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Everything posted by Lubbie

  1. Student Application: ((OOC)) IGN: NickheRed20 Skype (if you have one): You have it ((IC)) Name: Nicolas 'Art' Fireblade Race: Human Age (Must be age 13 or higher. if younger, must have permission from an adult.):32 Classes wanting to attend: Business Journalism Do you promise to follow all the rules: Yes Why do you wish to attend: Writing was always a passion of mine, and this would be a great way to interact with others within Sutica
  2. Kick and Snares, coming to you live from Sutica

    1. The Great Mongol Khan

      The Great Mongol Khan

      We play good music for you. We love you long time. Good night Oren.

  3. Teacher Application: ((OOC)) IGN: NicktheRed20 Skype (if you have one): nickblake11 ((IC)) Name: Nicolas 'Art' Fireblade Race: Human Age: 32 Will this be a one time class, or a reccurring class: Reoccurring Class(es) wanting to Teach: Singing! Do you promise to follow all the rules: Yes
  4. Application MC-Name: NicktheRed20 RP-Name: Nicolas 'Art' Fireblade Skype: (Pm if you desire) nickblake11 Profession: Enchanter, Farmer, Chef Have you teamspeak?: (It's not optional.) Yes Time-zone: PST Do you agree to our PK Agreement stated below?: Yes
  5. Hi, I'm Nick, and I take too many honors and AP classes ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gnomemancy


      Join the club :(

    3. Narthok


      International Bachelaureate its AP on steroids 

    4. Moochael


      Yeah, it has two stages MYP and DYP

      I'm currently in MYP (9th-10th grade), and it is kinda hard, but isn't as bad as DYP... My older brother is in DYP (11th to 12th) and he literally spends so many hours a night doing homework, studying, and projects. A senior told me in 11th grade you WILL cry...


  6. Do you pump iron bruh?

  7. It was a good weekend :) Good night all

  8. Getting a tattoo over winter break :D

  9. "I type my ERP with one hand" Sythan

    1. Sythan


      I. . .  I've go nothing

    2. K00l


      You know where that other hand is. In the chip bowl.

  10. I fell in the lava, I lost my book, my mask. I cried, I saw other people fall, I kept crying

  11. Name (Leave IG name as well): Nicolas 'Art' Fireblade ((NicktheRed20)) Race: Human, Heartlander Gender: Male Skills: Enchanting, Archery, Short Swords Do you meet the criteria to join Hallowvale Contracting?: Aye! Leave an address for a return letter of accepted: Redwood
  12. Got kicked out of welves for being a former Storm Sword ;~;

    1. Heff


      lmao the storm swords

  13. Soul chat.. Im so sorry

    1. Birdnerdy


      is that a wild nickthered I see? 

    2. Lubbie


      Are you still trapped in your cage?


    3. Birdnerdy


      I was freed! 

  14. Storm Sword Revival incoming (not really)(well maybe)

    1. Narthok


      Funny joke

    2. Mj.


      never again

    3. Crowbill


      Please no...

  15. So I've been away for a while, but been on the forums here and there. I have a question though: Why doesn't LotC progress more into the "future?" Make more innovations, anything of the sort. We've been in medieval times for quite a bit now. Just a suggestion, any feedback would be great.

  16. It's Sam's Birfday!

  17. So what happened while I was gone?

  18. Preferred the old one

  19. Anyone that followed the transfer deadline day; did David de Gea get transferred or not?

  20. Application: MC Name: NicktheRed20 Race: Human Skype (PM if you’d like): You have it Do you have Teamspeak? Yessir
  21. As of now, we took part in three warclaims. The ending of the Dwarven civil war, and the last two battles of the human civil war. If you haven't fought, I doubt you would've seen us
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