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Everything posted by RejhaNarok

  1. Trying to look up lore on the fly when someone in RP brings up something you don't know about. #NewPlayerProblems

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Llir


      metametameta. Nah jk. If your character /should/ know it, like it's common knowledge then look it up. If not, then ask in RP :)

    3. RejhaNarok


      I just logged in and there was an orc just immediately in my face yelling "DO YOU APPROVE OF THE ATTACK ON THE DRUIDS" and I'm like ?? what

    4. mucus


      This is where google-fu skills come in handy

  2. So, I've been having sort of a difficult time jumping into the RP, lately. Or really finding out what I should be doing at all. Any pointers from anyone on how to get started?

    1. Space


      Join a guild or some sort of organizstion. Make a character that you can approach random people and talk to.

    2. Jistuma


      Alras is a place with a lot of just every day rp, rp that has no real important meaning but is great to make IC friends and have fun.

  3. Is there a way to see someone's character name over their head instead of their IGN?

  4. Is there a way to see someone's character name over their head instead of their IGN?

    1. Space


      No. Shift click them though.

    2. Arkelos


      Or hover over their name in chat

  5. Server is up!! 8))

  6. 4.0 will be ready when it's ready. Rushing the devs won't result in a better product.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Snoop


      And you honestly think anyone is going to waste their time building a capital on 3.5.5 when it will be just deleted in a month?

    3. RejhaNarok


      No, I don't. I don't expect anyone to build much of anything on 3.5.5. I don't think that's important.

    4. Ivran


      It's mostly the fact that a lot of people have been waiting all year, through most of the school year, and they expected 4.0 to be in the Summer.

  7. If the server isn't up in a half-hour, I'm sicking my vicious attack-cat on you all! If she ever wakes up, that is.

  8. If the server isn't up in a half-hour, I'm sicking my vicious attack-cat on you all! If she ever wakes up, that is.

    1. Mirtok


      I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

    2. RejhaNarok


      No, she's just napping a lot.

    3. nordicg_d


      haha top banter from mirtok

  9. Your Name: Ineesha Vehranda Your Age: 23 Your Race: High Elf If joining as a mage, clarify on who has originally taught you, and for how long you’ve been learning: I have been studying for as long as I can remember. My earliest readings as a child were in the arts of evocation, and in the study of the elements. Exhaustive, pointed study began when I was 18, so 5 years ago. What affinity of magic are you skilled in?: Evocation. Fire evocation the most so. I seek the guild to hone my skills across all elements. -OOC- MC Name: Skype: ask.flameprince When did you join the server?: July 2 If applying as a mage, list your magic type and state when you have begun learning it: Both were addressed in the IC section.
  10. I don't know why people are anything but excited for 3.5.5. It means that we're gonna get our hands on the plugins, and 4.0 must be right around the corner. Seems like just a positive thing!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RejhaNarok


      I'm a little bias, I guess, being that I got accepted last night and still haven't been able to RP. The new map sort of is awesome for me, meaning that I'm on equal footing with everyone. I joined at a great time!

    3. shiftnative


      Indeed you did Rejha - feel free to PM me what you think about the plugins and whatnot once we switch pal

    4. Anderssn
  11. I've been refreshing the forum every 30 seconds for almost 8 hours now, I think i need to occupy myself with something other than waiting for the server, lol.

    1. youdude


      Freind, welcome to my world.

  12. Just to bump a small point in the OP: This was not a proposition for IG genocide, it was just the OP mulling over the notion for hypothetical purposes. Some of the posts I've seen have slightly antagonizing undertones, just wanted to lay that to rest a bit, if I read them right.
  13. I think that if it were just a fantasy story being told to someone, and not a dynamic interactive world, then sure, genocide is a very compelling story route to go in. However, It would be very unfair to anyone within the race of players who the genocide is taking place against, and would make the game a lot less fun for them, imo. It's a compelling story idea on paper, but in practice I think it would degrade things in the game.
  14. As a LotC greenhorn, I'm a little confused on 4.0. What is it? When is it coming out? How will it affect me? Yadda yadda. All I know is that I should be excited for it. 8)

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. RejhaNarok


      And it does help a lot, Sam, thank you!

      On top of that, if I can redirect the conversation without spamming a new topic, how precisely can I get some gear? I got killed twice this morning by spiders in Tahn'siol because I had literally nothing to work with. I'm a bit at a loss with how to proceed.

    3. youdude
    4. Katherine1


      As for your question about the magic system, prior to the mechanical standard and particularly back in RP default, magic was heavily regulated OOC, and was handled entirely by RP. Abuse of magic would get the magic revoked. Now with both gone. We're sort of self policing until the magic plugin in 4.0.

  15. Hopin' for the server to go up soon, so I can get to the RP!

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