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Ender VIP
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Status Replies posted by Elad™

  1. Civ 5 anyone?

  2. Plauge still active?

  3. Well f*** you too

  4. Would I get in trouble if I post the recipe for masks?

  5. That horrible transition away from 2x2 eyes. http://gyazo.com/f12d10d31111ec26c5c06dbd2e7af461

  6. So we had an age old clause not to remove plugins just because of lag. When players complained plugin removal was necessary, we did so but people are still unhappy. So its a choice between a) appeasing some people or b) appeasing other people. Just saying what I feel. ^-^

  7. The application forum doesn't have the form for Alt Account's...

  8. For those of you who draw, do you draw via pencil/paper and use a scanner? Do you use tablets? Or do you use a program to draw?

  9. Each time I use my crafting bench I run the risk of summoning Cthulhu

  10. I think I'm gonna feel bad when I disappoint all the people who don't win the Steam give away.

  11. Pst pst pst pst pst....

  12. Pst pst pst pst pst....

  13. Anyone good at designing family sigils/coat of arms?

  14. So I caved and got Poser 10, what would be the interest in seeing 3D, realistic looking LotC Characters?

  15. its all ogre now

  16. Hello Everyone. I just wanted to post an utterly useless post that you just wasted your time reading.

  17. Not requested or anything, but I found some art and made a skin after it. http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/tailor-2866740/

  18. How often can horses breed on LoTC? Vanilla or has it been tampered with?

  19. yall got flushed down like dead gold fish bra!

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