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Status Updates posted by Tadmonster

  1. Anyone know how to donate? The store link returns a 404 error!

    1. Sporadic


      yes please send money to my personal paypal and ill hook you up ?

  2. Are VIP perks working currently? Thinking about donating

    1. Tadmonster


      Naming of objects and such though? Is that working?

    2. Gallic


      having the ability to write in bold and italics is worth a small donation in my opinion


      being able to make custom items is worth something but the price is a little steep in my opinion


      but, at the end of the day, it’s to support the server, so like – it’s just incentivized donations really

    3. SoulReapingWolf


      Currently the price of VIP and the perks given to us are not really worth it. (Says the man that has donated $600) I’ve heard they are working on fixing this but maybe wait a bit?

      There are some nice perks like renaming stuff or saving skins as well as no cooldown on persona change. But they are on the higher tiers of VIP and honestly a bit expensive.

  3. Looking for other forest dwarves to make a little farm/lodge to be productive on!

  4. We need to remove the /bread plugin...it makes it extremely unprofitable to be a farmer, handicapping a profession that historically over 60% of the population participated in. We can't do /iron or /wood, we either have to get it ourselves or find someone to sell it to us, why should food be any different? Or at least make /bread give you like 3 bread so you can survive until you buy more food. We have no farmers, bc we have no need for them, but in any working civilization (that doesn't use large machines to farm), the majority of the population is in agriculture. Remove /bread>more food needed>more farmers>more peasant and field rp>more dynamic and rich experience.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tadmonster


      It is worth noting that a couple things have been done to make the profession more worthwhile. These two things namely are the addition of caskets as a discoverable item from gathering professions, and the spoiling of food, which forces nations to not simply stockpile loads of ready to go food forever. That being said, haybales can be stocked forever (I've got a double chest myself), so starvation is hardly a problem. 


      I won't argue that the plugin doesn't have it's uses, and I often find myself eating through more than my monkbread in a day, but I think it could be scaled to balance the usefulness of professions.

    3. Elfen_


      Eating in any survival game, getting the food is usually nothing but a chore. With /bread and the fact so many people are chef/farmers, food is easily accessible and never really been profitable. Maybe in the sense where you help supply a quota of farmed goods to a nation as a way to pay to live there, or giving back to it's community(basically not living there for free)

    4. BrandNewKitten


      I like it! ^_^ 

  5. *inb4 4.0 hype*

  6. *inb4 server complaints*

  7. *server times out*

  8. *UN-rped PvP battle starts*

  9. 239 years ago today, the greatest thing in human history was born. AMERICA.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Koger


      No worries, every country/ has caused some kind of monstrosity.

    3. Tadmonster


      Like England. They created America.

    4. Koger


      Nah, England slaughered, raped, and pillaged hundreds of thousands of innocent Irish families when Oliver Cromwell invaded Hibernia.

  10. Any ideas as to what I should do while my lore gets accepted?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zebanamana


      Do your homework

    3. VonAulus


      stop hoping lore will be accepted

    4. Jistuma


      Lore doesn't get reviewed, unless you specificaly ask the LM's to.

  11. Anyone have a halfling family I can join/become a child in? I am in desperate need of peaceful roleplay

  12. Anyone have a halfling family I can join/become a child in? I am in desperate need of peaceful roleplay

    1. SodaiKamikaze


      The Starbreakers are entering a period of revival, and we do not do that much action type roleplay. We tend to be more on the passive side and have a tight IC family bond. There is always room in the Cave Dwarf family for a new child anyway :)

    2. Tadmonster


      I will look into this, though I am mainly looking for hobbitly activities and such


  14. Do we have any Lore written for River Trolls? As in 15 foo tall, scaly creatures, you know LotR trolls? I would enjoy that!

    1. Birdwhisperer


      We have lore for trolls that turn to stone in the sun.

    2. Tadmonster


      Hmmm, not sure if that would necessarily be part of it, but I could see it.

  15. Don't judge...but I'm selling humanity for a Harbringer's boots.

    1. Avacyn



      Don't have boots

    2. Tadmonster


      Well, I'm getting the first pair.

  16. Elves fought well ;) love you guys and way to put up a great sparring match!

    1. WuHanXianShi14


      Thanks :) Look forward to more in the future.

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