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Status Replies posted by Nathan_Barnett36

  1. wtf was that GM bias yesterday lmfaooooook

    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      We used our trebs correctly unlike you. We focused all 8 trebs on your 2 trebs it's not like you had a lot of time to fire. Your trebs hit 2 of our trebs so I don't know why you lot are moaning about it. Evidently the gm who did this "enemy" emtoe was firing trebs and doing damage for us so he said enemy so our men would know. Saying enemy in an emote proves nothing. The fact that you focused your trebs on our trebs and not our people is your own fault.Β 

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  2. gf Carnatians. Some good loot too http://imgur.com/Y4qtFH3

    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      It's not exacltly interrogation is it apples. I simply asked if you don't use Xaero what do you use as there is barely any mods for 1.9 as it is, I highly doubt there's one very similar to the one I found.

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  3. gf Carnatians. Some good loot too http://imgur.com/Y4qtFH3

  4. gf Carnatians. Some good loot too http://imgur.com/Y4qtFH3

    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      Yes, I have found the mod that he is using which is Xaero. It seems it does have a radar feature and after watching a video those dots are either players or mobs.

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  5. gf Carnatians. Some good loot too http://imgur.com/Y4qtFH3

    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      Lol it's evident he's using radar. He won't even respond.

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  6. gf Carnatians. Some good loot too http://imgur.com/Y4qtFH3

    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      Nametags don't always mean they're not using radar. Those white and yellow dots indicate where a person is, I believe it picks up NPC's also which is probably why there is so many.

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  7. gf Carnatians. Some good loot too http://imgur.com/Y4qtFH3

    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      And as I stated above, he posted a screeny of him using radar and now I've saved it, ty.

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  8. gf Carnatians. Some good loot too http://imgur.com/Y4qtFH3

    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      Eitherway he shouldn't have and has posted an imgur link of him using radar from minimap mod. This is literally Mal tear.

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  9. gf Carnatians. Some good loot too http://imgur.com/Y4qtFH3

    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      Yes he did, he was in the charge against us, have screeny to prove it.

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  10. gf Carnatians. Some good loot too http://imgur.com/Y4qtFH3

    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      Alright, however I'd like to point out you literally posted a picture of yourself running radar with minimap. And now this status will likely be deleted.

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  11. gf Carnatians. Some good loot too http://imgur.com/Y4qtFH3

    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      Lol we all witnessed it, dunno why u trying to even deny it. He claimed he "crashed".

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  12. gf Carnatians. Some good loot too http://imgur.com/Y4qtFH3

    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      Apples don't forget the fact you combat logged right infront of us.

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  13. 1.9.4 has been delayed by one hour. The server will be going down at 4PM EDT to begin.

  14. wish me luck on my first gcse

  15. Note: Currently we're unsure how to recover peoples inventories, log block doesn't offer that function so they may be lost. Sorry for this issue.Β 

  16. this isnt a real ban is it

  17. Haha, the Old golden crows think I hack apparently!

  18. A guy with a hitler mustach and a duck joins the server, and staff ban people who speak to either of them and threatens to ban anyone who walks close or speaks to them at spawn, and I never saw an application? Special Treatment.

  19. Trying to debate my ban with GMs leads to them debating my arguments, not sending proof of me hacking. Which shows us how my case was handled.


  20. i use hacks on a minecraft roleplay server :/

  21. duping arrows=dwarvish victory

  22. duping arrows=dwarvish victory

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