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  1. Well roleplay is dictating to me that the end goal of female roleplay in Oren is being a trophy wife. Is it possible to change the status quo?

    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. Markus Wander

      Markus Wander

      In the MOST obnoxious way possible.

    3. Neri


      Just play a male character. Women will never get anywhere in Oren, been like that since Mog took over. The male dominance thing makes very little sense in a game where orcs and mages exist since any weaknesses women may have in the real world physically are offset by the fact that anyone can shoot ******* fireballs instead of lifting a sword.

    4. Abeam


      Do whatever makes you happy I suppose, I'm just glad the community is getting much better in terms of RP quality, in the past MissPess would of just been kicked out OOCLy, now at least we have fun trial, a massive investigation before hand, with a fantastic set of notes to go along with it, a public execution, and now we can RP in the fallout of said execution

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