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Status Replies posted by GodEmperorFlam

  1. Defenders in combat can now choose ROLLING!? WHAT?

  2. Is Sanoism not just a meme or is this an actual thing

  3. When are the LT getting to the creature index submissions? Some have been there for nearly a month.

  4. Anyone interested in learning magic IRP?1?!

  5. Anyone interested in learning magic IRP?1?!

  6. Anyone interested in learning magic IRP?1?!

  7. we ban people for finding rooms in mines now?

  8. Can an active Halfling in the Halfling community contact me please.

  9. Bring your magical ideas regarding Arcanism to me! I am making something & could use inspiration.

  10. why do we need to be sarcastic and snarky on rp threads

  11. harrison stop locking threads you lock every thread with 20+ posts geez people can tolerate a little back-and-forth christ silencing debate doesnt keep people from being angry at each other

  12. I've scattered 35 decorated Soulstone Beacons throughout the Isle of Tahn. The other Isles will come soon. Expect green SS pillars at non-capital settlements to be removed within the next few days. 

  13. @The Pink Lion I like ur profile pic a lot (^.^)

  14. #FreeMyN****cakefool!


    Release 'em!

  15. new username suggestions go

  16. @Jistuma Please rework alch fuel so that it's not tinker based and actually makes sense.

  17. anyone interested in creating a easterner, let me know. We're renewing the subrace :)

  18. anyone interested in creating a easterner, let me know. We're renewing the subrace :)

  19. Ahh, I'm starting to question what I'm even doing here again lol...

  20. Ahh, I'm starting to question what I'm even doing here again lol...

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