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Status Updates posted by Cryptix

  1. Ok I know everyone in the conclave has been on edge lately due to wars, upheaval, and whatnot, but seriously, do we need to resort to drugs? I walk into the Conclave of Malin and the taver has a sign saying it smells of weed smoke and I caught 3 different deals going down in people's backyards, no joke, the entire conclave is high. My char, I will admit had one the previous elven night (it's not yet illegal in anthos, so sue me), but now the conclave literally smells of weed and shady...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FORƎST


      420 420 i got lots of money

      some that purp kush bby yea

    3. Redbaron™
    4. hjgklmn0ajuvxc


      now i know where 2 sell quartz dust

  2. Was in my first battle today, helped the Conclave of Malin take over Malinor. No PvP happened but there was A LOT of people running around yelling, The generals had to tell us not to rape and pillage unless we found Prince Ebs.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MetaSolaray


      DIdn't Prince Ebs already get arrested; no need to rub salt into wounds laddies

    3. MetaSolaray


      DIdn't Prince Ebs already get arrested; no need to rub salt into wounds laddies

    4. Cryptix


      1. that squid was crazy I tell ya! 2. He did, I watched it happen during a "secret" meeting. However that is what he said during the battle...

  3. I have been wearing red, white, and blue leather armor for a while now and recently got killed by zombies in it. I ended up having to kill a red, white, and blue zombie with my fist, definitely a first.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neri


      What's worse is when a zombie drops a sword then another zombie picks it up and before you know it you're being hit for 5 hearts...

    3. hoodmaster906


      Gah the 'murican flag has fallen! Quickly! Brothers get in your fat mobiles RETRIEVE THE FLAG! :D JK I am american.

    4. Cryptix
  4. My char unhooded in malinor for the first time, he's really getting tired of the sentinels harrasing him about it. He really likes the librairy so he's putting up with the law for now.it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eleatic
    3. Cryptix


      Interesting, some of the most dangerous people I know are people that don't wear hoods and seem to be the nicest people. I won't divulge names though.

    4. MetaSolaray


      Hoods are cause for concern :P Though that's how it use to be in all towns, hoods = Arrest

  5. Checked in on old Malinor, and....holy crap, the place in not only overrun but being EATEN by the corruption.

    1. Cryptix


      Oh yeah, and someone warned me not to go there. I'm the type to see something so dangerous that is swallows whole kingdoms and go up to in and poke it whilst noting in my journal the inevitably violent reaction.

    2. Old-Rattlesnake
    3. Ever


      Did you notice the elder trees dying? :P

  6. I need something for Ender to pursue. I've been going for magic but I'll need a teacher and I was told even looking for a teacher was to dangerous to try as it could get me killed and I can't find a way to self teach. Forget it, I'm finding a teacher or knowledge to self teach. I WILL learn magic.

    1. Cryptix


      Note: If anyone tries to stop Ender, the earth will be stained with their blood.

    2. yopplwasupxxx
    3. Cryptix


      No such thing as to much. Not for Ender.

  7. After weeks of asking around and getting no help whatsoever (Thanks a whole friggin lot guys) I finally found this place labeled "Abresi".

    1. Lord of the Nublets
    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Next stop Malinor!

    3. excited


      Haha. I remember that happening to me. Don't worry dude, though, if you need help, /msg me in game :)

  8. I will be going on the road soon and due to the limited data plan I have I will have to take a hiatus from LOTC. I will still be on the forums now and then but multiplayer minecraft is out of the question for now unless I get lucky and find a free wifi hotspot at some truckstop somewhere. (yes, when I say on the road I mean in a tractor-trailor)

    1. Space


      Most truck stops have wifi from my experience. Good luck.

    2. Cryptix


      Only TAs, but the WiFi doesn't let you on the actual internet till you log into an account that you have to pay money for. Rarely is there truly free WiFi, but if I ever find free WiFi I will use it.

  9. I justcrashed again on the server and now it is not connecting, is the server down?

    1. Cryptix


      Nvmd, It came back up, apparently it was resetting just took it's time.

    2. youdude


      Same for me.

  10. Woo! internets are back. Been away a while due to money issues but I hope to get back to RP asap.

  11. DARINIT, I can't connect, it keeps timing out!

    1. hex37


      Mods must be poked.

  12. I just tried to get on the server and it says "bad login", wth does that mean.

    1. Aislin


      Keep trying it will work

  13. Had a great day on the server today. I have nearly a stack of iron and a few diamonds from this chaotic and adventurous day. Apparently only certain people can craft diamond things, I wonder where I can find one of these people...

    1. Dohvi


      You shouldn't have any problems if you stay away from the banned items. If you try to make armor and swords, you lose the diamonds. But most tools should work (unless they changed that and I missed it).

  14. Got my VA (1a, 2a, Neutral Evil) today! Accepted on the first try too, three hours of work really pays off and Ender now has a liscense to kill.

  15. Today: fight in new malinor, interesting pm discussion, added IEEE double accuracy floating point library to my asm OS code for the dcpu-16.

  16. So I went to check on things today (had some extra data) and I noticed the dramatic changes to darkhaven including my lack of a room and all the stuff I had there, I missed something big, didn't I. Anyway, VAs are removed! I already had one but this makes things soo much easier to go about my theiving and spying self without being detected due to the VA in my desc which I needed due to people constantly if I had one to do what I was doing..

  17. YES! I did a lot of adventuring today and it payed off, I got an electromancy tome and am learning said magical art! I'm getting low on minas though, I really need to get off my lazy butt and do some monster hunting.

  18. did the server just quit? can't get back on

  19. Darnit, wont be able to get on today, to much stuff to do and finish. DARN U LIFE!

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