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ausbrig renegade

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Status Updates posted by ausbrig renegade

  1. Keep Creepin'. It shows your excess free time.Keep Creepin'. It shows your excess free time.

  2. Mourning the loss of a good friend, a good raid leader and a good man.

  3. Gunna be an awkward dinner at the Barnett's tonight....

    1. ShameJax


      One of them will be grounded again probably.

    2. Nathan_Barnett36


      Its 10pm already.

  4. Dwarven/Orcish raiding party inbound as well as Aesterwald returning during the ban period, we fucked up lads.

  5. Tasmanian Devils...

  6. Always chatbombed never eradicated

  7. http://gyazo.com/abdef797bef9e6bb3c306fbef46399c6 new maps goin pretty well i reckon
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nolan_


      oh uh, they're iron sets but just look like diamond for sure

    3. Space


      Or just a screenshot from somewhere other than LotC.

    4. ausbrig renegade
  8. Duel plugin when?????

    1. Pureimp10


      When the magic plugin comes out!

  9. so glad to be off athera **** map

    1. Anderssn


      Yeah those ships are amazing!!!!!

  10. rip house, served me well

  11. http://gyazo.com/79cd8cd2cf8b765668b231344d663f7b why the **** is this on the server?
    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. zaezae


      Am I the only one who thinks that literally no one actually cares and everyone is being dramatic on purpose?

    3. ausbrig renegade

      ausbrig renegade

      i dont rlly care either but ppl got pretty flustered at my reaction to their precious hentai

    4. Nug
  12. big mistake friendos

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