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Status Replies posted by Draeris

  1. Guys, I am Nigerian prince who lost throne. Give me your social security number, and I promise to give you millions of dollars for your support. - Anonymous honest African prince

  2. Markus is an extreme arsehole to all other races except for humies :).

  3. First Danny... Now Matt... Who could be next?

  4. Can the WR just come back..

  5. Quick, someone give me a good steam game to buy!

  6. You know what LOTC needs? Moar Raid bosses.

  7. If you were to take anyone on earth, and put them into LOTC (literally live in the world), which person do you think would your character end up likely marrying? Your sister? Justin Bieber? The principle of your school?

  8. I am no longer a teacher. To all you worthless sacks of **** begging for magic, too bad.

  9. Hey shout out to Vladamire00 for his awesome RP. He was hell bent on making sure we were having fun and stuff. Good RP and good Villain RP.

  10. Hey shout out to Vladamire00 for his awesome RP. He was hell bent on making sure we were having fun and stuff. Good RP and good Villain RP.

  11. GMs can see our private messages ;-;

  12. Dat moment when a friend griefs you on your alt account and it gets banned..

  13. Dat moment when a friend griefs you on your alt account and it gets banned..

  14. Lets hope I get to be mentor, I'm exicted!

  15. Heard people have quite the gossip 'bout me on TS :/

  16. Oren needs someone like Mirtok to lead them.

  17. Asked a question to Rhia, no answer in like 3 days!

  18. I think that 1.6 zombies should be removed. Any thoughts?

  19. A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks "why the long face?" The horse responds "I've just realized I'm a metaphysical concept residing within a fictional narrative and will cease to exist at the end of this sentence."

  20. I just hope "moving forward" doesn't mean "moving in the PvP-default path".

  21. Whats up with the change thing?

  22. What to name the new stable.. Any suggestions?

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