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Everything posted by lawnmowerman

  1. shout out my mucus


  2. wow only need 8 rep x-D

    1. Ducklingator


      i think you're going to get negative rep saying things like x-D

    2. lawnmowerman


      sorry who are you?

  3. @Hero_prodigy my rant against your spamming on my status updates earned me a warning, thank you for contributing to my long awaited ban

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lawnmowerman


      good, ford, strangely enough leaving lotc has motivated me to go run like a *****

    3. Ford


      good. Uninstall all MMOs you might have too, anything that's a video game which can be a total timesink.


      eat lots of protein and greens, do 150 pushups throughout day if you can, swear off candy, alcohol, and junk food to reach your goal quickly

    4. lawnmowerman


      no alcohol is a must

  4. i'm flying to essex rn, give this status update a rep if you want me assault mittosaurus.

    1. mitto


      out of me and @Harrison am i really the greater evil?

    2. lawnmowerman


      harrisons also getting a beating dont ya worry!

    3. lawnmowerman


      @Hero_ stop commenting on all my **** youre an unfunny ***** that only caters to norlandic barbarians, if you want to comment on someones **** repeatedly go for someone like devvy because i will genuinely toast your router into oblivion and pugsy you on the server if you do not **** off.

  5. every time im in the street, i hear YAWK YAWK YAWK YAWK

  6. get me up to 2,600 rep tonight or i come back and play the server

  7. goodbye

    1. lawnmowerman


      get me up to 3,000 rep


  8. do urself a favor leave the server youre one of the few good chaps on here dont come back

  9. *whips out his flintlock and lights it up, shooting you in the head and killing ya!


    1. Esterlen


      *dies "god save you steve"

  10. i miss aegis lima


    you like that?




    if anyone's interested in watching potg's check this stuff out

  13. rep this if you think tahmas was the GOAT admin wise on lotc :)

    1. drfate786


      Vip3r was the better owner.

  14. Telanir [Administrator[

  15. i miss the old kanye

  16. just wanted to say welcome back boogieman


    i aaaaint got timeeeee for lord of the ****



    superior effects im tellin ya!

  19. honestly if you'd accept me, mitto and imattyz for gm you'd have a good server

  20. Full Name: Dirty Harry. Age: Sorry don't know. Residence: Homeless, occasionally I crash in local crappers after I've cleaned them. Prior Experience: I build and can turn coarse dirt into regular dirt.
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