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mitch dharma

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Status Updates posted by mitch dharma

  1. Madness has had its day.

  2. sammy_savoy and percival staunton were once worst enemies... will things change?? 

    1. Vege


      *music intensifies*

  3. Thought of you - think you'll like it 

    1. Savoyard


      What a great song. Hats off to you, Mitch!

  4. Been trying my hand at skinning, I need some opinions on the shading here. https://gyazo.com/4a2c3b1e7d4f29ba1869fda6194cf62c

    1. Bardmancer


      I like it! Though the bottom of the middle bit on the back of the head should be darker to match the surrounding lack of brightness.

    2. Pav33


      Pretty good! Just remember to add some layering to make it less flat.

  5. looking to maybe make an elf, anyone have a house or something I could join 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EdgyMagey
    3. Harri


      mitch r u ok??

    4. Cleggmire_


      You know, I wanted to be an elf one day, just so I can truly... find pleasure in special elven mates


  6. yo any1 play league on na?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. mitch dharma

      mitch dharma

      added u guys who listed usernames, my user is mitchymitchmitch if any1 else wants to play a few rounds here and there sometime 

    3. Aislin


      my username is Aislinz i play top or jungle usually

    4. Narthok


      would be cool to play 5s

  7. i can't tell if combustionary is really good at his job or if he's just ban happy.. this is like his third killing spree


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