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Status Replies posted by Nathan_Barnett36

  1. rare pic of tythus eating spaghetti http://puu.sh/jhyjR/820cdc9287.png

  2. -insert high pitched squealing here-

  3. While we're all very much concerned with the recent Kowaman situation, I would like everyone to step back and take into consideration that Bignsxxy is back on LoTC.

  4. What's going on with the server?! Crashes now whitelist!?

  5. Good news, four staff members are on the server, so I think they are slowly opening space for everyone :-)


  7. Dahfawk wrong person banned xD

  8. Dahfawk wrong person banned xD

  9. Dahfawk wrong person banned xD

  10. ban my friends, i kick you out of my skype chat...

  11. lol nathan nice one

  12. Gunna be an awkward dinner at the Barnett's tonight....

  13. Alrighty friends, to explain, there's apparently a raid rule again 'raid baiting' - where you fool the fools to come out, and pound them with more folks, AKA, no ambushes with more than is allowed to raid :/ Where was this for Dunamis? Also, the memes were an issue, keep them for TS.

  14. Alakabam which one is your alt?

  15. Alakabam which one is your alt?

  16. Since all of Oren got banned, the human event is being pushed to 6PM EST. Straight north of Felsen until you hit a mountainous keep. See you there!

  17. Okay, just what the hell happened?

  18. Well that was highly amusing, Something was actually done about the cool kids on the server. Man I wish I were one of you guys

  19. I'm really confused. My previous status update got deleted, I was asking what did Oren do to break community conduct? I don't even know what is going on...

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