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Ender VIP
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Status Replies posted by Elad™

  1. Shorty's voting mission is glorious.

  2. What happened to the origional antags? The immolated ones in the beginning of Anthos?

  3. What happened to the origional antags? The immolated ones in the beginning of Anthos?

  4. i'm not putting a ******* shoe on my head okay

  5. No gingers allowed in Oren huh? What no one knows is Chivays dont have soul either.

  6. Anyone got any unused Southeron skins?

  7. Wait.. "Farfolk" don't have a racial skill? Southerons are famed for being Farmers, lol.

  8. Auth servers still down?

  9. Auth servers still down?

  10. MPM has been off for over 2 weeks, and you're just noticing it now?

  11. Southerons are referred to as Farfolk now? No thanks.

  12. Does the world have a name? Not like Thales, but like, the Earth. I'm the Elder Scrolls the world is called Nirn, so, does our world have a name?

  13. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/113925-become-a-voice-actor/ I'm personally looking for someone who can do a nice drunk voice. Volunteer now and have your voice in a Media Team video!
  14. happy birfday me

  15. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What was a Pug in the Krughai?

  16. how do dye wool? and how do you make books?

  17. Am I correct in assuming skills will be reset upon entering 4.0?

  18. http://gyazo.com/a9f15fcf5e5b829793cd978c413b4e2c first try at skinning. thoughts? also, finally unbanned :)
  19. Is anyone here a good skinner that can help me out? All I need is some hair for my new character, that's all. Think anyone can help?

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