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Status Updates posted by Balch

  1. there are too many foreigners in my america grrr

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LPT
    3. Balch


      shut up commie

    4. LPT


      I'll have you know I'm a neo stalinist. u pleb. ;)

  2. if youre bored with reg. eggs, do this. add pesto(basil), sockeye salmon, pepperoni, cheddar cheese and three eggs together to make something good. scramble it after it is all cooked.

    1. Balch


      I'm poor, don't judge

    2. Narthok


      That sounds like far too much work for me to engage in to prepare food

    3. Kickstarted and Running
  3. LeoWarrior is banned! Quickly, throw another coup d'état while you still have the chance!

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      I dont think half these lads ever touched a basketball or anything. They don't know sportsmanship mate!

  4. Happy MLK Day!

    1. Rael
    2. Lima


      He spelt milk wrong.

  5. Let's hope we have a good fight without any flaming afterwards.

    1. Aryon


      lol youre way too hopeful

    2. Sambosefus


      You can do it guys, I believe in you!

  6. Apparently one of the admins Cappy has left the server? O_o

  7. You know an application is going to be good when the username or character name of the applicant contains "Kirito" in it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kim


      Just look at all the people who stole full on characters and put them in game :)

    3. KarmaDelta


      Like Keem here

    4. Kim


      Karma why must you stalk me I've done nothing wrong !_!

  8. Im really liking the server so far! I've had a lot of fun with the elves and humans. Maybe someday I'll also make a dwarf

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TavernLich
    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Except me. If you ask me you'll probably be getting poor advice because I'm a bad influence grrr trol

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Except me. If you ask me you'll probably be getting poor advice because I'm a bad influence grrr trol

  9. can someone give me the download for mpm?

  10. in order to improve eyesight, why dont optometrists just make glasses out of carrots? ******* idiots.

  11. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

  12. Until all this forum drama settles down, I'm going to go ahead and grab a bong, sit in my computer chair, open up a new window, go to reddit/4chan and smoke some dank memes. Peace.

  13. Occasionally I do enjoy a good meme. Life can get stressful

    1. LPT


      Can it be dank?

  14. Still not implemented...? What's going on, I've been accepted and everything.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Balch


      I am implemented. Just not...whitelisted?

    3. James


      You might of entered your username incorrectly, pm the admin that implemented your mc account.

    4. Sambosefus


      Yeah that is what implementation is. You can always get on the server but to begin roleplaying you have to wait until a GM will whitelist you. Like I said it could take a while. Hope you can hold out!

  15. er, I was implemented, but im still a wandering soul...?

    1. AGiantPie


      Next restart should re-load the whitelist.

  16. sort of annoying when one of the application team puts you on pending, then you make the changes, then, even when they're online, they act like your app isn't there, even though you sent them a message.

    1. Merkaken


      They have other apps to work on. This won't help you.

    2. gam


      ex-AT here you gotta remember we got lives and stuff to do as well not to mention that we like to have fun with the game too. theyll get to it within the day most likely don't worry bud, just please try to be kinder in the future statuses like this dont help anybody :)

    3. Balch


      yeah, it's been done with. thanks : )

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