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Everything posted by Lubbie

  1. In case any of you remember the Viridian Pub https://gyazo.com/570107ae922678f0a9437cbf7019435b

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      Great news for you all then, there's a new one but it's hidden

    3. Lubbie


      Can confirm^

    4. Privet


      found it on dynmap, already sending raid-brigade

  2. Nicolas smiles as he see's Kale's application. He rolls it up and goes to deliver her acceptance letter in person
  3. I've claimed Hb's head

  4. So its 12:20 am, and I have 7 tabs of youtube songs all about white power, how black people are racist, and the south. God Bless Hillsand

    1. Your Favorite Impure
    2. Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Guy d'Yood of Mann

      You're makin' Dixiestan proud son.

  5. Cultist application: MC Name: NicktheRed20 Character Name: Nicolas 'Art' Fireblade Why do you want to be a Dread Knight?: It seems like a pretty fun guild with rp that I haven't really experienced before. So I feel like this would be a pretty good thing. As for my persona, he has been drifting down to darker paths and thinks that this would be the suit of action for him Do you understand that you cannot go against the Dread Lord's orders as a Dread Knight?: But of course Time zone: PST Skype Name (You can PM it to me privately): nickblake11
  6. Nicolas would remind Ecthallion there is no H in his name!
  7. A man in a Blackwood cloak comes up to Faelor "So you're the new recruit hmm? Well I guess we are in need of members. Follow me and I'll get you situated within the fort"
  8. Nicolas smiles as he gives Kelian a handshake "Well this will surely be a good adventure"
  9. Going on a ship to hunt the Devourer. I need to hold someone's hand

  10. Malgy, come on. Find some new rp lmao

  11. Server is kill, am forced to go into the real world.

    1. Matheus


      But what if server is not kill?

  12. Given Name: Nicolas 'Art' Fireblade True Name (MC Name): NicktheRed20 (Skype Name): nickblake11 Race? Human Doth ye aspire the path of The Knight, The Mechanist or The Magician? The Knight, although am eager to learn any from of Magic. Doth ye solemnly swear to protect your Crimson Heart brethren? I do!
  13. Thinking of starting a high elf. Is anyone looking for a specific member of their family? Will be happy to oblige :)

    1. Samler


      Sly_F0x is always looking to my knowledge.

    2. Guy d'Yood of Mann
  14. Is Lark not a GM anymore?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. El Ricktador
    3. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan


    4. Taylor
  15. Character Name: Nicolas 'Art' Fireblade Character Age: 33? IGN: NicktheRed20 Timezone: PST
  16. Maolcchio just gained like 10 cool points

    1. Lubbie



    2. Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Eh. Sounds like the Cats are in good hands, then.

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