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Status Updates posted by Tadmonster

  1. Reatrds broke the server

  2. RP should be fun for all sides. Work everyday to make your RP enjoyable, even if you are a bandit!

  3. Server, why you so full

  4. So if 4.0 could be released on my birthday (July 3rd), that would be just great. ;)

    1. HuskyPuppy


      quick, make it july 2nd just to spite him.

  5. Soooo...how can I get by Trial of the Artisan prize?

  6. The Dwarves have so little RP. They are so secluded, they needed thier own Antag, cuz the other Antags were too bored by the Dwarves.

  7. The Dwarves have so little RP. They are so secluded, they needed thier own Antag, cuz the other Antags were too bored by the Dwarves.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dreek


      If you truly have an issue with the Dwarves, approach a leader of event leader, and talk it maturely. Instead of posting insulting statuses.

    3. Tadmonster


      No, I have respect for the Dwarves, and thier Antag is some of the best I've ever seen. But you have to admit, the Dwarves secluded themselves. They work with the Scourge, so we needed new Antag for them. They could get more RP and we would have less ET members spread out if Dwarves made more of an effort to make at least OOC links with other nations.

    4. Heff



  8. Trolly, hate-filled RP is the cancer of this server. Even if in character.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Old Man Boiendl

      Old Man Boiendl

      U r little an edgy little ******, **** off u RP default edgy beta

    3. Sporadic


      ...and accusatory status update are the cure?

    4. Tadmonster


      No,I suppose not, but RP should ALWAYS be fun for both sides.

  9. What do you think?

  10. What if in the case of a dispute over PvP or RP, both players roll, and the winner decides the kind of combat. Then, they fight it out, and the winner of the battle is just the winner.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Braehn Elendil An'Hiraeth
    3. Lago


      The reason we have PvP default is because 'RP' fights require both players to agree on who wins. Thus, they're god awful for settling disputes and tend to inflame them.

    4. Tadmonster


      Hmmm, good point. But on the other hand, more BRs come from pvp incidents I'm guessing.

  11. WHat if this is just maintenance

    1. Arkelos



  12. What if, when there was a disagreement as to RP or PVP, a roll would ensue? The highest roller winds, and his method is chosen. NO PvP_default to ***** about and no-RP default to ***** about...Feedback?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tadmonster


      @Freya Well people *****, but maybe less bitching will occur? Can't file a BR of OOC confusion now, because you both had to roll...

    3. Demotheus


      wait, what? I don't understand what you mean. Are you saying roll for pvp default or Rp default or role for the outcome of a fight?

    4. Tadmonster


      Oh that is my fault for not explaining! Sorry...I mean in the case of a dispute over PvP or RP, both players roll, and the winner decides the kind of combat. Then, they fight it out, and the winner of the battle is just the winner.

  13. When slavers try to take your southerner character so he spears them.

    1. Yoff



    2. Tadmonster


      *is walking down CT path*

      *is tackled by an orc*

      *is nearly killed, but tackles the next orc, stabbing a javelin through their throat*

      *has to PVP default now*


  14. With all this discussionon trolls...I feel an excellent Event or character possible...imagining lore page now.

    1. Tadmonster


      As in...real Troll. You know, bug slimy monster and such.

    2. Dry Crackers
    3. Space


      There are trolls. And ologs. But you are free to make other types.

  15. would sheet metal be realistic in LotC?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tadmonster


      I mean, it's a simple enough process, with hours of drawing out...which brings up an other topic. The most legendary smith, Lark Steelwall was a human, eveyr smith I know is a human, I know zero Dwarf smiths...so my human will be making sheet iron.

    3. SodaiKamikaze


      You offend me..

    4. Tadmonster


      Haha...sorry didn't mean it that way ;)

  16. Wow, sort of cruel to cheer any person's departure, whether you like them or not, this just feels mean. :(

    1. J


      That's because this is LotC... There's a lot of... Err... (insert vulgar word here so I don't get banana'd)

  17. Wow! Great Wraith RP from slic3, swgr, and ice last night! You guys keep making things interesting, and I love you for it! Those unbreakable doors, though

  18. Yeah my post is clearly a joke XD take it easy man

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