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Ender VIP
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Status Replies posted by Elad™

  1. Wow does dynmap takes ages to backup I better exclude that in future and maybe run it async

  2. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Yeu Rthulu created which body modifications?

  3. I dont know what this is but it is freaking awesome. Grass. Stone. Grassss. Gravel.

  4. So how is everybody RP'ing the fact that we all look like villagers?

  5. For you wondering, Desires is a poopoo face.

  6. hello friends


  8. Anyone know if enchantment on hoes changed? Used to be able to use the Unbreaking glyph but it's saying it doesn't accept the glyph. sos send help

  9. Ccharacter ideas?

  10. The medal of Observation goes to Myself for noticing this in New Player Guides: http://gyazo.com/cf4a74e71efe60b8c4e65d8e5c78ad57

  11. I will be inactive until Sunday due to my school's musical! Hairspray :D

  12. What would happen if you SS'd while in the Fringe?

  13. Once more linguists of LoTC, I require your aid in decyphering this strange text: [3:06:57 PM] Tsuyose: u stpd fkin lttl niglet u wnt 2 di cus il delivr ur fkin fate. u think ur saf hidin behin tht fkin computr screen u littl ***? il fkin chib u in the pus u abslot littl cnt, i ho ur rdy 4 trbl becus im gn fkin destroy u

  14. Destroyed the Harbingers in a verbal contest. They proceeded to fling frozen fire at me for winning. Feels good to be a dorf.

  15. Geo loves me.

  16. Right anyone want drawing?

  17. Is it still bannable to RP abortion?

  18. So. Quick question. Are the high elves active? For what time zone are they active? I really want to

  19. Can you sing for me?

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