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Status Updates posted by Roggvir

  1. wait so is the entire orenian nation, and every orc on the server, supposed to get a VA?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Archbishop


      If you watch your friend get stabbed you do not need a va to defend him. If you are attacked you do not need a va to defend yourself. Good, get a va for provoked killing. Its better then Amyas going around saying "You follow creator, No?" then you're dead. Thats not provoked thats just stupid.

    3. hellfiazz


      Yes you do Adam. That is provoked killing by definition.

    4. argonian


      1. You do need a VA to defend him. Killing his attacker is provoked killing. Try defending someone against someone's who's armed without using lethal weapons. See how it turns out for you.

      2. Amyas don't even do that m8.

  2. Any decent builders out there?

    1. Tri


      I'm alright.

  3. ausbrig.teamspeak3.com LIVE ISLAMADON FUNERAL

  4. i believe trollers should not be on the gm team

  5. http://strawpoll.me/4079322/r you know the answer...
    1. ausbrig renegade

      ausbrig renegade

      Its only 1 day, make my poll go through :)

  6. "drakehaze is a sexist pig" -tehlulu

  7. cappy gave me statuses back thanks cappy u my main man

  8. hi hello im going to ban you from xbox live unless you verify your credit card info at www.levijeans.com

  9. hi hello how goes your crusade against the muslim invaders in great britain?

  10. justice for my homeboy griff we ride togetha we die togetha

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwkFWSGWcAc remember, black lives matter! *crosses arms and pretends to die*
  12. I am the Dragon. And you call me insane. You are privy to a great becoming, but you recognize nothing. To me, you are a slug in the sun. You are an ant in the afterbirth. It is your nature to do one thing correctly. Before me, you rightly tremble. But, fear is not what you owe me. YOU OWE ME AWE.

  13. hello my name is the meme man repent before me

  14. boomack tapesauce is smiting you RUN

  15. no i will not stop COMMENTING BOOMACK GET OUT OF MY HEAD

  16. mister memegut

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