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Everything posted by ℤ∃ʁ∅

  1. Just finished the first scene of the animation, took a render shot of it before sending it off. https://gyazo.com/3951b9dfbf37134e3f518451719730a1 How does it look ? 720 frames to be rendered. about 2-3 mins per frame

    1. ℤ∃ʁ∅
    2. Areon


      How many mina to get an animation of Neero being drowned by Bjorn?

    3. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      Lol depends on time length and effects and how the drowning goes xD

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Ark


      im just saying ..

    3. Kim


      Oh haha. I'm just saying from personal preference 6:

    4. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      I like it texpacked makes it fit the mood when Im animating <3

  2. Glory to the halfling!

  3. Neero places a note "200-250minas" (_Zer0)
  4. That burning legion though ?

  5. I remember when I was MT before it was cool..

    1. Elad™


      when was it cool

  6. When is the mining world coming back? Forget lock-picking, lets get that mining world fixed please.

  7. Thank you very much for answering THIS I've been taught one thing but told another!
  8. Everybody do the flop

  9. I like your logic really. Well said. But if we start accepting the bad guys without knowing their true motives would the clerics be more corrupt than a normal bad guy group? Like if an ex con with many counts of homicide came in to your group and acted normal would you not be afraid or worried what he might do or what could happen. Just the thought of worry and doubt. To most of the good guy clerics seeing a cultist/shade/necro join them after that's something clerics purge. Now joining them? The paranoia and fears what to happen and confusion why would Tah allow that. That's my question and confusion on it. To us "can we really trust them? Can we really trust Tah giving someone like them power after all they have done.? " stuff like that. Edit: didn't know that was you Dan ! Hi dan! Thanks iPhone for telling me xD
  10. Skale is a great prime example of a greatly developed person I'm not gonna lie, he's done ALOT to get where he is not. THOROUGH circle jerk or am vip pass like most people to get to power, from what I've seen. Skale did a fine job on that as a villain. I do like Skale as a villain. I fully agree with you on the first 6 sentences very well said without the hostile tone. But yes if you have done the rp and such the HEAVY rp to get where you are at you deserve it. If you are just picked due to the buddy buddy system. You don't deserve it, there should be heavy rp that gets you to where you are at now. Not "you are cool, join us " there should be more of a reason and motive to get involved. In rp spect, there can always be the spy in the order that can be s problem or the bad apples that should've been trained better,helped more on and other such. On the second paragraph last part, please don't get cocky on that part. While you have been gone a lot has changed and recently a big thing happened, which myself and Hesh have been working on big things for the clerics. As Dan is on break to do irl things I've taken the effort to help,fix and do my damned best to fix what has been broken and redeemed of the clerics and the stigma. Most have already seen the change. There has been lots of us new and active clerics have done. But we do not need to be boosting our abilities around. With new clerics and old clerics working together we have done a lot and jumped a lot to get where we are. I've been fixing our flaws lately but you can't see it with a snap of your fingers. But things are being worked on. As you can see from Heshs lore thing, we've been working on this for about a month and look how much it is from the last clerical more and guide.
  11. Pretty much what he said. Because it really doesn't fully make sense besides the cliche "I want to become good again and redemption." You don't need to become a cleric just for redemption. It's only make the clerics or groups look worst taking in ex cultist and dark mages. No offense. But it just makes us that we're good and worked hard to get what we have and strive for to be just put down and thrown off the rug by adding an person that's used dark arts and were a dark thing in a group of holy people. There will be no trust or pity for them. You would be labelled as a black sheep. Drone imma use Skale as an example if that's fine with you, because me and you had a lot of rp before I was cleric and when Skale was a dark used. NO META this info. But as real example. We all knew Skale was a cultist and dark art user (didn't know about the shade thing) and then after a few ic years after things crumbles in whatever. He turns out to some how become a cleric. Well connected. Was he given trials? Approvals or thoughts from others. Was others in the order told of his past actions to reviving an Demon ?(I don't know the full story) but after the things the infamous Skale has done and hurt many. Are the clerics that have strive to be and work so hard on their path for Tah suppose to treat him as an normal person after all he has done? Give him a slap on the wrist? Some maybe but majority were salted ic and ooc about it because it was silly and didn't make since. (I didn't really care cuz I wasn't a cleric at that time, but I was told ooc and icly about it and was confused on the logic of it. Besides "redemption" who knows what Skales actually motive of it? He gave off the impression of just wanting power and maybe told some. Idk My point is it is rather silly of bringing ex cultist and ex shades as clerics and Itherals. It really shows a flaw in the "Purity" we are suppose to have in clerics. Another question Lynx maybe that you said about Jakir being a war cleric and his duty. Again. " Your job as a war-cleric is to purge those that use evil magics, not to nurse them back to good. " If this rumor or word that your itheral character was an ex shade and dark art user like Skales. And itherals are higher up war clerics. That quote seems rather hypocritical to those who connected you both as a cleric and Itheral. Is that not fair ? Not to sound offensive. Just confused as all. The whole "Itherals make the rules and can do what they want." Still doesn't justify them breaking it either. If you can explain to me I'd love it please and thank you.
  12. Well i have a few questions on this matter, because around this time before Jakir was disconnected he was with someone at the time, from what I remember. "Your job as a war-cleric is to purge those that use evil magics, not to nurse them back to good. " Does this same rule apply to Itherals? I've been threatened 3 times by __ Itheral that Ramza would be disconnected if he tried to either the necromancer and shade, my character trying to do his duty as a cleric to purge evil. As the Itheral trying to protect the Shade and Necromancer. Does this apply as well or should my character listen to the order given from the Itheral because it is the big boss and is closest to Tah. Is that not hypocritical its self? Are Itherals above the law they try to put on us lower clerics? Do the Itherals get disconnecte for disobeying his orders? Can they make up their own rules? P.S its like 3am so might or might not make sense. Just curious on this matter if we wanna talk about this.
  13. Wow yesterday was my 2 year anniversary I've been on lotc. 0-0 should I feel good?

    1. Anawkin
    2. InfamousGerman


      how have i been here longer than you and have 1/10th of ur posts wtf

  14. Anyone looking to play a child(daughter) That will be dedicated to the role. PM me

    1. bulldogsoccer88


      Another child, wooo

    2. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      no no, Just the person giving up the character. So looking for a player that is more devoted

  15. Even with a death in the family, my friend drew me this. Telling me to cheer up and things will get better http://gyazo.com/aac48608960f8705a9f2a62eb2caeb3f

    1. Ford
    2. Genevieveee


      You're friends with Da-jenki?

  16. What do we do with a drunken sailor ?

    1. Lubbie


      Get the Devourer to destroy his ship and everyone along with it

    2. JtPv
  17. http://gyazo.com/9f56586a9353eec4b10dd81514926940 Did a walking animation while i wait peaky
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. L0rdLawyer


      Do an animation with a uruk cooking/eating a halfling.

    3. Lubbie


      Preferably with pink hair please.

    4. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      lol im not MT anymore so i dont do LOTC animation~

  18. And the animation is completely rendered!

  19. Just finished the last scene on this animation. Took only an hour, really hype for this to finish.

  20. http://puu.sh/j4Xdw/075ecf10d7.png http://puu.sh/j4XzW/f2df0ee51f.png sick screen from my animation 2/3 scenes done
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      And pie wait till its fully shown, the sword was made to be smooth with the enchanted glow

    3. AGiantPie


      i like it :p

    4. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      I hope to have the 3rd scene rendered tmrw and should be done fully by this week.

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