and Trade to 'Guilds, Trade, & Bounties'

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wendigo


      We've both been managers, it doesn't requires a lead to hold the FMs hands to change a forum name to literally the content of the forum so it has more publicity. To be honest as well you don't even need lead perms to do this, ask a developer or web dev. We had Lion at the time doing tons of stuff to the forums daily.

    3. Vaynth


      It.. requires admin CP. Though it's true they could ask a dev to do it.

    4. Wendigo


      When I was speaking of lead perms I meant they didn't need a lead to do it, but yes it would be a simple matter to get in touch with a web dev and change it.

  7. So, so you think you can tell

    1. ShameJax


      Shut up Austin.

    2. Wendigo


      Heaven from Hell

  8. Consider this a warning from the FM team, stop spamming the status bar.

    1. ShameJax
    2. H


      What's considered spam? I can understand warning people who are posting multiple times, but what about numerous people who post once each? 


      Are players no longer allowed to post if enough other people have posted before them? Clarification would be appreciated.

    3. Archbishop
  9. ┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴

  10. 100 upvotes and I'll post a video of me tearing this charcoal mask off my face, also sup guys I'm back!

  11. Age demographic! Would be interesting to see the results. Link below:


  12. All these Wendigo emotes are makin me twitchy

  13. Any MAT members around to get my shade status back? 

  14. Anybody else having trouble with Authentication when you join the server?

    1. Slayy


      Nope, seems good for me.

    2. SeventhCircle


      You gotta wait till it gets to the last ten or so seconds its a bit borked atm :\

  15. Anyone else miss bounties? I want more bounties...

  16. Anyone here own a gaming chair? Been shopping around and could use some suggestions for the 80-150$ price point.

    1. Myleres


      Please be careful. My friend purchased a gaming chair and his CPS increased by 100000% percent and he sometimes clicks so fast his mouse lights on fire. Gaming chairs are dangerous.

    2. Wendigo


      All joking aside gaming chairs have really good back support, tired of my wooden chair..literally my back hurts after an hour of sitting in it.

    3. Myleres


      I don't own one myself and the all the ones I've heard of and been recommended are upwards of $300 (which is too much to spend on a chair in my opinion), so I couldn't recommend anything within your price range. Sorry :( You might have to be willing to spend a bit more to find a good one, though.

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