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Status Updates posted by AC

  1. Is MPM still a server thing? If so what version of minecraft and MPM?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ragadorus


      Adjusting things in the interface doesn't change how your model is displayed.

    3. AC


      Thanks guys!

    4. Sythan


      The newest update works for me. And I can see othe people who use it.. *shrugs*

  2. Is there any way to transfer my VIPdom to my alt?

  3. Why us? Q_Q

    1. Koger


      What do you mean?

    2. mitto


      i bet ur an ice lesbian

    3. zaezae




  4. What do humans wear? I want to make a human but my clothing skinning abilities are limited to the High Elves.

    1. Trinn


      peasant clothing.

      I'm joking - depends if you want to be poor or rich :/

    2. Ark


      Depends which social class. Merchants or nobility might wear silks and stuff, peasents might use wool, straw, simple materials.

  5. If minas are the only currency, do Sandminas exist?

    1. Slayy


      This is why we don't let you leave the berg

    2. kingnothing
  6. Does anyone else just, you know, not sleep?

    1. Nolan_


      What you talking about *says the guy who hasn't fallen asleep till 5 in the morning*

  7. I've made some art of the most notable characters in Fallout:New Vegas to commemorate Fallout 4's announcement. http://imgur.com/a/k9lxq

    1. RK9ify


      Best art eva.

  8. Dear fellow RPers, if you ever see my character abruptly look right, it is because I tried to switch monitors but forgot to hit 'T'.

    1. Lita


      You are not alone in this pain, friend.

  9. Server goes down. I manage 42-0 Timbersaw.

    1. Arctic_Guard


      Heh heh, Bloodstone! Chop chop chop!

      Timbersaw is by far the most fun.

  10. Everytime intense stuff is going down...

    1. sullincollivan


      hahah seriously, I'm in the middle of a fight with a pack of amber wolves.  No chill, restart.

  11. Hooray for an entire night of watching fireworks!

  12. Why can't Kowa and Tythus just rap battle to see who is right?

  13. *Jumps a bit as a random person charges you and goes afk next to you.*

  14. Shields are actually super cool.

  15. Pls second server for warclaims.

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