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ausbrig renegade

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Everything posted by ausbrig renegade

  1. AP on thursday, god help me

  2. Esports aren't sports, go outside

  3. Paying big for a human skin, pm me and we can work out the details.

  4. Death will come to those who removed the notable men from the wiki list...

  5. Daily reminder, being a weeaboo ironically, or being like "Oh well weeaboo xd meme" still makes you a weeaboo.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Heff



    3. Sky


      Daily reminder that hating weeaboos gives them attention, the thing they want.

    4. Quartzen


      ave memes

  6. if I see 1 more status deleted someone is gunna pay....

  7. Riot in the streets of SF protesting the banning of Gurbanguly.

  8. Why should we make a new one when Aeldin is fine except for some idiotic LM's who feel like it will break their circle jerk?
  9. Lore team needs to take a train to my campgrounds, its a lot of fun guys :DD

  10. Where is ol Benny when there is a chimpout of this scale?

    1. Avacyn


      wehrmacht ladies at

  11. ayyy lmao 1 week done

  12. Awald flame baiting is pretty poor gotta say...

  13. Help I am being oppressed by an austrian cuckold.

  14. "The Savoyards know, shut it down." - Menarra

  15. Who would have guessed the staff make another cancerous addition to the rules! yay!

  16. tfw normies come on your board

  17. Application OOC MCname: lunarmyth IC Name: Daniel Brown Age: 7 Race: dark elf halfling hybrid
  18. [4/1/2015 4:57:45 PM] Connor: That's a... Convince the staff to tell Oren to **** off, issue. Absolutely Disgusting

  19. Selling steam keys, pm me the game you're interested and I will try to hook it up.

    1. ausbrig renegade

      ausbrig renegade

      also got lots of virus protection, good ****.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ausbrig renegade

      ausbrig renegade

      Sorry I don't read kowaman posts, I ignore Kowaman posters, and I hide kowaman threads.

    3. monkeypoacher


      kowaman is a memer

    4. Lubbie


      He must be from the south

  20. Wicked ad campaign tbh

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