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- Aether VIP -
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Status Updates posted by _Jandy_

  1. Im p sure the playerbase has specifically said they didn't want a plague or disease, but hey

  2. In all honesty I'm scared about what Moot is counting down to...

    1. mitto


      counting down by -2 though, for what pvrpose?

    2. Jonificus


      They're releasing the trailer for the LotC show.

  3. internet don't fail me like this in the middle of decent rp.

  4. It's not bandit RP if you call "PVP default"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LatzMomo


      It's not RP if u RP

    3. TrevenT


      its rp if you don't rp

    4. chaotikal


      wait so it is rp if you rp or you dont


    1. Rethai


      It's black and blue. Shut up.

  6. Leave the smaller races alone, now.

  7. Legendary Tinkerer... finally (also, slime blocks!)

  8. Let's flood Athera

  9. Let's just join Poptropica and leave LotC

  10. Looking for a tinkerer! Or anybody willing to sell fishing nets! Let me know.

  11. MAgic Plugin is out, but Admins only open it to their friends...

    1. ShameJax
    2. Fireheart


      Actually it's a pay to use plugin. There will be a new VIP called MASTER VIP. It will allow you to use all magic plugin perks and it will only be $1,000 (jk)

  12. Make a kawaii olog.

  13. Make Pugo AT... seriously he was the most active in WS chat of all the people who have applied probably ever and he had a fine app. Is there a reason he wasn't accepted?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lawnmowerman


      its not just about camping the wandering soul chat lmfao

    3. Rethai


      Janddddy my boy. Here's my view on why I wasn't accepted and left sitting for another round or two. Yes, I am most active in the WS chat, even more active than a lot of the application team, as other AT have said. However, their is a risk to adding me onto the team. I've had a questionable past, and although I haven't been like that by any means recently or over the last several months, their is a possibility that I could loose my cool and ruin my reputation again. It's no...

    4. Rethai


      It's nobody's fault but my own that I had a questionable past... With that being said, thank you for your support and I hope I get it at a later date!

  14. May an FM please move my topic about pelts to the 'Trade' sub-forum, please and thank you

  15. Monthly Skin Contest hype!!!

  16. MT App incoming!

    1. Rethai
    2. Rethai
    3. _Jandy_


      o, you're more toxic than usual today, aren't you?

  17. MT, can you make a video showing donors how to use all of their perks?

  18. Neutrality Achieved

  19. Obama wouldn't do this to the Halflings, because ObamaCares

  20. Orcs begin to store cactus green for 4/20

  21. Powergaming- emoting anything similar to a Mortal Kombat "Fatality"

    1. Endovelicus


      Pretty good sum up tbh

    2. ℤ∃ʁ∅
  22. Pudding cup ideas are making me famous

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