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Status Replies posted by hellfiazz

  1. What's a good name for a fat, rich mayor of a large city?

  2. I still dont understand how a skirmish war claim with alot of valid rp can be denied.

  3. http://i.imgur.com/yiTFJ79.jpg My first won ranked match on hearthstone as a zoolock was against a golden warlock #muchappy #proudofmyself #Krugsmilesuponme
  4. But you can't deny non-conquest warclaims?

  5. That moment when high elf soldiers run into Cerulin, attack guards and just say "Pvp default"

  6. "Women are a disease." ~Pie 2015

  7. You guys complain about rainbow hair? Huh? http://gyazo.com/57533494545d134fb3eb11637b242871 The real rainbow hair!

  8. Is it only inevitable that President Obama is set to be slaughtered on the world stage once more? While President O. has called for more sanctions and conflict, Mr. Putin is at a peace meeting with the regional powers including Ukraine.

  9. what are these shitty Warclaim rules I just came back and I just read a bunch of whining to get it denied lol

  10. Wonder if Germany had Casus Belli when they decided to take over Europe...

  11. what's a thesserion?

  12. what's a thesserion?

  13. Dislike all the OOC intensity of the server? Hate people who care only for pixels? Wish to play a peaceful, fun, ale loving character? Want to be isolated? https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/113093-welcome-to-the-halfling-section-halfling-information-mega-thread/

  14. Are the Orcs currently a dangerous force?

  15. Malin was not a druid, he worshiped the ancestors.

  16. Malin was not a druid, he worshiped the ancestors.

  17. Malin was not a druid, he worshiped the ancestors.

  18. What would you give for immortality?

  19. tfw the elves make propoganda but neither fight and its just us humans and dwarves out there dying for them

  20. You get one super power, what is it?

  21. why be non-orc when you can be orc

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