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Status Updates posted by hobbinrood

  1. What movie to watch?

    1. Space


      Terri. Watched it yesterday, really liked it.

    2. Parading


      watch a tv show instead m8, character development up the ass

    3. V0idsoldier


      Tv shows take forever to build up though parading. You have to invest time.

      Movies- Both new sherlock Holmes, New Star treks, Guardians of the Galaxy (!!!!), Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Departed. Theres a few

  2. Just logged in, and already everyone is being friendly by welcoming me. I'm impressed.

    1. JtPv


      Run. Run while you still can.

      (I kid <3 )

    2. hobbinrood


      Haha "IT's A TRAP!"

  3. If you haven't seen it already... Let me know what you think of it. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/115181-lord-of-the-craft-inspired-map/

    1. Florishier


      I think you should upload more lets play videos :D

    2. hobbinrood


      I have more lined up for you!

  4. Chunks are literally unloading as I walk through them.

    1. Watyll


      You're a planeswalker.

    2. monkeypoacher


      You are the chosen one!

  5. best simple browser game to mess around on?

    1. Sentlit


      interactive buddy and/or platform racing 2

    2. Fid
  6. Thanks to all who supported my Media Team Application!

    1. Tom_Whiteman


      You deserve it man, excellent.

    2. cman64


      Love the videos too

  7. Unwhitelisted for no reason... HALP

  8. lol at how the halflings are having a giant snowball fight

    1. Jonificus


      This is nothing to lol about. From what I read, this is some pretty brutal stuff.

      "No crying."

    2. Faunherer


      The Orcs will be watching this battle carefully. Maybe we will learn some lessons in combat from the encounter.

  9. Hey all - check out my Media Team Application and let us all know what you think! https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/115001-hobbinroods-mt-application/

    1. Dalek348


      you're a good lad and I hope we can have lots of halfling adventures to make good material for videos

  10. Just watched Lone Survivor, and I straight cried. Watch it.

    1. hjgklmn0ajuvxc


      Allahu akbar brother, so did I. Such bloodshed from the americans

  11. Does anyone know how long it takes for one to receive their second ss slot?

    1. oblivionsbane


      A day or two of playing for me, so probably about 15-20 hours. (I no life'd when 4.0 first came out lol.)

  12. I miss this community. Gotta come back soon.

    1. Endovelicus


      I loved your vids man!

  13. First LotC video going up tonight!

  14. New video of the server coming up soon!

  15. *insert parting glass as we sail off into the sunset*

  16. New Episode will be up soon - Here's the first in case you missed it!

  17. Episode 2 is out!

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