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Ender VIP
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Status Replies posted by Elad™

  1. That moment, the same person looks at your profile...daily.

  2. I need an idea for a new character. Anything but a halfling please. :3

  3. Heh.. booklight ya' sly son o' a b**** http://imgur.com/HJMgJe4

  4. Elf Master Race, Obviously.

  5. Where're the halflings at? Will they let a couple of humans into their burrows? #tired of pvp

  6. Anyone want to help out in a build for an event?

  7. Should we bring back the knockout plugin?

  8. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who is thought to be the father of the Forest Dwarves?

  9. did a full body of Haadi~ Kinda proud. http://i.imgur.com/2NLx6zU.jpg

  10. I've been granted permission to post this never before seen picture of 4.0. It includes a shot of some cool water: http://timoelliott.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/4.0splashbanner.jpg

  11. One more reputation point and I get an even hundred again.

  12. R.I.P. Raziel Acosta 20th of the Sun's Smile 1451...

  13. Killed Adam_Barnett he used no drop to save his iron items not to sound like an item hungry player but it does defeat much of the purpose of killing someone.

  14. Killed Adam_Barnett he used no drop to save his iron items not to sound like an item hungry player but it does defeat much of the purpose of killing someone.

  15. People, before you say something, do your research @.@

  16. Well crap. Apparently in the past 2 weeks I've used my phone to load up 3 gigs of data. 2.95 of that are these forums °.°

  17. Does anyone on this server have this skin? http://i.imgur.com/RfCOBSQ.png its kind of important so yah

  18. After watching both today, and I know I'll probably receive a lot of hate for this, but.... Wreck-It Ralph > Frozen. Boom, said it.

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